Friday, 31 January 2014

Friday Feature - New Fashion Finds

I LOVE bringing you new fashion finds.  I'm going to feature a couple I'm really excited about today.

As I've said before, Instagram is a major source of inspiration for me.  It's where I come across most of my new finds.  We are fans of Studio Ghibli in our house, in particular, Totoro.  I was searching Instagram with the tag #Totoro the other week and came across a new brand, Tohnik Clothing.  This brand are very new and there is little about them on the web.  In fact, they don't have a website yet, just Instagram, but I am very excited.  They look like they are going to sell some fantastic leggings for women - I'm hoping children as well!

Image Source: Tohnik Clothing
Image Source: Tohnik Clothing

If you're after some really cool and handmade clothing for your children then look no futher than US based Mum of 3 Kenzie Jaws.  She is one creative lady and makes some really funky clothing, in particular, tops and hats.  I really want to order the boys a hat each from her.  Kenzie has an etsy shop you can check out here.

Image Source:  Kenzie Jaws

Image Source: Kenzie Jaws
I'll be back again soon with some new finds, I'm sure! In the meantime, have a lovely weekend folks!

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Trendy Thursday - HE not SHE!

I'm not sure just how many times I'm going to have to write on this subject.. but it seems to be a recurring theme.  My baby is a boy.  Why do so many people assume he's a girl?  Yes, I do dress him in all colours.  Yes, he does have a necklace (amber teething necklace).  Why do people make an assumption?  I suppose we all do it.  The way the human brain is wired, we are designed to find patterns, to group things together, to define things, to make sense of things.  I never assume a child's gender though.  I won't say "How old is he?" "What's her name?" unless I know for sure the child is a boy or a girl (i.e. I heard the parent refer to the child as a s/he).

Normally, I don't mind correcting people.  I'll just say "Oh, he's 8 months old" or "His name is Felix" and that's that.  However, it's Wednesday, and so far this week I have had to correct six or more people this week.  Three people just today!  For the first time, it's starting to annoy me!  I don't want to conform to societies narrow-minded assumptions of what a child should be dressed in.  If my boy wants long hair, he can have long hair.  If I want to put him in pink/purple/red or whatever the hell else is deemed a "girly" colour, I will (as long as he is happy and comfortable in what he is wearing!).

I know no one makes these assumptions to upset me.  I know it's not harmless.  Most of the time it washes over me, but today, it's just got to me a bit.  I can't be the only one who likes to dress their child slightly "differently?".

Well, this is what the boys have been rocking this week:

Leopard print leggings - H&M
Moccasins - Ulla + Viggo
'Chess' top - Katvig
Blue stripe leggings - Polarn O Pyret
Rainbow chevron legwarmers - Tiny Nippers
Hat - Asda
Waistcoat - J by Jasper Conran
Star top - Boys & Girls Shop
Leggings - H&M
Ice Cream Moccasins - Moccis
Stripy romper - GAP
Circus vest - H&M

I love Converse for Ethan (and I'm looking forward to Felix being able to wear them!) and I'm always looking for ways to make his look extra cool.  We're fans of Shwings in our house - we started off with wings, then moustaches and now one pair are sporting flames!  I've funked them up even further with new laces:

Right - enough ranting from me - what have your children been wearing? Link up below, comment and visit others!

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Whistle & Flute Discount Code

Did you read my Trendy Thursday post last week?  I featured a fantastic clothing company I'd found via Instagram called Whistle & Flute.  Have a look here!

Well, if you fancy placing an order, now is a great time.  They are very kindly offering my readers 15% off orders placed until February 14th using the code MEDICATED.

What are you waiting for? Get shopping!

Friday, 24 January 2014

Tots Bots - New Prints!

Since moving to cloth, Tots Bots have become my favourite brand.  I've tried quite a few different brands, but at the moment, Tots Bots work really well for us.  I use easyfits in the day on Felix and Bamboozle Stretch nappies at night time (boosted with charcoal, bamboo & hemp).

One of the things about Tots Bots is their visual appeal.  The easyfits are eye-catching, bright and funky as well as being functional and VERY easy to use.  I started off with a full set of the original easyfits (V1s) that I bought second hand from a lovely lady.  I fell in love with them and expanded my collection with the V3 easyfits with cute story prints.  I have also bought a couple of 2nd hand V2 nappies.  Each version is slightly different.  I find all three work well for us.  I've never had any leakage from any of them unless they've been on for over 4 hours (Felix poos regularly so this doesn't usually happen!) or if he's done a huge poo rendering any nappy unable to contain everything!

