Friday, 3 March 2017

A poem

For the last month I've been attending a creative writing course.  I've always liked to write, that's why I've had blogs for so many years.. I like to write poetry though I don't think I've ever shared any of my own poems here.  I'm under no illusion that I am a skilled poet.  It's a process, something that, with practice, hopefully you improve at!  But I don't write poems for any reason other than I enjoy doing so and I find it an effective way of expressing myself.  This week at my writing class I shared a poem I wrote and I thought I'd share it here too.  So, here goes.

Voices in my head - A Villanelle 

A cacophony of voices in my head
I don't want to hear what they say
In truth, it doesn't matter what is said

Care for the boys, ensure they are fed
Be present for them; that's what will pay
A cacophony of voices in my head

Through coping, anxiety pools like lead
Ignore the voices, get through the day
In truth, it doesn't matter what is said 

How do I fill time? It fills me with dread
Chores, tasks, coercion; still I hear what they say
A cacophony of voices in my head

Stop fighting! Be Kind! My patients hangs by a thread
Occasional pockets of enjoyment though tempers still fray
In truth, it doesn't matter what is said

I still watch the clock, longing for bed
And when finally I rest, the diminish of the day
A cacophony of voices in my head
In truth, it doesn't matter what is said. 

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