Friday, 21 October 2016

One for One Toy & Clothing Campaign with Natural Baby Shower

Looking through the spam folder of my email this morning I happened upon an email telling me all about this lovely campaign from Natural Baby Shower.  I am so glad I found this email, it could have been missed.  It's a wonderful idea.  For every Finn & Emma knitted toy or item of  Woodland Clothing sold between now and December 2016 Natural Baby Shower will donate like for like to a fantastic charity, REFUGE.  Here's a little more about it:

Natural Baby Shower Launch One for One Toy and Clothing Campaign

Natural Baby Shower are excited to announce the launch of their One for One campaign. During this campaign, for every Finn + Emma organic hand knitted toy or item of Woodland clothing sold between the 01st of October and December, Natural Baby Shower will be donating a like-for-like toy or piece of clothing to mother and baby REFUGE charities across the UK in time for Christmas.

Finn + Emma produce beautiful high quality natural products in stunning ranges that strike a balance of stylish and sustainable, classic and contemporary and whimsical and sophisticated.

All Finn + Emma’s toys and clothing are made from 100% G.O.T.S. certified organic cotton and eco-friendly dyes and all the toys are hand-knit or made from untreated wood. All their products are manufactured in fair-trade settings that focus on social and economic independence for local people and especially for women.

Boring designs and toxic chemicals are a thing of the past whilst modern colours and fresh prints are abundant alongside heirloom quality construction. If you love style as much as sustainability, with Finn + Emma there is no reason to have to choose between the two.

Finn + Emma are sold exclusively through leading online retailer of ethical and eco-friendly baby products, Natural Baby Shower. You can view the full collection at

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Spring in Autumn

Spring in Autumn.  What am I on about?  Well.  I got dressed this morning and the dress I put on, if I'm honest, it looked more like a dress for a Spring day than an Autumn one.  Having said that, today is particularly beautiful in this part of the country.  The exact kind of Autumn day you dream about.  Crisp air, colourful leaves in the trees, no rain and blue skies.  So I suppose, if it weren't for the leaves around my feet I could be fooled into thinking it was a little spring like out there.  If it weren't for the smell in the air as well...  Do you find the air smells different season to season?  I know I do.

Fashion Blogger Autumn Style Yumi Colourful tights Cherry Blossom

I like this dress.  It hangs in my wardrobe (which is bursting at the seems..) and doesn't come out very often.  It's one of those dresses, when I put it on, I'm not sure whether I like how it looks on my or not.  Today I like it.  And it suits the bright blue sky.  So whilst it has cherry blossom splashed all over it, it feels lovely and bright, just like the weather.  I'll take that..  Stick a pair of tights under and cardi over the top, I think it still works!

Smile woman!

Fashion Blogger Autumn Style Yumi Colourful tights Cherry Blossom

Dress - Who knows! Sorry...
Cardigan - Yumi
Tights - Ebay
Belt - H&M

Do you ever wear clothes that don't seem quite right for season but go with it anyway?  Oh, and before you comment. Yes, I am wearing my slippers.  I'm in my house! No shoes in the house!! Perhaps I should change the title of this blog to "Style in Slippers".  Or "Slip into Style".  Perhaps "Style V Comfort"?.  Hmmmm....

**Linking up with lovely Not Dressed As Lamb for #iwillwearwhatilike**

Thursday, 6 October 2016

The boys' Saturday Style

I am an avid clothing lover.  I love clothes and accessories for myself and the boys.  I usually can't wait to make a few choice purchases from Beau Loves, BoBo Choses & Mini Rodini every season.  But I have to be honest.  AW16 sees me strapped for cash.  Or, if I'm honest, less likely to rack up debt just to have the latest styles.  I find it hard. Rationalising my desire to buy them some gorgeous items from the new collections against knowing that it's expensive and they probably don't "need" them.  The urge to click is strong... and the design is strong this season too..  The deer print from Mini Rodini and the whole of the Beau Loves collection.. it's got me twitching my finger over the "at to shopping cart" button..  So far, I have resisted.

This means the boys are rocking much the same stuff they have all year long.  It's not exactly a hardship.  My boys have heaps of clothes.  Like a crazy amount.  The have wardrobes bursting at the doors and draws that really don't like closing or opening.  It does make it difficult for blogging about their clothes though.  So.. Today, I'm not sharing new styles or clothes with you.  I'm just sharing how we're mixing them up.  And I happen to think the boys still look pretty awesome!

Mini Rodini, Metsola, Moromini, Zara, Hatley, George at Asda, Kids Fashion, Boys Fashion

Mini Rodini, Metsola, Moromini, Zara, Hatley, George at Asda, Kids Fashion, Boys Fashion

Mini Rodini, Metsola, Moromini, Zara, Hatley, George at Asda, Kids Fashion, Boys Fashion

Ethan Wears:

Stripy Coat - Hatley
Skeleton print leggings - George @ Asda

Felix Wears:

Stripy Coat - Mini Rodini
Raindrop top - Metsola
Trousers - Moromini at Funky Little People
Trainers - Zara

What do you think.  Have they still got it?

Linking up today with Hannah for Funky Kid Friday.