Sunday, 1 July 2012

Magpie Monday - Johnson Brothers etc..

I'm back for Magpie Monday!  I've not had anything to write about for the last few weeks, bargain/charity related.  On Saturday though, we were in town and decided to pop into just one charity shop (Ethan was with us and wanted to get home so he could ride his bike!).  We picked Age Concern and in we went.

Within seconds I spotted what I think is my top charity shop bargain EVER.  Not only that, this is probably my favourite thing to have spotted in a charity shop.  Something for someone else, something I just knew they would love.  That's the best really.  What had I spotted? A huge haul of Hearts & Flowers crockery by Johnson Brothers.

My mother-in-law collects this design of crockery.  Shortly before getting married she read that Johnson Brothers were bringing out a new design - Hearts & Flowers.  She fell in love with it and managed to track down a shop in Otley (Yorkshire) which stocked it.  She couldn't afford to buy the whole set, but got herself set up with plates and bowls.  Pete (hubby) and his siblings all grew up eating from this crockery.  Even I have very fond memories, seeing as I've been with Pete for 12 years.  Ethan also knew as soon as I spotted it in Age Concern that "It's Grandma's plates and bowls!".  Straight away I got Pete's attention and sent him off to the till to ask if they had a box/bag for us to transport it home in whilst I stood a very nervous guard (not easy because Ethan kept running off and getting in the way of people coming in and out of the shop!!).  The lady in the shop was so helpful.  She said she'd had her eye on it herself!  She got the crockery wrapped and bagged up for us whilst we browsed the rest of the shop.  I found myself a nice Saltrock dress which I'm very pleased with, but the crockery haul really made us grin from ear to ear (even though it was exhausting to lug home!)

So..  what did we get and for how much you ask?  In total there were:

6 bowls
1 small bowl
a jug
6 cups
6 saucers
6 side plates
6 medium plates

The cost?  £7.99.  For the lot.  Total and utter bargain I feel.  This would go for masses on eBay I have no doubt.  It's not about the cost though, it's about recycling, sharing, keeping a story going and spreading the love :)

My dress came in at £4.99.  Not such a bargain, but still a good price and a nice dress.  I wore it today and it's very "swishy" which I like!

Sorry the photos are a bit rubbish, they are from my phone, all I've got at present!

Please do go and visit Missie Lizzie's blog to see what the other Magpies have hauled in!


  1. Ahh how sweet! Are you going to gift it to MIL? She'll be over the moon I bet.

    I love spotting china from my youth in charity shops - I can even picture particular meals on them!

    1. Yes, we took it round to her on Sunday. She was amazed at how much there was. Now she's got to re-jig her cupboards, but it's worth it!

      I can remember meals on plates from my childhood as well, though my parents have such a mishmash of plates. Denby is always a memory for me though.

  2. Ah, WOW. Such a brilliant haul and such a bargain too. I can just imagine how excited you were!

  3. What a fab find! Love vintage crockery :)

  4. Brilliant crockery!!

    Jem xXx


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