This week Tots Bots released some new prints which has got me very excited!  Not that we really need any more nappies.. but that's the thing with Tots Bots!  They are collectable as well as good for little bottoms.

The new prints are cute and are all based on Nursery Rhymes.  There's Incy Wincy Spider, Hickory Dickory Dock, Humpty Dumpty & Sixpence.

Image Source: Tots Bots

They all look adorable, but as I don't really need to buy loads, I think I'll go for one or two.  I really love Incy Wincy & Hickory Dickory.  I might get one easyfit and one wrap.  I've only owned a couple of V1 wraps which were very well used and not working too well any more so it'd be nice to try a new one!

Image Source: Tots Bots

Image Source: Tots Bots

Why not pop over to their website and have a look - if you're using cloth, I do recommend them.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Trendy Thursday - exciting new kids clothing finds for 2014

I LOVE finding new brands.  I don't know about you, but I think Instagram is amazing for inspiration (and envy!!).  Instagram is my favourite social media.  It's what I post the most on and what I spend the most time on.  I adore seeing everyone's photos and every time I check in I get inspired or find out about something new.  I thought I'd share a few of my most recent finds!

Whistle & Flute

Whistle and Flute are a husband and wife duo based in Canada.  They make hand screen printed clothing for adults and children (they have two gorgeous children themselves, one a tiny new baby - very cute instagram pics!).  Their style is very fresh and modern.  Simple yet bold.  If you're as into monochrome as I am, you'll love their clothing.  They are currently "on baby-leave" due to the new arrival but they still have some stock availble to buy.  I feel their prices (including postage to the UK) are reasonable especially considering the clothes are hand screen printed on good quality clothing.  I have just recently ordered a cloud print vest from them for Felix.

Image source:

Handmade is Haute

Another shop I found via Instagram.  This shop has me really excited.  Their prices are amazing, even when you take postage to the UK into consideration.  They describe themselves as offering "unique one of a kind clothes for babies and toddlers" and I cannot disagree.  They currently stock leggings, harem pants and skirts.  The materials available are really on trend and eye catching.  You could go for something simple but still bold (shiny gold leggings anyone?) or a current trend (camo prints leggings) or something cool like the very Mini Rodini esque penguin print.  Prices start from $12 (total bargain) and the clothes generally go up to age 5.  If you're looking for something even more unique, they offer custom orders.  I think this shop looks fantastic, I can't get over the prices.  I've ordered something for Ethan & Felix and can't wait to show them off!

image source: Handmade is Haute

Freshly Picked

OK, Freshly Picked aren't new to me, and they might well not be to you either.  I think I may have written about them before and they are certainly very popular on Instagram.  There is a reason I am mentioning them though...  Don't tell anyone, but I found out this week that they are finally going to be stocked in the UK by the rather fantastic Cissy Wears.  I'm not sure when yet, but if you fancy a really gorgeous pair of handmade mocassins for your little one, these are the ones to go for!  Stalk Cissy Wears for news on when they will be available!

image source: Frehsly Picked
The Bright Company

No.  Not light bulbs and accessories.  Sleepwear!  Yay!  I think slim fitting PJs look adorable on children and The Bright Company obviously agree as that is their signature look.  They stock a small but striking range of pyjamas, sleeping bags and blankets for little ones.  Though the range is small, it packs a punch with bright colours and a bold print.  They have a sale on at the moment.  I don't have the budget left to make a purchase this month, but believe me, I will be when I can.  I've totally fallen in love with their PJs.

image source: The Bright Company

Have I whet your appetite?  Have you found inspiration via Instagram?

Our lives have been dominated by the pox again this week.  Ethan is much better, but Felix is still on the mend.  He has really been very ill with it, poor thing.  There's not been much fashion going on, as you can imagine, but we're starting to bring the style back now:

Fairisle knit cardigan - Primark
Orange badger print top - Mothercare
Bird print leggings - Rainbow Kids
Mountain print leggings - Saltcity Emporium

Now, it's over to you!  Link up your children's fashion blog posts below.  Please don't forget to comment here and visit others who join in!

