Firstly let me apologise for my last post - it was lazy! In my defence I was keen to post again but tired..
OK. On to today. It's been a good week bargain wise so far. On Monday I had an email from Threadless which mentioned that they had free postage if ordering one or more kids item. Hurray I thought! I've loved Threadless tees for years and have a few for Ethan already. But more? Yes please! I was very restrained and only added one to my cart and also one for me . I selected free delivery, paid via paypal and then it all went wrong. My order didn't go through properly :-( Turns out I wasn't the only one with this problem though, and Threadless dealt with it really promptly and offered all those affected $10 off! So, all in all, the two tees have cost me just over £10 including the postage! Total bargain for something so original and unusual over here in the UK. I know Ethan will get loads of compliments when wearing his!
My second bargains of the week are these rather eye-catching Katvig numbers:
Second hand via ebay, they are used but in excellent condition. Ethan's already worn the shorts and I love them on him:

Apologies for the photos being in the wrong order, but blogger is having some sort of fit and won't let me move them around! Anyhoo.... I'm very pleased with them. I think what I like most about the Katvig clothes I have more Ethan is how soft they are, and how well they wash. Especially as I mostly buy them second hand - you'd never realise it!
I also finally won a Moonkids item on ebay - some gorgeous blue and white striped overalls ( ) - age 2 so it'll be a while before he can wear them. They are so funky and 70s looking! I've lusted over them for ages. Pics when they arrive!
My third bargain of the week thus far? Charity shop haul!! I found a bag of 100 play balls (the kind you get in ball pits) for £2.50. Here's Ethan enjoying them:
I also got this funky pottery jug - I thought it would go well with the container I keep my herbal teabags in (from a local potter Liz Riley ) In fact, you can see Liz's piece in the second photo:
Finally, I found one other bargain in the Charity shop, a dress for me! The retro pattern caught my eye. It's originally New Look, so not some exciting designer or genuinely old piece, but I like it. Please excuse my terrible dead expression in the photo!!

Now I'm going to go a few days back in time and talk about our weekend just gone- and not from a clothing point of view. We spent Saturday at the Habourside Festival in Bristol. It was heaving by well worth a visit. If we hadn't had Ethan with us, I expect we would have stayed until the evening as they have a rather huge firework display, but we still enjoyed our day there. Lots of stalls to peruse. We had some veggie buritos which were average (boo) and some tasty shakes. We met up with Phil and Leni. Best of all though I think was sitting around in Queens Square and enjoying the live (free!) music. We really enjoyed Siddy Bennett. Her lyrics were in-depth and her voice very deep and lovely to listen to. Here's a link to her facebook . OK - some pics from the day!
I've a few more photos to add from the weekend - here's a stupid photo of me inside our old TV cabinet - we finally got a new gorgeous wooden one so had to dismalness our crappy old one, and I thought I'd get in you do!
On Sunday we enjoyed the traditional weekend fodder of eggy bread and spent the afternoon hanging out with the grand parentals. In the pic of Ethan with Timmy the dog (who was my cousins, then mine, and now his and is nearly 40 years old bless him!) the lens cover got caught by I quite like the effect:
Finally, here's Ethan in my favourite childhood tree, the one I used to sit in at the end of my parents garden in the orchard and contemplate the world. It's an old tree now (well, as apple trees go - probably 40 ish by now) and it's on it's last legs (or roots?!). Dad is going to chop it down soon so I really want a photo of Ethan in it. Then we will ceremoniously burn the wood in our pizza oven. Here he is:
OK, I think that's all for tonight!