Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Trendy Toddler Tuesday - Tommy Hilfiger, H&M & Converse

Well, it's probably my last week hosting TTT for a while I expect.  Maria is due back soon so the gauntlet will be handed back to her.  Let me say though I have REALLY enjoyed hosting TTT along with Angela.  It's such a funk linky to join in with.  I love seeing all the trendy tots rocking their different styles and I've enjoyed hosting a linky for the first time.  It's inspired me to start my own meme "I'll show you mine" up again (coming back as a twice-monthly meme from this Thursday *ehem*).   Anyway, back to business...

This week I'm sharing Ethan's outfit from Sunday just gone.  We were going to meet my school friends for a pub lunch, so Ethan wanted to look a little bit smart.  We went for a short sleeved Tommy Hilfiger shirt (don't get too excited, I got it in a charity shop for 99p!!), his green skinny jeans from H&M, his Primarni shades and his Converse high tops.  Personally, I think he was looking super cool.  What do you think?

With Daddy... I'm pretty sure our "family colours" are blue and green...

Grinning in the car on the way to the pub!
Sunglasses - Primark £1
Shirt - Tommy Hilfiger (via charity shop) 99p
Jeans - H&M £4.99
Converse - eBay £2.99

I would like to thank all of you who entered last weeks competition to win a Sunuva sun cap.  I will be announcing a winner shortly.  If you are the lucky winner, I will let you know as soon as I can via email (and also on Twitter if you are on there).

If you would like to join in with TTT this week, please use the Linky below.  Please remember to mention TTT and my blog in your blog post and link back to here - only kind!  The linky is open until Saturday.

- Please comment on this blog post and any others you visit.  It's only kind!
- Please link back to my blog.
- Don't be shy!  Tweet me @MedicatedFollow and I'll RT your link.
- The linky is open until Saturday.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Magpie Monday - Boggle and Puffin Annual

Hello bargain buddies!! It's Monday, it's Magpie time!

I have two items I am very happy with and excited to share with you today, and they actually hail from the same year!  1974.  I wasn't born in 1974, but despite never being around for any of the '70s, I have a huge desire to own items that come from that time.  Sometimes I have indeed thought that I was a glam rocker born too late... (I blame my obsession with The Rocky Horror Show, ELO and the film Velvet Goldmine) anyway, I digress.. My gorgeous, wonderful Magpie items for this week are a 1974 edition of Boggle and a copy of the first Puffin Annual, also from 1974.

First up, Boggle.  Pete and I first got into Boggle on our holiday in Cornwall this year.  Both of us had heard of it before, in fact Pete had played it during his childhood.  I hadn't though.  With little on TV (and who wants to watch TV on holiday anyway?) we fell upon the board games available in our cottage.  By far the most fun and challenging was Boggle.  We spent several evenings playing and thoroughly enjoyed it.  As soon as we came home I began a quest to get hold of a set for us, but me being me, I didn't want to just go out and by a brand new version.  I wanted a second hand, pre loved set, preferably one that dated from decades ago.. Why, you may wonder.. Well, I don't know why exactly, but when it comes to board games, I just love to imagine all the people who have played with the set before, the fun times they've had.  The thought that this particular set has been entertaining people for 38 years makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.  Another bonus with the 1974 set is that the dice are all wooden which makes them wonderful to handle.  It's in excellent condition and I feel well worth the £4 I paid (including postage) on eBay.  One drawback (though I don't consider it so) is that the 1974 edition is harder than today's edition - the older editions contain more "difficult" letters such as K's making it harder to come up with words.  That explains why when Pete and I first played with ours a couple of weeks ago we were only coming up with one or two words in the first few rounds!  Either way, I am extremely happy with this magpie find.