Monday, 20 January 2014

Tidy house Top Tips

Anyone who knows me knows I like a nice tidy house.  I'm not too concerned about germs.  I don't go around with antibac wipes.  I don't even dust every week.  More like once a month.  I just like a place for everything and everything in it's place.

When someone visits my house they will almost always comment on how neat it is.  It's not over the top showhome neat (I don't want to make people feel uncomfortable!) but neat and tidy in an inviting homely way.  I hope at least!  I often get asked just how much house work I do and what tips I have.  I have actually blogged on this subject before, but it was quite a long time ago now.  At the start of a new year, I think getting tidy and organised is at the forefront of many people's minds, so I thought it would be a good time to share my top tips.

Tidy as you go:

This is probably my No.1 tip.  I feel the key to a tidy house is not to let it get out of hand in the first place.  Many of my tips tie into this one.  Once you build them in to your daily routine, you probably won't even realise you're doing them!  It's logical really.  Tidy up as you go along.  Don't let things pile up.   If you are cooking, wipe up surfaces as they get dirty.  Wash equipment, pans etc up straight after.  If you are baking a cake, do the washing up whilst the cake is in the oven.  If you have had the children in the bath, rinse and wipe down the bath afterwards, put the toys away in a bath toy tidy so they can dry, hang the towels up. If you've done the washing, hang it up at the first opportunity.  Once it's dry, don't leave it in piles, put it straight into the draw.  I know it's hard with children, remember, I have two of them!  Rope them in, or if they aren't interested in helping, at least tell them what you're doing.  Have them in the room with you.  They can play whilst you clean up.  You can tell them what you're doing and why.


Bleach is your friend.  Say it with me now: "Don't fear the bleach, bleach is your friend!".  You don't need to go over the top with bleach, but honestly, it's so handy to have around.  There are so many things this bottle of household wonder can help you with.  I have a bottle downstairs and upstairs.  Both out of reach of course.  I keep a bottle in the bathroom because I rinse Felix's nappies up there.  I shower his nappies off in the bath and like to fling a bit of bleach around the tub a couple of times a week just in case.  It's also very handy to pop down the loo 2/3 times a week.  The sink as well.  I don't have time for a deep bathroom clean every week, but a quick once over with bleach keeps you on top of things.  I have gloves in the bathroom.  If I don't have much time, I pop them on, pop some bleach on a wad of loo paper, wipe that around the tub, sink and finally the loo and that does the trick!  Bleach is also fantastic for keeping the grout between tiles looking bright.  Pop some on a sponge and wipe it over the grout and tiles.  Leave it for a while (half an hour or longer) and then rinse down.  Nice shiny & white! You can also apply it to an old toothbrush and use that to get into small areas.  Mildew on windows?  Get in there with that bleachy brush!  Stains on your white walls? Pop a little bleach on and wipe off after a short while.  If you don't have any bleach handy, toothpaste can often be used to clean off stains (I use it on my white gloss painted windowsills!).  Just be careful when wielding the bleach - watch your clothes and skin!

A cloth:

A cloth.  My friend.  My bathroom is kept tiptop between cleans all due to my wonderful collection of absorbent flannels.  I always have a flannel in the bathroom, but not for washing with.  No, for wiping down the surfaces!  It doesn't have to be a flannel.  Any absorbent cloth will do the trick.  After every bath and shower, the tub, tiles, taps, shower head, mirror and metal shower shelf are wiped down.  It keeps limescale from building up.  It keeps things looking clean and shiny.  The same goes for the sink.  It only takes a moment after hand washing or teeth brushing.  Whip that cloth out.  If the shower has been on, the windows and mirror get fogged up.  They get a wipe down as well.

Wet wipes:

Using cloth nappies with Felix, I tend to use cloth wipes on his bum.. but I do still have a use for good old baby wipes!  I keep a packet in my bedroom (much cheaper and kinder on my skin than dedicated face wipes if you buy ones without balm in them) and a packet in the living room.  They are great instant dusters.  You can easily dust a whole house with one or two wipes.  They clean stains off painted walls.  You can clean the floor with them.   Hand them to the kids and tell them to get to work.  Clean sticky marks from toys.  Wipe doors down.  Clean the windowsills outside!  Clean inside your car (I have some in the glove-box!). Clean your laptop!  Wipe dust of light bulbs and light shades (make sure they aren't hot!).  Clean the inside of your washing machine door. Picture frames!  I even clean our buggies with them.  I'm pretty sure they come in handy for anything.

