Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Trendy Toddler Tuesday - Katvig, Polarn O Pyret & Smafolk at Newark Park

Last week we were still on holiday.  Not away, but on a "Home Holiday" as we call it.  On Wednesday we had a family day out - the three of us plus my parents and the family dog Alfie.  Despite the rain we managed to have a lovely day.  We visited a National Trust property, Newark Park.

We were all impressed with Newark Park.  There was a very relaxed atmosphere, especially among staff which you don't always get at a NT property.  A very interactive and interesting building, but the part we loved the most were the gardens and the peacocks/peahens.  I've never seen so many in one place!  I adore Peacocks.  Apart from the obvious (their gorgeous colours and feathers) I love the over the top crazy noise they make!  I went a bit OTT on Peacock photos so I'll share one or two of those with you.. but of course, none of this is really relevant to TTT!

As we were going to be walking (read running after Ethan) and travelling in the car, I wanted to make sure Ethan would be comfy.  So, out came some of his classics - Katvig trackie bottoms and his Smafolk outdoor gear:

Hand ball!

la la laa... I'm ignoring you camera woman!

Mother Nature - the original fashion designer..


What you lookin' at?

Don't you just love the contrast in pattern and colour?

Oh wow!
Top - Polarn O Pyret
Trousers - Katvig
Vest (poking out) - Katvig
All in one/jacket - Smafolk
Wellies - bought in France last year.

Whilst Maria is away in Chile, Angela from Mum of Three Boys and I are taking it in turns to host TTT.  It's Angela's turn this week, so pop along here if you want to see more trendies!


  1. Absolutely love what Ethan is wearing this week, bright and colourful and brilliant outdoor wear. We love the Polarn pyret top we won off of your blog giveaway, Joseph wears it all the time. Loving the peacocks aswell especially the one with Ethan c

  2. I love his trousers, such a gorgeous colour! x

  3. Seems like a day full of fun and lovely colorful clothes! FYI: You can find a lot of Smafolk and Katvig clothes at our webshop: www.emilea.be and now at special discounts. ;-) We ship worldwide. Hope you'll like our shop!

    1. Hi Julie - had a look at your shop, it's lovely! You have a fantastic choice! When I have a bit of spare cash, I'll be sure to be spending it there! Thanks for reading and commenting :)

  4. I LOVE PEACOCKS TOO! They are really good photos too. Ethan, as always, looks so cool. I love how you put outfits together. I don't know many mums of boys who dress their sons as well as you do. TOP MARKS!xx

    1. Thank you! These particular peacocks were crazy tame so I was able to get right next to them. Made for fantastic photo opps!

      And thank you. Ethan does stand out when compared to most other boys, I do try really hard to dress him well. He loves wearing different things as well and choosing outfits. He is known at playgroup as "the best dressed boy in Clevedon" ;-D A title I'm very proud of! Haha.. xx

  5. Awww, he is such a cutie!! And the peacock is just beautiful!


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