I mentioned recently that I've been suffering a lot with various leg aches and pains and discovered a rather large varicose vein. Well, these issues had me googling like a mad thing in an attempt to find a way to relieve my symptoms. My searches lead me to compression tights. Something I'd never even heard of before - I think the closest I heard about are the stockings you get given before surgery or flight socks... I've been introduced to a whole new world of comfort!
I must admit I was sceptical - a pair of tights that would actually make my legs feel better? Really? Cost was quite a surprise as well, compression tights seem to start from the £20 mark (for a decent pair that actually work) and go upwards to around £40. There are various sites that stock them and a few different companies who make them. I decided I wanted to use someone reputable and who actually specialise in this area. For that reason, I chose to buy from PebbleUK. PebbleUK are "a Cambridgeshire based online retailer who specialise in therapeutic hosiery and underwear". Just what I needed.
After careful consideration, I decided to go for a pair of Solidea maternity support tights with 18-21 mmHGg (mmHg is the measurement for compression, it means millimetres of mercury). The aches and pains I've been suffering from have been quite considerable so I wanted to go for tights with a decent level of mmHg and the reviews I'd found online for the Solidea tights were good. These tights set me back £29.70 including postage so I was hoping for a lot...
My tights arrived on Monday this week after ordering at the weekend, pretty good I thought. I have to say that the PebbleUK customer service was excellent, they sent an email every time something progressed with my order which was very reassuring.
I tried my tights on for the first time on Tuesday. Putting them on was quite amusing. I knew it was going to be quite tricky. Obviously you want to avoid snagging or laddering the tights (especially at this price!) so I was very careful. The hardest part to fit is your foot. Once you've gently got your foot fully into the tights it's quite easy to pull the rest of them up your legs and then adjust accordingly I didn't feel immediate relief but I can honestly say that within a few hours of wearing the tights I was feeling better and since Tuesday I've worn the tights every day and my legs are much less painful. I can tell the tights are suppressing my varicose vein as well which is good news. My legs/hips still cause me discomfort at night time, but once I've got my tights on in the day I am SO much more comfortable. Less achy. I feel more supported. My bump as well feels supported.
As I'm not above embarrassing myself, I'm going to include a photo of me in the tights so you can see for yourself what they look like. Please excuse my pregnant body!!
I'm really pleased with these tights. Yes, they were expensive but the comfort I get from wearing them is more than worth the expense.
Pregnant ladies, if you are suffering at all from varicose veins, achy legs, pelvic pain, restless leg syndrom, get yourself a pair of these tights! I really don't think you'll regret it!
I'm linking this up with Mum's Make Lists who has a lovely new Mum/pregnancy related Linky.
**This is NOT a sponsored post. I bought these tights myself. I have not been compensated and all views expressed are my own**
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Spring Maternity Fashion
OK, OK, I know, it's only February, it's still flipping cold and it's not spring.. but the sun has got me feeling a little spring like, so I've been embracing it!
I am 27, nearly 28 weeks pregnant now and getting more and more fed up with maternity clothing. All my maternity jeans are annoying me now so I'm in skirts/dresses/leggings ALL THE TIME. Which is fine, but I don't have that many dresses that fit. Just a few maternity ones. It's getting to that stage in the pregnancy now where despite being at my biggest (well, obviously I'll be getting bigger, but you know what I mean) and most at need of maternity clothing, it doesn't feel like it's worth buying any more. I don't know.. I will have to buy some more tights I think because I'm wearing my current ones so much they are getting baggy and I can't hack wearing my normal ones, they make me feel nauseas I think I need a couple of pairs of new leggings as well, maybe a 3/4 length pair for when it gets a little warmer (remember that heatwave we had last March - what if we have another one of those!) and maybe a coloured pair.. Other than that, I think I'll be trying to make do with what I've got. That does mean I'll have less to post style wise though, so if I go a bit quiet, it's only because I don't want to bore you with the same tops/dresses each week!
Yesterday I riffled through my wardrobe and decided to try on one of my pre-pregnancy dresses just in case it fitted. It did! Not only that, I think it looked pretty good, and it made me feel spring like, just like I wanted. I teamed it with my gorgeous bright Stella & Dot scarf (you can buy Stella & Dot via me if you like, just ask!), my denim jacket and my comfy clarks flats. It felt so nice to bust out some colour and pattern. My goodness, I'm really missing my regular wardrobe!
Not long now...