Storage & clutter:

Have a good clear out.  I love it.  I'm probably addicted to clearing out.  It's very theraputic I feel.  Don't hang on to stuff just because.  Don't hide things away.  If you've bought a load of new clothes, go through your wardrobe and have a good clear out.  Sell stuff.  Give it to charity.  Always make space for new items though, don't just keep shoving more and more in.  You'll never wear it all anyway.  You can always store winter clothes in the summer and vice-versa (under-bed storage bags are great for this).  Kids create a heap of artwork.  Come up with a good way to display some of it (on the fridge is traditinal and brightens up the kitchen).  You can buy frames to pop art work in.  What I tend to do is keep it on show for a while and then store my favourite peices in a file.  The rest gets photographed and then recycled.  It's hard, but you just can't keep it all.  The same goes for cards.  Some get used again for crafts, but mostly, they get recycled.

Invest in some good storage solutions.  Take advantage of storage space in the attic and garage.  Vacuum bags are very good, especially when it comes to storing clothes.  I keep clothes for the boys this way.

Don't let toys get out of hand.  In my experience, children don't play with that many of them anyway.  I'm not saying don't have any, but take note of what they are playing with.  If there's something they never play with it, sell it or give it away.  If they are older, ask them first.  Ethan is getting to this age.  He notices if something disappears, even if he doesn't use it.  I ask him now.  He gets a chance to play with it.  If he still doesn't, we give it away with his consent.

Rope in the kids:

From an early age, children can help with tidying up.  You have to make it fun, a game.  I'll admit that due to being a control freak, Ethan hasn't been too involved with tidying up until recently.  Once he started school though, I thought it was silly that he helps to tidy up there but not at home.  He sees me keeping things tidy though and has already learned to copy.  I suppose some people might not think this healthy, but like me, he likes things in their place!

Ethan likes to help out with cleaning, so I have two dusters.  He takes one, I take the other.  He is also getting to an age where he likes to buy things.  It might be a lego figure or a lolipop, but it gave me an idea.  It seems silly that I have to keep buying him treats.  I wanted to hand him some control and responsibility.  So, for a few months now, Ethan has the job of making his bed in the morning.  If he makes it every day, he gets £1 a week.  He can then choose to spend it or save it.  Mostly he saves it.  He's currently saving up to buy a Catbus (any other Totoro fans?!).  I know he loves the feeling of doing something himself.  It saves me a job and it also helps him learn about earning money, not just being given something.

A handheld helper:

No, you dirty thing, I don't mean the vibrating kind!  Getting a handheld vac was one of the best purchases we EVER made.  I really mean that.  Children mean crumbs.  Everywhere.  And an increase in sock fluff.  Bloody sock fluff.  I feel I am permanently waging a war against sock fluff!  I love my handheld vac.  The big Dyson probably only gets used once or twice a week, but the baby one is out several times a day.  We have two laminate floors downstairs.  They show up fluff and crumbs really quickly.  Our dining table is in the living room and I have to vac up crumbs under it several times a day.  It's so much easier than trying to use a dustpan and brush on carpet or getting the full sized vac out.  It's also great for a quick vac around the whole house now and then.  Or in the bathroom which is another laminate floor.  Or in beds if some cheeky so and so has eaten toast in bed!!! Also fantastic for the car. Ours is from Lidl.  It's far superior to the Vax one we owned a while ago.  Only cost about £16.  It's lightweight and gets into small nooks.  Buy one with lithium iron batteries.  They are better quality and you'll get far more power from them and they last longer between charges.  Make sure your vac has a wall mounted charger - super handy!

Baby Oil:

I'd never use it on skin (mineral oil just sits on the skin blocking it!) but it's fantastic for shining up metal surfaces.  I wipe it on to my hob, sink, toaster, kettle, bin.  Polish it with a cloth.  Lovely shine!

White vinegar:

Classic - de-scale the kettle, de-scale your washing machine. Yes, quite often you should run your washing machine on a 90 degree cycle, empty of course with some vinegar in the powder draw.  It'll keep it clean and should help with limescale.  I think you can even put it down the loo to tackle limescale!

Well.  I could probably go on all day, but I think those are my favourite tips.  Do you have any?  Share below!

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Baby Led Weaning (BLW) - Reaching The Wall?