Second up, my Puffin Annual.  I found this treasure in the Nailsea branch of CLIC Sargent.  This is one of my favourite charity shops in Nailsea, I'm always finding hidden treasures in here.  This beaut set me back £1 and personally, I think it was a pound well spent.  I don't believe this is worth very much in terms of money, but I do think it is rich in social and cultural history.  The illustrations alone are stunning and the amount to read in there is fantastic.  This is a classic example of how little effort appears to be put into today's annuals.  I used to love getting annuals at Christmas each year, I was very fond of old Jackie annuals (I remember, oh... the shame.. I had one which had a big "heartthrob" style picture of Noel Edmunds in it which for some reason I found quite "dreamy" *vomit*).  I also loved to get Brownie annuals.  I don't remember Puffin annuals though. I wonder how long it was made for?  Anyway, this gorgeous beast shouted out at me from the bookshelves at the charity shop and I knew it was coming home with me.  The stories are a bit too old for Ethan, but in the meantime, I'm enjoying reading them.  I think it'll be fantastic when he gets a little older because there are quite a few step by step activities to try out.  I just think it's a total gem.  It's in impeccable condition as well.  The only thing that makes me a little sad?  The inscription on the first page - "To Peter, From Daddy, Happy Christmas 1974".  Awwww, this just makes my heart bleed a little.  I wonder who Peter was?  I wonder how this book came to be in the charity shop?  I wonder if Daddy is still alive?  Was it an ill chosen gift from father to son, a gift that remained on the book shelf only to be donated some 38 years later?  Or was it treasured and given away upon a death?  To be honest, it's in such good condition, I think it's more likely to be the first.  At least my hubby is Peter.. we can pretend it's his.  Let's just not mention that he wasn't born until 1982.

The front cover makes me grin!


The unmistakeable Quentin Blake

Raymond Briggs!!!!

Exciting for Moomins fans - Tove Jansson!

How to make a ship in a bottle... OK, might do that with little man one day!

I feel a little Yellow Submarine-y looking at this illustration!

Of course I am linking up this post with Missie Lizzie of Me and My Shadow for Magpie Monday.  Do check out the other bargain hunters!

Friday, 27 July 2012

The cat is out of the bag...

How is it mum's can pry information from their children so well? Perhaps it's not a skill unique to all mum's, but mine has that skill.. perhaps it's her ability to ask the right questions combined with my honesty? Whatever it is, the cat is well and truly out of the bag, so I may as well make it common knowledge because to be honest, I could do with being able to blog about it.

Yes. We are trying for another baby. It's official.

I am starting to get my head around the idea and even feeling a little excited about the idea of a sibling for Ethan. If nothing else, I'm looking forward to choosing names.

I am scared still.. perhaps I'm burying my head in the sand a little.  I'm not telling myself it's going to be easier, just that if we did it once, we can do it again.

So, wish us luck. I'm going to need your support on this journey!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

WIWW: super hot

I'm writing today's WIWW on the go on my phone, so apologies on advance if there are grammatical errors and shoddy photos..
It's lovely and hot and so in all honesty, I'm not wearing much (swit swoo!) and what I'm wearing has to be cool and comfy. Today I'm wearing a button up dress which I picked up at a charity shop last year for a couple of pounds. It's nice and lightweight which is great though I do love to team it with tights and a cardi in winter. I was attracted to the bright retro print. It's a fun dress. I'm wearing my owl belt with it.  I got the belt on ebay a few years ago for a few quid.  This is a cheap and cheerful outfit!
I hope you are all out enjoying the sun- in a sensible fashion I hope!! Oh, if you haven't already, don't forget to enter my Sunuva competition!
Linking up with transatlanticblonde & watch what I'm wearing today!

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with...D!

The wonderful Mum of One has this fantastic meme, fun and easy to join in with.  All I have to do is post a photo and all you have to do is a bit of "I Spy"!  This week the letter is D.  Can you spy the D in the photo below?

I admit it's obvious... but I couldn't not post this photo!

Please post your guesses using the comment box and don't forget to check out Mum of One's blog to see other people's efforts!

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Trendy Toddler Tuesday - Sunuva Competition

Hey hey funky folk!  I have something exciting for Trendy Toddler Tuesday this week.  For the last few weeks Ethan and I have been testing out a very trendy yet functional sun hat designed by the wonderful UK brand, Sunuva.  Apart from the odd moment here and there, we've not really had enough decent weather to give the hat a fair trial.  Thankfully that all changed this weekend just gone (as no doubt you know yourself!). At last, it seems a bit of summer has hit the UK.  Woooo!!  This sun hat is coming into it's own now.