Pregnancy wise, I'm feeling the strain. I am in pain all day and night, it never eases. My hips/pelvis are achy and walking is becoming hard. I'm not sleeping well... moan moan! I discovered a horrible varicose vein at the back of my left leg last week which nearly brought me to tears. I love dresses that are above the knee and can't bare the thought of not being able to get my legs out in the summer, so I'm really hoping that it'll get better once I've given birth. It should do. In the meantime, I'm looking for compression tights to help me out... they are £20 a pop though!! Combined with my desperate need for a new bra (my boobs are such an awkward size due to small back/large cupsize) I am going to be bankrupt before this baby gets here...
The nesting is kicking in big time. I'm itching to get baby's room all sorted out but I can't until we move the sofa out of there. Don't know when that will be. I just want to get the sofa out, cot up, chest of draws in, get rid of the old chest of draws, put all the baby clothes away and then get on with the fun stuff - prettyfying the room!! I've got some beautiful artwork and decals to go up. I need to get some bunting and more shelves... I WANT TO NEST PROPERLY!!
Are you pregnant? How are you coping? Are you staying stylish? Let me know!
This post will be linked up with Transatlantic Blonde, The Pleated Poppy, Watch What I'm Wearing, Kiwi Women's Style, Sunday Style @ Plane Pretty and Visible Monday with Pati from Not Dead Yet Fashion.
I am 27, nearly 28 weeks pregnant now and getting more and more fed up with maternity clothing. All my maternity jeans are annoying me now so I'm in skirts/dresses/leggings ALL THE TIME. Which is fine, but I don't have that many dresses that fit. Just a few maternity ones. It's getting to that stage in the pregnancy now where despite being at my biggest (well, obviously I'll be getting bigger, but you know what I mean) and most at need of maternity clothing, it doesn't feel like it's worth buying any more. I don't know.. I will have to buy some more tights I think because I'm wearing my current ones so much they are getting baggy and I can't hack wearing my normal ones, they make me feel nauseas I think I need a couple of pairs of new leggings as well, maybe a 3/4 length pair for when it gets a little warmer (remember that heatwave we had last March - what if we have another one of those!) and maybe a coloured pair.. Other than that, I think I'll be trying to make do with what I've got. That does mean I'll have less to post style wise though, so if I go a bit quiet, it's only because I don't want to bore you with the same tops/dresses each week!
Yesterday I riffled through my wardrobe and decided to try on one of my pre-pregnancy dresses just in case it fitted. It did! Not only that, I think it looked pretty good, and it made me feel spring like, just like I wanted. I teamed it with my gorgeous bright Stella & Dot scarf (you can buy Stella & Dot via me if you like, just ask!), my denim jacket and my comfy clarks flats. It felt so nice to bust out some colour and pattern. My goodness, I'm really missing my regular wardrobe!
Beret - H&M
Sunglasses - TKMaxx
Scarf - Stella & Dot - contact me if you wish to buy!
Jacket - New Look - last summer
Dress - Top Shop (quite old)
Tights - H&M Mama
Shoes - Clarks
Not long now...
Pregnancy wise, I'm feeling the strain. I am in pain all day and night, it never eases. My hips/pelvis are achy and walking is becoming hard. I'm not sleeping well... moan moan! I discovered a horrible varicose vein at the back of my left leg last week which nearly brought me to tears. I love dresses that are above the knee and can't bare the thought of not being able to get my legs out in the summer, so I'm really hoping that it'll get better once I've given birth. It should do. In the meantime, I'm looking for compression tights to help me out... they are £20 a pop though!! Combined with my desperate need for a new bra (my boobs are such an awkward size due to small back/large cupsize) I am going to be bankrupt before this baby gets here...
The nesting is kicking in big time. I'm itching to get baby's room all sorted out but I can't until we move the sofa out of there. Don't know when that will be. I just want to get the sofa out, cot up, chest of draws in, get rid of the old chest of draws, put all the baby clothes away and then get on with the fun stuff - prettyfying the room!! I've got some beautiful artwork and decals to go up. I need to get some bunting and more shelves... I WANT TO NEST PROPERLY!!
Are you pregnant? How are you coping? Are you staying stylish? Let me know!
This post will be linked up with Transatlantic Blonde, The Pleated Poppy, Watch What I'm Wearing, Kiwi Women's Style, Sunday Style @ Plane Pretty and Visible Monday with Pati from Not Dead Yet Fashion.
