
Tuesday 11 September 2012

Bold stripes at the school gates

This week has seen me stomping back and forth from Ethan's new pre-school.  You can read all about that here.  I want to be comfortable for all that walking, and also in what I think of as "easy to hug in" clothes..  I know that might seem a strange requirement, but some of my more funky/adventurous looks involve more delicate clothing or massive amounts of jewellery which don't really work well when you want to hug and kiss your three year old - which obviously I want to be able to to unhindered when dropping him off at pre-school!  Sooooo... I've been in comfy outfits.  I don't want to look dowdy or boring though!  This is where this dress comes up trumps.

I adore this dress.  I actually fell in love with it when it was stocked in H&M a few seasons back.  I'm not sure whether it was last year or the year before, but I loved it from afar.  I never tracked it down in my size though, and eventually forgot all about it.  Until I stepped into a branch of Oxfam last week and saw one on the rack IN MY SIZE!! Whoop whoop!! I tried it on and was so happy.  It looked like it had hardly been worn at all, so without hesitation, it came home with me and we've been the best of friends ever since.

It's so comfy and yet so bright.  I feel happy, happy, HAPPY when I'm wearing it.

Dress - H&M via Oxfam
Uggs - Macy's
Bag - Marc Jacobs
Bracelet - H&M
Sunglasses - TKMaxx
Earrings - eBay
Necklace - Stella & Dot

It was so chilly here on Tuesday morning I teamed it with my precious short Uggs (bought on honeymoon in America 4 years ago almost exactly!).  I'm not sure they are the best footwear for this dress, but again, they are comfy and make me happy.  I don't think I'll ever be able to throw these Uggs away.  The fact I bought them on honeymoon, that they travelled through 9 states in America with us and then all the way back home. Nope, I'm never parting with them!

Someone pay for me to go back to America - I want to go back soooooo badly!

Linking up today with Transatlantic Blonde & The Pleated Poppy.


  1. I love the jewelry and the shades, a bit of a boho feel. Really glam for the school gate!

    1. You're right! It does have a bit of a boho feel!! Thank you :) It was lovely to meet you the other night as well!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i love this dress, and it looks great on you! i think i need one just like it in my closet. :)

    delirious rhapsody

    1. Thank you! Well.. you never know, one might pop up somewhere just like mine did!

  4. This dress is too FAB! LOVE it!

    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  5. Love the dress! Horizontal stripes are not my friend lol.

    ✯Transatlantic Blonde✯


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