Hat - Sunuva
Sunglasses - Primark
T Shirt - Vertbaudet
Shorts - Mini Boden

You may be thinking, how much can you write about a hat?  Well, OK, it is just a hat.. but at the same time, it isn't.  The people at Sunuva don't just put thought into design, they also think about sun protection.  The material is UV protective, on the areas of skin that are covered by it, it's like wearing factor 50.  Fantastic news for delicate scalps I feel.  Ethan is a very blond little boy with short hair- he really benefits with all the protection on his head I can offer him.  I've gone down the route of covering his head in sun cream before, but it's messy, greasy, sticky and means that his hair needs washing every day.  Of course, that's better than a burnt scalp, but still, a hat is a better option!  One of the fantastic features of this hat is the detachable flap which offers protection for the neck.  Another area that is often neglected when sun cream is applied.  Even if you don't consider this from a safety and sun protection angle, just think about the fact you get two looks for the price of one!!

Something I love about this hat is the skull detail on the back.  It's not in your face, but it lifts it from being a run of the mill "kiddy" style hat.  Something that is very useful if a hat is likely to be used for a couple of years or more.  What a child likes at 3 will no doubt be very different at age 6, but there is little that will put them off using this hat for several years.

The material is hard wearing and easy to wipe clean.  Khaki may not be the most exciting colour in the world, but it goes with all colours really, which is essential for a hat, it needs to be able to go with as many things as possible!

I have to be honest.  Ethan didn't take to this hat as quickly as I did.  However, with some persuasion, he is now happy to wear it.  He told me it was uncomfortable when he first wore it, but I think that was because he wasn't used to the feeling of a hat with poppers at the back of it.  He quickly got used to this and hasn't mentioned it since.  The only other issue is that he insists on wearing it back to front (Fresh Prince style) which means that I can't used the detachable flap - because obviously he'd be rendered blind and look pretty silly!!  I don't know why he insists on wearing it like this, maybe he thinks he's living in 1989.. I don't know.  It's not really that much of a big issue I suppose, and by next summer, he may well have grown out of it!

I'd recommend this hat to anyone wanting a stylish practical hat with the added reassurance of the equivalent of factor 50+ sun protection.

Now for the exciting bit.  Sunuva have kindly given me the chance to offer one of my readers a sun hat for their own child!  There are two choices availible.  The same as Ethan, khaki, or the pink version with a heart embroidered on the back.  The hats come in 3 sizes; 2-3 years, 3-6 years and 6-10 years (Ethan wears 3-6 years).  All you have to do is enter via  the Rafflecopter below - the more parts of the Rafflecopter you complete, the higher your chances of winning!  You can tweet this competition every day for the duration to increase your chances further.

Good luck!  Oh, and don't forget to use the linky below to add your Trendy Toddlers.  Please consider the rules for Trendy Toddler Tuesday (normally hosted and created by Very Busy Mama):

- Please comment on this blog post and any others you visit.  It's only kind!
- Please link back to my blog.
- Don't be shy!  Tweet me @MedicatedFollow and I'll RT your link.
- The linky is open until Saturday.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, 23 July 2012

Magpie Monday - Bush Radio

Now.. this is a bit of a cheeky Magpie Monday because I wasn't actually the Magpie responsible for this wonderful bargain.. I just had to share it though, because I'm sure a load of you will love it!! Plus.. I just want to show it off.

I went round to my parents house the other day and noticed this fantastic radio in their conservetory... It jumped out at me saying "ooo, stroke me, turn me on, fiddle my dial!" (sorry..). When I asked Mum where it had come from, she told me they had got it at their church jumble sale. It was coming to the end of the sale when a man on one of the stalls shouted out "Anyone, make me an offer for this radio, any offer, and it's yours!". My Mum, unable to miss out on a bargain, even if she doesn't need something, wondered over and offered him £2.  Now, it didn't come with a lead, so no one was sure it was working, but Mum decided it was worth a two quid gamble. It certainly paid off.. what also paid off was my parents hoarding habit because Dad was able to locate a suitable spare lead to use with the radio. Low and behold it worked. Fab! I was most impressed and told my Mum as such.

 Now... Let it be known that I did not at any time ask for the radio. I expressed my liking for it, said that if I'd seen it, I would have snapped it up. That was it. My Mum being the way she is though (and many Mum's are like this I think!) decided that she wanted to give it to me, said she didn't really need it anyway.

So.. there we go! That's how it came to it's new happy home in our living room. It looks fabulous I think. Yes, it's big, yes, it's in your face, and yes, it's AM/FM/Longwave so likely not to work one day, but heck, I love it. It's a 1990 reproduction of the 1960s Bush radio. So, not old.. But hey, hang on, even 1990 was 22 years ago (errr... how?!) so it ain't young. I keep walking into my living room and grinning at it.