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Trendy Tuesday - Easybelt giveaway
Do you remember my EasyBelt review from a couple of weeks ago? If not, you can get acquainted with it here. Well, today I have something exciting for you! A giveaway! The lovely Kay, founder of EasyBelts is offering up 4 EasyBelts to be given away to my lovely readers!! That's 4 chances to win! You get to choose any size and design of belt as well so this is a really fantastic giveaway.
All you've got to do to be in with a chance of winning is to us the Rafflecopter form below. There are only a couple of mandatory parts, the rest are optional but will give you a greater chance of winning!
As this is Tuesday, I'll share a few photos of my gorgeous little man - I hope to see a few of you linked up today showing off your fashionable little ones. The linky has been very quiet of late which leaves me wondering if it's worth continuing with, but the thought of ending it makes me sad.. so for now, it stays, but I really do need your help in advertising it and joining in with it. Honestly, it makes me week when I see people linked up!! Please don't forget to leave a comment on my blog though! Nag over...
We visited Dunster Castle at the weekend, a lovely National Trust property. It was the first time we've taken Ethan there, though I've been there many times over the years. So, here's Ethan having fun at Dunster:
Jacket - Sam & Jo via TKMaxx
Jeans - Asda
Boots - Lidl
Hat - Hjorn Horth (a Danish brand I can never find a link to!!)
Snood/neck warmer - Polarn O Pyret
Well, If you're joining in with Trendy Tuesday this week, here's the boring bit:
1) PLEASE link to my blog in your blog post and/or display my badge on your blog.
2) PLEASE leave a comment on my blog post & visit others who join in - share the love!
3) Tweet me @MedicatedFollow with your link & I'll retweet it to my followers
Thank you!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Trendy Tuesday - New Shoes?!
Children... always growing, aren't they! To be fair to Ethan, he was pretty slow growing feet.. or at least he has historically. Maybe that will change.. In the last few months he's gown a few cms in height so I thought it about time to get his feet measured. The last two times they were measured they had barely gown. In fact, he's been wearing the same wellies since before his 2nd birthday (he's 4 this July!).
We took him to Clarks at the weekend. I don't know about anyone else's experiences, but if I ever get his feet measured somewhere else, they seem to get something wrong. Twice this has happened to us so I stick with Clarks now. For measuring at least! I might go elsewhere for shoes... I digress. We got his feet measured and low and behold he's now an 8.5F.. so yes, he has grown! Time to look around for new shoes. I'm afraid we have to budget in this house. As much as I'd love to buy brand new shoes form Clarks every time I get his feet measured, I can't. Not at £25 upwards. My Mum was a chiropodist and as a result I'm very aware of looking after your feet, but as long as you wear a pair that fits well and supports your feet, you'll be fine. I bear these things in mind when getting shoes for him (though I have no issue with second hand shoes as long as they aren't too worn).
We love Converse and similar styles in our house. With an aim to keeping things within budget, I was able to get Ethan two new pairs of shoes for £13. One pair of Converse like hightops from H&M (£5.99!!) and a pair of trainers in the sale at Debenhams (£7.00). Ethan loves both. They are nice and bright and most of all comfy with a little room for growth.
High Tops - H&M
Trainers - Debenhams
Do you have a favourite style of shoe for your children to wear?
If you want to show off your trendy children this week and maybe make some new blogging friends, link up using the linky below, comment here and visit anyone else who's linked up - you might be inspired!
The Rules:
- Please link to my blog in your blog post and display the Trendy Tuesday badge (this can be obtained on my sidebar)
- Please visit others who join in and don't forget to comment (here as well!), that way we all benefit!
- Tweet me your link (@MedicatedFollow) so I can RT it!
Thanks for joining in!
Monday, 11 February 2013
Hotel Chocolat
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... chocolate!!!! What better way to treat and indulge yourself? I was recently given the chance to try out a box of gorgeous chocolates from the Valentines range by the tasty British chocolate company Hotel Chocolat. Now, we don't really "do" Valentines in our house (neither of us are that bothered if the truth be told!) but I'm always happy to receive chocolate!
I've been quite into Hotel Chocolat for a while, a good few years. I was a member of the monthly Tasting Club for a few years though since having Ethan I've had to let that go (beautiful chocolates but too costly on a tight budget). As a result, Hotel Chocolat is an extravagant treat these days.