Felix has been "having" solids for a few weeks now.  I started introducing them a few days short of his 6 month birthday.  He's 7 and a half months now, so I suppose it's been something like 7/8 weeks.  And.. well, I'm just not sure how it's going.

He loves playing with his food.  He's mostly happy to go in his high chair, he enjoys being at the table with us.  But how much does he actually eat?  Not a huge amount.  Now, I know things are a bit different with BLW when compared to weaning using puréed and mashed food.  I know that very often babies given mashed food often eat a larger volume when compared to BL babies... yet, I'm still paranoid.  It seems to be in the job description as a parent - you worry and doubt!

I do help Felix eat some of his food with a spoon.  Usually, if it's something soft/liquid like yoghurt, redibreck, soup etc.  I give him one spoon and I have another spoon.  He doesn't love being fed by me but as long as he has a spoon as well it usually works.  Most of his meals are finger foods though and every meal time more gets thrown away than gets eaten.  I feel like I might be coming up against something like the runners wall.  Do I keep on going?  Do I turn around and try another approach?

I thought I'd write my thoughts down, bounce a few ideas around, ask for some advice.  Here are my main concerns:

1) Nutrition.  Is Felix having enough to supplement his milk?  I know the mantra, "Until they're one, it's just for fun" but I have recently read various opinions that counteract this.  It is often said that breastmilk is the perfect food for babies and that up to their 1st birthday they don't really "need" anything else.  There is no doubt that it is full of fantastic things they need but it isn't a fantastic source of iron or zinc.  Felix, of course, is formula fed, and so, I'm not sure whether this applies.  I know his formula is a great source of vitamins and minerals including iron.  Perhaps he gets enough from his formula alone?  I keep swinging between feeling OK and worrying on this point..

2) Waste.  I hate waste.  Nothing makes me sadder than disposing of good food.  What can be salvaged, is salvaged.  If possible, I scoop it up and serve it again at another mealtime.  This isn't always possible though.  Sometimes I can leave stuff for Pete to eat when he gets home from work (he's always hungry after his bike ride!).  Sometimes I eat it.  If we're at my parents house, the dog might be able to eat it.  More often than not, though, it has to get thrown.  At least these days we have food waste bins and I know great things happen with our food waste.  We have a compost bin as well... but still, it makes me sad to see tasty food getting thrown away!  I tell myself this stage won't last long.. it' can't last long?  It still bothers me though.

3)  Poo.  This is a strange one, I'll admit.  One of the reasons I'm so keen for Felix to eat more solids is so that his poo will become firmer!!  It's selfish, I know, but with cloth nappies, there's a lot more hands on poo scraping involved and it will be so much easier when they roll off the fleece liner instead of me scraping it off with my "poo spoon" into the loo!  He's a 4 times a day kind of pooer as well.  I wouldn't mind so much if it were once a day!

4) Sleeping through.  He still feeds at night.  Heading towards 8 months old, formula fed and still feeds at night.  I know, it's selfish again.  I also know that solids and sleeping through don't go hand in hand, but there's always that voice at the back of my head "if he ate more, he might sleep through!".  He's managed to sleep 7pm - 6am 3 times I think.  Most of the time, though, he still wakes anywhere between 12am - 5am for a feed.  It's only once a night, I know it could be worse.  It's annoying though when I know breastfed babies that slept through from 8 weeks and there he is on his formula still not sleeping through.

5) When?  When will it change?  At what point will it click with him and he'll suddenly start understanding what food is for and actually want to eat it?  This is the one that troubles me the most really.  I suppose it's just a case of hanging in there, but it's so hard.  On top of all of the other things going on during my day, getting the boys up and dressed in the morning, getting out on the school run, food shopping, cleaning, washing, nappies, swimming classes, gardening, blogging...... it sometimes just feels like another stress, this weaning process!

So.  Please.  I need your advice, your support, your stories.   Will it change?  It was so different with Ethan (I didn't know about BLW and it was over 4 years ago, it's amazing what you forget!).  Do I keep going?  I like that mealtimes aren't stressful for Felix.  It's that that keeps me going really.  Mealtimes were a battle with Ethan.  Felix isn't force fed.  I respect his right to refuse something being put in his mouth..  but I am his mother, it's also my job to see he gets what he needs!  Help!

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Trendy Thursday - We're back for 2014!