What second hand bargains have you sourced this week? Why not see who's linked up for Magpie Monday with the lovely Liz?

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Ethan's summerhouse.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back at Christmas time, we decided to earmark any money Ethan received to go towards a little wooden summerhouse for him.  We bought the house shortly after Christmas because the website I had discovered, Garden Buildings Direct were having a sale.  The house came flat packed and we hid it away in our main summerhouse/shed ready to build in the spring when we hoped it would be dry.

Well... you know what the weather's been like so far this year.  Apart from a very random (and misleading) spate of hot weather at the end of Feb/beginning of March and the odd day here and there, we've not had much reliable summerhouse building weather.  As a result, getting Ethan's house built, painted, decorated etc has been a loooooooooooooooong process.  We are finally there though, so I thought I would share a few pictures with you.  We're pretty proud of the result.  There are still a couple of tiny touches - I'm planning on doing a couple of paintings of Meg & Mog and Dipdap to go in there for Ethan when I get the time, but apart from that, it's all done.

Pete has done the hard work.  I have to say that although we love the finished house (and Ethan adores it) there were a few things we weren't entirely happy with.  The quality of some of the materials wasn't as good as we were expecting - some of the wood was warped out of shape a little.  It's all together, and it's watertight, but not without some extra work by Pete - he's used sealant around the windows to stop water getting in - this isn't mentioned in the instructions and none is supplied, but if Pete hadn't done this, Ethan's house would get a regular soaking!  However, when all is said and done, it's a lovely little house and we are happy with it.

It was May when we started:

Ethan "helped" to paint..

Who am I kidding.. Ethan did most of the work really..

Coming together...
Pete got the windows in in time for the Jubilee, but much of the inside painting still needed to be done.  It wasn't easy with the bad weather...

Let me now unveil to you Ethan's (pretty much) finished house:

What do you think?  He's a lucky little man, isn't he!  Pete painted the inside white, all apart from one section  which he painted with magnetic blackboard paint (fantastic stuff for fun DIY projects - when Ethan is older we'll paint a section of his bedroom wall with it - if we did it now, I think he'd get carried away and chalk all over the whole room!).  We already had the table and chair.  We had some left over carpet tiles from when Pete carpeted the garage so they got used.  We got some sensor operated LED lights from Ikea to go on the ceiling.  I had the battery fairy lights hanging around not being used.  I got the bunting on eBay.  One day, I'll get myself a sewing machine so I can knock up my own bunting!

Pete and I both agree, we would have loved something like this when we were children!  

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

I spy...something beginning with C!

It's Wednesday so it's time for a bit of I spy with the fabby jbmumofone.

This week it's the letter c. Can you see the letter c in the pic below?

If you fancy joining in, head over to jbmumofone's place and check out the linky!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Trendy Toddler Tuesday - Birthday's and H&M

Hey hey!  I'm covering for the fabtastic Maria from Very Busy Mama this week, hosting TTT for her..

If you read my blog regularly, you will know doubt know that I love H&M clothing.  Both for children and myself.  I love the fact that they are a high street shop that stock some not so generic clothes for boys.  Their quality is good for the price, they aren't expensive and they use lots of bright colours.  They aren't afraid to be trendy either.

A few weeks back I saw an advert for H&M in my copy of Junior magazine.  Instantly I fell in love.  What was in the add?  A gorgeous stripy boy's blazer.  I knew I had to have it.  We happened to be going shopping in Bristol the next day so I excitedly headed to H&M hoping to find it.  It wasn't there though.  Very disapointed.... Still, I got lucky the next week!!  I had to go back into Bristol to take back a couple of items so had another chance to scope out the boy's department.  This time I took the add (torn out of the mag) with me, just in case it wasn't there, I could use it to ask a member of staff about it).  I found it instantly this time though.  I lept on the rack like a mad thing, just in case anyone else were to come along - what if there'd only been one in Ethan's size?!  Luckily there were plenty in his size and I went away a happy customer.

On showing it to Ethan, he got very excited.  I had plans for it though - it was to become a key part of his birthday party outfit!  So, please find below some photos of Ethan rocking his blazer at his 3rd birthday party this Saturday just gone and on his actual birthday (Sunday 15th):

Boys... do they ever stay still for a nice photo?


Erm.. so you're how old?

Blazers for all..