It has to be said that you can REALLY taste the quality of HC chocolates. They are so smooth, the flavours so considered. They aren't a cheap purchase but they are honestly some of the best chocolates you can buy and I think if you are buying chocolates for Valentines, a birthday or Christmas, they are the ones to go for.
The box I received was called "The Affection Collection" and retails at £25 for 19 chocolates. I can honestly say I enjoyed every single chocolate from this box. Some more than others, of course, but it was an excellent selection, there was something for everyone from the more "purist" Gianduja Bomb (a smooth hazelnut praline) to the exciting and zingy Lemon Curd (my favourite, it was crunchy and bitter sweet at the same time). One of the things I love about HC chocolates is that 2 or 3 in a go is enough, so a box can last you a little while and you don't feel like you've gorged yourself! A definite plus point.
If you're stuck for a Valentines gift, I "heartily" (oh, hahahaha!) recommend Hotel Chocolat chocolates. I think anyone would be happy with this box!
***I was sent a box of chocolates for review purposes but all views expressed are my own***
I've been quite into Hotel Chocolat for a while, a good few years. I was a member of the monthly Tasting Club for a few years though since having Ethan I've had to let that go (beautiful chocolates but too costly on a tight budget). As a result, Hotel Chocolat is an extravagant treat these days.
It has to be said that you can REALLY taste the quality of HC chocolates. They are so smooth, the flavours so considered. They aren't a cheap purchase but they are honestly some of the best chocolates you can buy and I think if you are buying chocolates for Valentines, a birthday or Christmas, they are the ones to go for.
The box I received was called "The Affection Collection" and retails at £25 for 19 chocolates. I can honestly say I enjoyed every single chocolate from this box. Some more than others, of course, but it was an excellent selection, there was something for everyone from the more "purist" Gianduja Bomb (a smooth hazelnut praline) to the exciting and zingy Lemon Curd (my favourite, it was crunchy and bitter sweet at the same time). One of the things I love about HC chocolates is that 2 or 3 in a go is enough, so a box can last you a little while and you don't feel like you've gorged yourself! A definite plus point.
If you're stuck for a Valentines gift, I "heartily" (oh, hahahaha!) recommend Hotel Chocolat chocolates. I think anyone would be happy with this box!
***I was sent a box of chocolates for review purposes but all views expressed are my own***
Thursday, 7 February 2013
What my feet are lusting after...
I've got the shoehorn - and I don't mean the kind you use to help get shoes on to your feet!!! ;-) No, I'm lusting after footwear. Quite a selection too I might add...
It seems to me that the ankle boot and wedge heel are still very big this year and I have neither in my wardrobe! These are the shoes I'm currently craving:
These were a key trend this year and are set to stay around for a while yet. Like many, I wasn't sure at first, but having seen a few people wearing them they have sneaked into my subconscious and I find myself wanting a pair. This pair are rather gorgeous and I would LOVE it if they'd walk themselves to me. I love the idea of something that looks quite lo-key, good for the weekend, yet gives you a little height. Something for a shortie like me (at 5'1) is a bonus!
This pair are made by ASH and are currently available for £94.99 from cloggs.co.uk.
Continuing on a similar theme, the ankle boot combined with a wedge heel continues to be popular. And yet... I don't own a pair!! I've found many I love, but these tick all my boxes. First of all, they are really different. Most ankle boots are black or tan. These are purple velveteen!!! Don't you love that word? They are just asking to be stroked, aren't they! I think these could happily be worn in the day.. As a Mummy I love having a nice pair of shoes or boots on, it always lifts my mood a little and makes me feel in control. However, I know these would be fantastic for evenings out as well. Fab for cold evenings as well!! A heel but nice warm feet. Lovely!
This pair are made by Rocket Dog (a favourite brand of mine) and are availble for £34.99 (bargain!) from Cloggs.co.uk.
I have LOVED Converse for a long time now. I have two pairs I adore, a pair of high top Chuck Naylors and a gorgeous orange pair of Ox Slims. I love and wear them both a lot. However, I spotted this pair recently, and what can I say? It was love at first sight!! There's not much to say about Converse really.. they are a fantastic every day shoe. A little more trendy than the average trainer, comfy for the walk to school. I love them!!
Converse are available in many places but I discovered these ones on cloggs.co.uk and they are currently £62.99.
