Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Trendy Tuesday - New Shoes?!

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Children... always growing, aren't they!  To be fair to Ethan, he was pretty slow growing feet.. or at least he has historically.  Maybe that will change..  In the last few months he's gown a few cms in height so I thought it about time to get his feet measured.  The last two times they were measured they had barely gown.  In fact, he's been wearing the same wellies since before his 2nd birthday (he's 4 this July!).

We took him to Clarks at the weekend.  I don't know about anyone else's experiences, but if I ever get his feet measured somewhere else, they seem to get something wrong.  Twice this has happened to us so I stick with Clarks now.  For measuring at least!  I might go elsewhere for shoes...  I digress.  We got his feet measured and low and behold he's now an 8.5F..  so yes, he has grown!  Time to look around for new shoes.  I'm afraid we have to budget in this house.  As much as I'd love to buy brand new shoes form Clarks every time I get his feet measured, I can't.  Not at £25 upwards.  My Mum was a chiropodist and as a result I'm very aware of looking after your feet, but as long as you wear a pair that fits well and supports your feet, you'll be fine. I bear these things in mind when getting shoes for him (though I have no issue with second hand shoes as long as they aren't too worn).

We love Converse and similar styles in our house.  With an aim to keeping things within budget, I was able to get Ethan two new pairs of shoes for £13.  One pair of Converse like hightops from H&M (£5.99!!) and a pair of trainers in the sale at Debenhams (£7.00).  Ethan loves both.  They are nice and bright and most of all comfy with a little room for growth.

High Tops - H&M
Trainers - Debenhams

Do you have a favourite style of shoe for your children to wear?

If you want to show off your trendy children this week and maybe make some new blogging friends, link up using the linky below, comment here and visit anyone else who's linked up - you might be inspired!

The Rules:

- Please link to my blog in your blog post and display the Trendy Tuesday badge (this can be obtained   on my sidebar)

- Please visit others who join in and don't forget to comment (here as well!), that way we all benefit!

- Tweet me your link (@MedicatedFollow) so I can RT it!

Thanks for joining in!


  1. Oh, Ethan is just beyond adorable! I love the turquoise high tops so much. My little chickie LOVES to wear boots of any kind. Right now she's all about her gold, sparkly Uggs and her red cowgirl kicks. ~Sarah

  2. Wedge sneakers in fashion style are newly release at many online store, UPERE offers you the most discount price.


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