Hurrah!  Trendy Thursday is back folks!  No doubt you've been checking here every Thursday for the last few weeks - where is your kids fashion fix?  Ha ha ha... I wanted, no, needed a break over Christmas and the New Year and boy, it's been refreshing.  I love to blog.  I love the opportunities it offers me and all the people I get to interact with because of it but I find a break to be very worthwhile from time to time.  It's easy to get burnt out.

I had intended to write a Trendy Thursday post last week but Ethan had been a bit off for a few days and then I noticed some spots on him.  It was quickly apparent he'd come down with chicken pox, so much of my time has been dominated by that for the last week!  We've been lucky, I think.  It takes a lot to knock Ethan out (he's like his Mum ;-D) and despite being well covered by the pox, he's actually very much been his normal self.  I can't send him back to school yet because quite a few of the spots are yet to dry up.

It's been an interesting week, but actually, it's been nice.  I know that might seem strange; Christmas was lovely, but busy.  This Monday just gone should have been the return to school but of course, due to the pox, it wasn't.  It's been nice to have some slower days.  We've not really been able to leave the house, apart from to visit my parent for a bit.  I was worried it'd be all movie watching and bouncing a bored baby on my lap but actually, we've not watched anywhere near as much TV as I thought we would.  We've written all our thank you cards for the lovely Christmas presents the boys received.  We've baked.  We've played lots of lego, we've played board games, bingo, dominoes.  We've danced around the living room heaps and had quite a few "discos" in Ethan's bedroom. All in all, it's been nice to spend some extra time with my big boy.

However, the pox has mean that Ethan hasn't been wearing lots of funky outfits.  He's wanted to stay soft and snuggley.. so I don't have all that much to show off fashion wise!  I do have a few sale bargains to show off and I thought I might share some of my hot picks for the seasons coming up..

I've picked up some bargains in the sales so far this year. I escaped from the boys for an hour or so today whilst my parent looked after them and, like a Mum, I spent that precious "free time" in Waitrose buying necessities and things for the boys.  As Waitrose is part of the John Lewis group, they stock John Lewis kids clothing.  I love their clothing, they sell lovely items for boys and girls, not too stereotypical and they are excellent quality.  I also find they are rather reminiscent of Boden..shhhhh!  I don't ever need to buy them full price though!  For £9 today I picked up three gorgeous tops for Felix to wear almost a year from now.  Two of them will be perfect for Christmas 2014!

John Lewis clothing - image
Online, I've been hitting up DaisychainBaby.  They have some brilliant reductions in their sale.  Unfortunately, budget restricted what I could buy.  I decided to spend around £30 and picked up three items but it was hard to choose!  I'd been lusting after some Poco Nido fox print shoes for Felix for a while, so they were a no-brainer at £8.  I've also loved Nosh Organic's hot-air balloon top, so for £12, that found it's way into my bag.  Finally, I went for some navy and red striped trousers by Piccalilly.  Why?  Well, I thought they looked cute, I like the pocket detail and I buy far more tops than trousers so I wanted to try to redress the balance!

Image sources: DaisychainBaby

In terms of the up coming seasons, I love what Maxomorra have planned.  I always get excited about their new collections and think their retro inspired prints are so eye catching.  From their new collection I adore this print.  I'm not entirely sure what it's supposed to be.  A passion fruit?  A radish?  A pomegranate?  Either way, I love the colours.  It's on my wish list!

Image source: Maxomorra
Corby Tindersticks are another brand I love.  They are kooky and different and sound like a band.. I love that they sell more than clothing, they sell toys as well (we have a fantastic interactive felt weather map by them).  Their 2014 collection looks as cool as ever with their trademark orange colour running through it:

Image source: Corby-Tindersticks
I follow Emma from DaisychainBaby on Instagram - Instagram is just about my favourite way to while away the hours.  I love that you can follow companies and get sneak peaks of what's coming up.  A few days ago, Emma posted an image of a vest she plans to stock this year.  It looks so adorable I know I'll be putting it on my wish list for Felix!

Well, that's just about all I have for now.  Thanks to other bloggers, facebook and Instagram, there will be hundreds of other "wants" this year... but we're only a week in!

Now, it's over to you guys -  link up your kids fashion posts below.  If you posted something whilst I took a break, feel free to link it up as well as a post for this week.  Don't forget to tweet me your link, tell others about the linky and visit others who join in!  Oh, and comment here if you can!  If it's not too late, I'd like to wish you a happy 2014!