Doctor Martens have been around for ages now (since the early '70s I think?) and in the '90s they were mega trendy with those who were into the grunge look.. and most of us were! Baggy checked men's shirts, leggings and DM boots. That's what I used to knock around in. I think there are quite a few hardcore DM fans out there who wear them all the time, but fashion and style wise, it all went a bit quite on the "traditional" DM boot side of things (they do have quite an extensive range of other styles these days). However, over the last year or so I think they've been making a bit of a come back and I'm ready for a pair in my boot collection again. I've always fancied having a slightly taller pair and that's where these come in. Plus, they are purple. Something a bit different to black but still versatile enough to work with lots of other colours. I think they'd look fantastic with skinny jeans or a mini skirt. You know you're getting your money's worth with DMs as well. My old pair were faithful for a long time!
These are available for £109.99 from cloggs.co.uk.
So.. there you go!! These are the the shoes I'm lusting after for my collection this year. I'm not sure how many of them I'll actually be lucky enough to own by the time the year is out, but one can hop!
**This is not a sponsored post, I'm just a big fan of footwear and use cloggs.co.uk all the time!***
It seems to me that the ankle boot and wedge heel are still very big this year and I have neither in my wardrobe! These are the shoes I'm currently craving:
The Wedge Trainer:
These were a key trend this year and are set to stay around for a while yet. Like many, I wasn't sure at first, but having seen a few people wearing them they have sneaked into my subconscious and I find myself wanting a pair. This pair are rather gorgeous and I would LOVE it if they'd walk themselves to me. I love the idea of something that looks quite lo-key, good for the weekend, yet gives you a little height. Something for a shortie like me (at 5'1) is a bonus!
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Image source: www.cloggs.co.uk |
This pair are made by ASH and are currently available for £94.99 from cloggs.co.uk.
The Wedge Ankle Boot:
Continuing on a similar theme, the ankle boot combined with a wedge heel continues to be popular. And yet... I don't own a pair!! I've found many I love, but these tick all my boxes. First of all, they are really different. Most ankle boots are black or tan. These are purple velveteen!!! Don't you love that word? They are just asking to be stroked, aren't they! I think these could happily be worn in the day.. As a Mummy I love having a nice pair of shoes or boots on, it always lifts my mood a little and makes me feel in control. However, I know these would be fantastic for evenings out as well. Fab for cold evenings as well!! A heel but nice warm feet. Lovely!
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Image source: www.cloggs.co.uk |
This pair are made by Rocket Dog (a favourite brand of mine) and are availble for £34.99 (bargain!) from Cloggs.co.uk.
The Converse Boot:
I have LOVED Converse for a long time now. I have two pairs I adore, a pair of high top Chuck Naylors and a gorgeous orange pair of Ox Slims. I love and wear them both a lot. However, I spotted this pair recently, and what can I say? It was love at first sight!! There's not much to say about Converse really.. they are a fantastic every day shoe. A little more trendy than the average trainer, comfy for the walk to school. I love them!!
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Image source: www.cloggs.co.uk |
Converse are available in many places but I discovered these ones on cloggs.co.uk and they are currently £62.99.
The DM Boot:
Doctor Martens have been around for ages now (since the early '70s I think?) and in the '90s they were mega trendy with those who were into the grunge look.. and most of us were! Baggy checked men's shirts, leggings and DM boots. That's what I used to knock around in. I think there are quite a few hardcore DM fans out there who wear them all the time, but fashion and style wise, it all went a bit quite on the "traditional" DM boot side of things (they do have quite an extensive range of other styles these days). However, over the last year or so I think they've been making a bit of a come back and I'm ready for a pair in my boot collection again. I've always fancied having a slightly taller pair and that's where these come in. Plus, they are purple. Something a bit different to black but still versatile enough to work with lots of other colours. I think they'd look fantastic with skinny jeans or a mini skirt. You know you're getting your money's worth with DMs as well. My old pair were faithful for a long time!
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Image source: www.cloggs.co.uk |
These are available for £109.99 from cloggs.co.uk.
So.. there you go!! These are the the shoes I'm lusting after for my collection this year. I'm not sure how many of them I'll actually be lucky enough to own by the time the year is out, but one can hop!
**This is not a sponsored post, I'm just a big fan of footwear and use cloggs.co.uk all the time!***
The MAD Blog awards
I never know quite what to do about these type of things.. I must admit that writing blog posts asking if my readers would consider voting my blog for an award make me feel uncomfortable. Perhaps it's the "Brittishness" in me. It seems so..... rude!!! However, if there's something that blogging has taught me, in many case, if you don't ask, you don't get!! It has to be said that writing a blog post about things like this is certainly a way to get peoples attention!!