Blazer - £14.99 - H&M
Blue T shirt - £1 - Charity shop
Angry Birds T Shirt £4.99 - H&M
Green skinny jeans - £5.99 - H&M
Braces - £2.99 - H&M
Converse - £2.50 - eBay

So... Now on to you lovely lot and your trendy tots!  Please link up using the linky below - why not get a blogging buddy to join in as well?  The link is open until Saturday.  Don't forget to tweet me if you join in then I can retweet!  Thank you in advance, those joining in.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Magpie Monday; Fisher Price

I popped into town on Saturday to get my hair done (sans child) and afterwards, as I was on my own, decided on a quick snoop around a few charity shops.  I'm glad I did.  Can you ever come away empty handed?  Well, I know for a fact sometimes you can, but more often than not, you come away with something (many things).

I only went into three shops as I didn't have much time to spare.  I didn't find anything I wanted in the first two (well, the first one had a massive mirror that I thought would look amazing in the garden, but it was £25 and we're a bit broke) but the third shop came up trumps.

Firstly, I spotted an old Fisher Price "Pull-a-Tune" xylophone.  It didn't come with a mallet with which to bash out a tune, but that didn't concern me, we have copious things at home that can be used.  It's not in fantastic condition, but good enough and it still works brilliantly.  I'm a real sucker for old Fisher Price toys, and I like them looking used anyway, shows they've been enjoyed!  I knew Ethan would love it.  As soon as I brought it home, he was running around with it making a racket.  For £4.50 I think it was worth it.  I believe it dates from 1964 having had a google.

As well as the xylophone I grabbed "Balderdash" - an amusing board game.  My parents have it.  We're trying to increase our board game selection, so for £3 this came home with me.

Have you got any second hand bargains recently?  Do you like charity shopping?

Linking up with Missie Lizzie for Magpie Monday :)

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Three today

My little man.  Today you are three.  Three whole years old.  Where on earth has that time gone?  What a journey we've been on together.  Three years in, I finally feel like I'm beginning to get into the swing of things.   I feel like a "proper" Mummy.  You are more than a credit to me.  Yes, there are times I've found it hard, there still are times I find it hard, and I have no doubt there will be times in the future that will be hard.  I have no doubt, though, that you are more than worth it.  I am so proud of you.  Bright, happy, polite, talkative.  Every day you make me laugh and smile.  Every day you brighten the world around me and enrich my life.

Last night I put you to bed, kissed you goodnight, kissed my two year old goodbye.  Tonight I put you to bed a vivacious three year old.  Tonight you broke my heart (in a good way) when you sang to me "You are so beautiful to me".

So many new experiences await you.  In September you start preschool.  I know you're going to change in leaps and bounds once you start there.  Part of me is crying inside, the other part of me know it's going to be a fantastic experience for both of us.  I expect I will find it harder than you.  You small people embrace change and adapt so much better than us olds do.  I should take a leaf out of your book!

I can't wait to spend each moment with you.

My light, my little man, my Ethan.

I love you.


Thursday, 12 July 2012

Get your skates on: skates.co.uk review

For the last few weeks I've been rolling around... not rolling around drunk! Get your mind out of the gutter (it has to be said I have rolled around drunk many a time though).  No.  I've been rolling around wearing a pair of fantastic retro old skool stylee roller boots courtesy of Skates.co.uk

I spotted these skates on someone else a long while ago and ever since have been itching to have a go.  Some of you may remember reading a while back that I spent some time over the jubilee weekend in a pair of borrowed in-line skates.  It fuelled my desire to get back into skating.  I have always preferred traditional wheels to in-lines though.  Much more retro looking I think as well.  Reminds me of my childhood.

I mentioned as much to skates.co.uk  and they very kindly offered to send me a pair to review.  I can wholly recommend their customer service and the speed of delivery was amazing, they were with me in under 24 hours!

At first, I wore them around the house (only downstairs, obviously!) much to Ethan's amusement.  Hubby just assumed I was some sort of roller waitress and kept asking me for service (no, dirty minded one!!).  Anyway, once my confidence was up, I took to the streets, not caring what the neighbours thought of a 30 year old wobbling up and down the road.  As it happens, these things are amazing at helping me keep up with Ethan on his bike.  They are really going to come into their own in a few days though, because Ethan is getting a pair of adjustable skates for his birthday (Sunday) so I'm going to be able to teach him!

I will be investing in knee pads for both of us though.  I took a tumble last week and ouch!  It hurts when you land on your knee.  So please folks, if you are setting out on skates, wear protection!

