Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Trendy Toddler Tuesday - Tommy Hilfiger, H&M & Converse

Well, it's probably my last week hosting TTT for a while I expect.  Maria is due back soon so the gauntlet will be handed back to her.  Let me say though I have REALLY enjoyed hosting TTT along with Angela.  It's such a funk linky to join in with.  I love seeing all the trendy tots rocking their different styles and I've enjoyed hosting a linky for the first time.  It's inspired me to start my own meme "I'll show you mine" up again (coming back as a twice-monthly meme from this Thursday *ehem*).   Anyway, back to business...

This week I'm sharing Ethan's outfit from Sunday just gone.  We were going to meet my school friends for a pub lunch, so Ethan wanted to look a little bit smart.  We went for a short sleeved Tommy Hilfiger shirt (don't get too excited, I got it in a charity shop for 99p!!), his green skinny jeans from H&M, his Primarni shades and his Converse high tops.  Personally, I think he was looking super cool.  What do you think?

With Daddy... I'm pretty sure our "family colours" are blue and green...

Grinning in the car on the way to the pub!
Sunglasses - Primark £1
Shirt - Tommy Hilfiger (via charity shop) 99p
Jeans - H&M £4.99
Converse - eBay £2.99

I would like to thank all of you who entered last weeks competition to win a Sunuva sun cap.  I will be announcing a winner shortly.  If you are the lucky winner, I will let you know as soon as I can via email (and also on Twitter if you are on there).

If you would like to join in with TTT this week, please use the Linky below.  Please remember to mention TTT and my blog in your blog post and link back to here - only kind!  The linky is open until Saturday.

- Please comment on this blog post and any others you visit.  It's only kind!
- Please link back to my blog.
- Don't be shy!  Tweet me @MedicatedFollow and I'll RT your link.
- The linky is open until Saturday.


  1. He is such a cool dude,love this linky but my toddlers are all grown up now,my daughter (who is 7) would love this post too she is getting good at posing for picture :)

    1. Thank you! I'm wondering now whether one day Trendy Toddler Tuesday will have to evolve to include older children. After all, Little M is 3 and a half ish (Maria's little boy) and Ethan is 3... are they still toddlers at that age? Perhaps it'll have to become Trendy Tykes Tuesday.. Hmmm. x

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  3. Ah, he looks wicked! Loving the hightops and the shades. What a dude.

    1. He's a bit too much of a dude these days I fear...

  4. So cute! Love the color combo. I bought similar green pants from H&M for G, too. I can't wait for him to wear them.

    1. Thank you! Whoever said "Blue and Green should never bee seen" was so so wrong.. x

  5. Very very cute. He looks quite pleased with it too. x

  6. Oh he looks cool! Love the sunnies x

  7. Love his sunnies and skinnies combo, we have some green skinnies too and they are so cute! Also you are a lady after my own heart with the fab cow print carseat.

    1. Well spotted!! I'm afraid I can't stand things being standard or boring, if I can get something to jazz things up, I will - hence the cow print! It's useful as well for keeping the actual seat in good condition! Do you have one as well? x

  8. Ethan is too cute!! His out fit with converse is fabulous. I am planning on buying a kids converse shoe. I'm confused, all of them look very similar and equally attractive.


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