I'll keep it short. Chances are, if you're a blogger you already know all about the MAD Blog Awards. The MADs are an annual award for Mum and Dad bloggers. The MADs are are in their 4th year now. Last year I was lucky enough to be nominated I didn't get any further than the nominations stage, but to be honest, it was wonderful just to be nominated There are some huge blogs out there with massive followings, I know I'm small fry, so I don't expect to be a winner, but just to have a few nominations is fantastic. Every nomination counts, the more nominations you receive the more likely you are to get through to the next stage (voting).
There are quite a few categories you can nominate blogs under including a "blog of the year" category. It's easy to nominate, just head over here . You will need to nominate a blog of the year (which can be any blog you like, mine if you fancy, but maybe you have another blog you'd like to vote for!) and once you've done so you can nominate any other blogs under the other categories. You don't have to vote in every category. I think the most suitable category for my blog is Fashion & Beauty - after all, most of my blog posts are style related and of course there's the Trendy Tuesday linky. There are a few other categories I could fit into though, perhaps Pregnancy or Baby blog....
If you do choose to nominate me, thank you. I really do mean that. I've already done my nominations!! You have until February 18th to nominate.
Right.. that's enough begging, let normal blogging service resume!
I'll keep it short. Chances are, if you're a blogger you already know all about the MAD Blog Awards. The MADs are an annual award for Mum and Dad bloggers. The MADs are are in their 4th year now. Last year I was lucky enough to be nominated I didn't get any further than the nominations stage, but to be honest, it was wonderful just to be nominated There are some huge blogs out there with massive followings, I know I'm small fry, so I don't expect to be a winner, but just to have a few nominations is fantastic. Every nomination counts, the more nominations you receive the more likely you are to get through to the next stage (voting).
There are quite a few categories you can nominate blogs under including a "blog of the year" category. It's easy to nominate, just head over here . You will need to nominate a blog of the year (which can be any blog you like, mine if you fancy, but maybe you have another blog you'd like to vote for!) and once you've done so you can nominate any other blogs under the other categories. You don't have to vote in every category. I think the most suitable category for my blog is Fashion & Beauty - after all, most of my blog posts are style related and of course there's the Trendy Tuesday linky. There are a few other categories I could fit into though, perhaps Pregnancy or Baby blog....
If you do choose to nominate me, thank you. I really do mean that. I've already done my nominations!! You have until February 18th to nominate.
Right.. that's enough begging, let normal blogging service resume!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Trendy Tuesday - Easy Belt Review
Happy Tuesday all! It's time to link up and show off your trendy children :)
Since Ethan started preschool (and gave up nappies almost a year ago) I have been struck by the fact that his outfits need to be easy for him to deal with. If he's to take himself to the loo and be independent he needs to be able to undo trousers and belts.. and quickly!! We all know how children have the habit of putting off that visit to the loo until the last minute and if they can't get out of their clothes an sat on it in a matter of seconds then you have an upsetting accident on your hands.
Generally, I've dealt with this by sending Ethan to preschool in easy to pull up and down tracksuit bottoms. However, he has a draw/wardrobe full of jeans and other trousers that hardly get a look in now and need wearing. I tried sending him in in a pair one day, but due to his little waist I had to use a traditional belt. That day, when I picked him up, he was wearing his spare leggings because he'd had an accident trying to get to the loo in time. I felt really bad. No one wants this for their little person! So, it was back to the trackie bottoms.. Until now!!! I discovered Easy Belts online and was offered the chance to try them out and review them on the blog. I'm always happy to find a new product and to bring it to the attention of my readers - very often we are all struggling with the same issues so it's nice to find a solution and share it with others!
Easy Belts were designed by Mum Kay Heffernan when her 4 year old son was struggling with using traditional belts. She noticed that he was able to attach his boogie board lead (which fixes with Velcro easily and the thought occurred to her - how about a Velcro belt that children could manage themselves?! The rest is history!
Easy Belts have a Velcro strip which replaces the traditional buckle-pin mechanism. The Velcro strip slips through a D shaped buckle and folds back on itself to be fixed in place and staying securely fastened. The great thing about Easy Belts is that they aren't just fantastic for children, they are brilliant for anyone who struggles with a traditional belt, especially anyone with a disability or perhaps the elderly.