I have found these skates easy to get a grip with.  They are responsive, the wheels are very smooth.  They are extremely comfy to wear and just look fantastic.  I like to team them with leg warmers for a proper 80s feel.  You know what?  Skating is bloody hard work, so just think about the toning and calorie burning going on!

Get a pair, you need them in your life! They will help you chase down your toddler!

Here's the official spec from SFR:

Here are quite simply the coolest quad skates available at the moment. The Rio Roller disco skates will wow anyone who sees them and as well as looking too good, the spec is tip top too!
The boot is a semi soft design with a solid exterior heel plate. The trucks are made from hi impact aluminium and the wheels are SFR 54mm and these have ABEC 5 bearings which are super smooth and keep you at the disco until the early hours!

  • Semi-soft Disco Quad Skate Boot
  • Constructed using a breathable mesh material
  • 58 x 32mm Poly Urethane Cast 82A Wheels
  • Nylon Hi-Impact chassis with aluminium trucks
  • Performance ABEC 7 Bearings

***These skates were sent to me free of charge by skate.co.uk for review purposes.  The views expressed are my own.  These skates retail at £44.99 from skates.co.uk (RRP £50) with next day delivery.  Delivery is free over £100.***

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

What I wore Wednesday 11/07/12

I'm late with my WIW post today, sorry folks!!  I didn't get time to write it up in advance and Ethan only fell asleep at 9pm tonight so it's been busy.

I'm going to share a new bargain dress and my new heels with you today:

Dress - TKMaxx £12
Heels - Jessica Simpson via TKMaxx £35
Cardi - From H&M ages ago.
Earrings - New Look a couple of years ago.
Necklace - Vintage 70s (my Mum's)
Ring - Local boutique.

I picked this dress from the sale rack at TKMaxx last week.  It was the only one there and I wasn't sure about it, but I picked it up for the fun of it.  Trying it on in the changing room I fell in love.  For £12 as well, it'd be rude not to!

The shoes were a bit of an impulse buy as well.  Despite the fact I really needed new heels.  I find buying heels really hard work.  I don't find them easy to walk in at all, or at least, I can walk in them but I'm a comfort junky, I can't bear to have painful feet.  So, finding a pair of heels that aren't too high, aren't going to pinch and rub is hard work.  I saw these sitting alone at TKMaxx and although I'm not too into animal prints, they looked worth a try.  Slipping them on, they were so comfy!  They aren't too high and are a wedge heel. I fell in love straight away.  Sure, £35 isn't cheapy cheap, but they are worth it, I'll wear them for years.  I'm not a massive Jessica Simpson fan, I know nothing about her really, but these are nice, comfy good quality shoes.  Thumbs up from me!

If you want to check out a load of trendy funky folks, head over to Transatlantic Blonde for the WIW link up.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

I spy...something beginning with... B

Can you spy the b in the pic below?

Linking up with Mum of One for her fantastic I spy Meme.  Do go and see who else is joining in!

Trendy Toddler Tuesday - Oh Baby London, Ted Baker and Converse

Well hello there good lookin'!

This week for TTT I'm showcasing a rather funky t-shirt that was sent to us by Oh Baby London.  Oh Baby are so trendy it's painful.  In a good way.  Honestly, their clothes are so cool.  I was very excited when we received our package.  I didn't know what we were going to be receiving so it was like a (very) mini Christmas for Ethan and I.  We were very happy with what was inside the package.

We got this cool bag as well!
Straight away I could tell the quality of the cotton was excellent.  A very nice soft thick cotton.  And of course, a very trendy design.  Ethan told me he liked it.  Pete said it looked like something I'd wear.  I'm going to take that as a compliment.

We were sent an age 3 size.  Ethan is 3 in a few days (eeeek!) and I feel the fit was bang on.  Not too baggy, not tight.  Room to grow.  It looks just right.

I've washed it twice already and it's looking just as good as new.  All in all, we're very happy with it.  I'd be happy to recommend  Oh Baby London to anyone, their customer service is excellent, orders are received quickly and are well packaged and the clothes are well designed and good quality.  If you need any more convincing, they have a sale on at the moment as well!

Just chillin'

T Shirt - Oh Baby London
Hooded top - Ted Baker
Jeans - Next

Do you have a trendy toddler you want to show off? Head over to Mum of Three Boys who's hosting this week and link up!