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Apologies for the image quality - Ethan was refusing to stay still!! |
Top - Smafolk via Bebaboo.com
Belt - Easy Belt
Jeans - H&M
So. How have we found the Easy Belt? Well, we've been using them for a couple of weeks now and we really love them. They have breathed a new lease of life into Ethan's wardrobe. He's been getting a lot more use out of his jeans and other trousers. I've sent him off to school wearing one and he managed the day there using the belt with no issue. He loves wearing the belt (he's quite into his accessories ) so I've had no problem encouraging him to wear it. I let him choose which design he wanted, he went for a pink one which I think looks fantastic with his colourful clothes (there are quite a variety of belts to choose from). I think he still needs a little help with the belt, often he forgets that he's wearing it and just tries to yank his trousers down, but it's very early days and he's not yet 4. I have no concerns he'll have it sorted soon! The black belt we were sent is going to be invaluable when he starts "big" school in September. I LOVE the fact that these belts increase his independence. I can say hand on heart that this is the only belt he has a hope of using without help. I think the price is very reasonable as well!! So, Easy Belts get a BIG thumbs up from us!
On a slightly different note, I have a new favourite photo of Ethan! I love this one from a couple of weeks ago (he was wearing the Easy Belt but you can't see it!). He asked if he could wear one of my scarves "tied in a big bow" and then struck a pose. Cute! It's a shame the photo isn't clearer but unfortunately I only had my phone to hand...
Now it's over to you - what have your little trendies been rocking this week? Link up using the linky below!
The Rules:
- Please link to my blog in your blog post and display the Trendy Tuesday badge (this can be obtained on my sidebar)- Please visit others who join in and don't forget to comment (here as well!), that way we all benefit!
- Tweet me your link (@MedicatedFollow) so I can RT it!
**Easy Belts retail from £6.00 and are available in a variety of colours. I have not been compensated for this blog post but we were sent two belts free of charge for the purpose of review. All views expressed are my own**
Monday, 4 February 2013
Sotto e Sopra maternity wear
Well, here I am at 25 weeks.. this pregnancy is flying by! I don't have time to think about it most of the time. I'm itching to fully organise the baby's room but unfortunately I'm stuck until we can move the sofa out of there (anyone need a sofa? We've no choice but to pop it in the summerhouse in the garden!!) and until hubby has finished refurbishing the chest of draws we bought.
I digress.. I'm still trotting around in what feels like (to me) the same few outfits.. One such outfit features my Sotto e Sopra top/dress (it's long enough on me to be called a dress!). I was very lucky to be sent this item and I've worn it a lot since receiving it. Very comfy, soft and practical. The colour is quite an understated khaki green, but what I love about that colour is that it goes with so many others. I find I like to add a belt to give the top/dress some definition. Today I've styled it using a scarf!
I have a few evenings out coming up this week (get me!). Hubby and I are having a long awaited date night on Wednesday evening and I'm out with the girls on Friday night. Honestly, my social life (in the evening) isn't usually this active! Most of my outfits remain the same in maternity, whether day or evening wear. I think the best way to smarten them up is with some heels. I can still wear heels at the moment, but don't worry, I don't wear them for hours on end! I love my Jessica Simpson animal print heels I found in TKMaxx a few months ago. Comfy but noticeable!
Linking up today with Watch What I'm Wearing & Visible Monday.
I digress.. I'm still trotting around in what feels like (to me) the same few outfits.. One such outfit features my Sotto e Sopra top/dress (it's long enough on me to be called a dress!). I was very lucky to be sent this item and I've worn it a lot since receiving it. Very comfy, soft and practical. The colour is quite an understated khaki green, but what I love about that colour is that it goes with so many others. I find I like to add a belt to give the top/dress some definition. Today I've styled it using a scarf!
Top/dress - Sotto e Sopra Mama
Tights - H&M Mama
Shoes - Jessica Simpson via TKMaxx
Scarf - H&M
Jewellery - old
I have a few evenings out coming up this week (get me!). Hubby and I are having a long awaited date night on Wednesday evening and I'm out with the girls on Friday night. Honestly, my social life (in the evening) isn't usually this active! Most of my outfits remain the same in maternity, whether day or evening wear. I think the best way to smarten them up is with some heels. I can still wear heels at the moment, but don't worry, I don't wear them for hours on end! I love my Jessica Simpson animal print heels I found in TKMaxx a few months ago. Comfy but noticeable!
Linking up today with Watch What I'm Wearing & Visible Monday.
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