Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Defining moments of my day...
1) Scrabbling around the house like a deranged dog sniffing out a squirrel in an attempt to gather enough change to pay for playgroup. I had to empty my son's piggy bank for God's sake. Well, at least it was being spent on him (though I have a feeling the money goes more towards the lovely filter coffee they brew and cakes than on anything else...). It was a proud moment, me on the floor of Ethan's bedroom, swearing at the piggy bank, breaking my nails to get out a few 50p's...
2) Ethan announcing loudly on the way out of playgroup. "I have done a poo poo. My nappy is VERY smelly". Thank you... you didn't really need to announce it - everyone COULD SMELL IT!
3) Wondering for the 50,000 time WHY, OH WHY did we buy two sofas with freaking UN WASHABLE COVERS?! I was pregnant when we bought them.. somehow, SOMEHOW, we should have known this was a stupid thing to do. Oh, the naivety of those without children. I love the sofas. They are big, comfy and red. Fab focal points in the living room. But, how, oh how, I would love to be able to strip them of their covers and sling them in the washing machine. In stead we have something called a "stain resistant coating" which DOES NOT WORK. The other wonderful bonus of this "stain resistant coating" is that if you bung it in the wash it will turn into some sort of mushy gel which would render the covers useless and probably break your washing machine into the bargain. Not something I am going to try. Which is why at present I have a towel, heated up wheat bag and the entire hardback anniversary addition of Calvin and Hobbes on top of one of my sofa covers in an attempt to dry out a stain without leaving a water mark behind. Why did we let Ethan drink on the sofa? I need a bulk load of throws...
4) Overheard from the bathroom just now:
Ethan "there's poo on my towel, Daddy!"
Daddy "Is there? Where? I can see a pea..."
Ethan "Yes, the pea is from my bum bum, Daddy"
Daddy "How did it get there?"
Ethan "I threw it out of the bath, my poo poo... I threw it" "There is poo poo floating in the bath"
Daddy "Oh. Oh yes. Oh There is loads of it!"
*jumps out of bath*
I'm glad it wasn't my turn to share the bath with Ethan tonight!
What joys did your day involve?
Trendy Toddler Tuesday - Retro Cool
This week, Ethan is rocking a retro look. My Mum kept everything from when my brother and I were children. I mean everything. All the toys, all the clothes (unless they were ruined). When I was pregnant, we went through the loft and she even had 30 terry cloth nappies up there still... honestly! They came in handy for wiping up Ethan's baby sick though. Anyway, as a result, Ethan gets the chance to wear a lot of our old clothes - mostly my brothers now, I don't think I can quite get away with the dresses on him! (though I do want to buy him a fairy outfit because he wants one!). OK. Pics....
So, Ethan is wearing a beautiful top by Duns who are rather like Smafolk and Plastisock with their designs. It's such a gorgeous top with a city life print on it (bikes, cars, buses, trees, houses etc..) His dungarees were mine, in around 1985 I presume. They were hand made in England, Mum thinks it may have been a friend of a friend. His slippers are rather like Moccis, but are from H&M. He adores them and gets upset about his "cold feet" if he doesn't have them on!
Ethan tells me he likes this outfit because it's "yellow with tractor and cosy and comfy". So, there we have it!
Please comment below or tweet me if you're joining in with this meme and I'll be sure to take a look at your post!
Monday, 30 January 2012
90 words, 90 bloggers...
My blogging buddy Snoo and Me asked me if I'd heard of the blogging campaign Kate On Thin Ice is running. She is trying to get 90 bloggers to get 90 words about an important woman in their life to raise awareness of breast cancer and Breakthrough Breast Cancer. This is an evil illness which affects so many lives that of course I want to get involved and do what I can.
Men - breast cancer can affect you too! It's not just us ladies. Whoever you are, remember TLC (and I don't mean the group!) Touch. Look. Check.
For my 90 words, I am going to write about my Mum. Obvious it may be, but my Mum is the most influential and important woman in my life, I'm sure!
Mum. Always working hard, always doing the best she can for me, my brother, all her family and friends. She was diagnosed with MS in 2004. It was such a shock. It meant she had to stop working (a bit issue for someone like her, with her own business). Despite that, despite the horrible affects of her illness, she has kept on smiling. Since having Ethan she has been a lifesaver for me, most of all in the early days when we moved in with her and Dad. She ROCKS.
I just wanted to exercise...
Right. It's 10:00AM. It's time to leave. Grab Ethan, get his coat on, plonk him in the buggy, push him out the door... ummm.. PUSH HIM OUT THE DOOR. What is this? SERIOUSLY WHAT THE SOD IS THIS? The back righthand wheel is literally hanging off. Oh flipping great. A massive puncture? I suppose that massive bramble that got stuck in the wheel the day before was to blame. That's it. All that prep and psyching myself up for nothing. Can't walk there with Ethan, the class would nearly be over by the time we'd get there (you know how toddlers like to dordle and examine EVERY SINGLE THING). Poo. Big smelly nappy loads of poo. Nothing is ever simple when you're a parent, is it?
Sigh. There really are some days that are sent to try us. The irony is that I ended up eating more cookies due to feeling irritated than I would if I'd gone to by class and felt good about myself.
This week baby I promise...
This week baby I promise... not to blog when you are awake or when I am fully in charge of you (i.e. Daddy is at work so it's just us at home!).
I admit that when I started making a real effort with my blog a couple of weeks ago, it started to eat into our days together, and I don't want that. I love blogging, but I don't want it to take over my life. I've got more organised now so I can blog in the evenings and when your Grandparents take you for a bit. You deserve my full attention (well, let's be honest, it can't always be 100% full attention, there's always the cooking or washing up!).
What do you promise this week? Pop along to see what Mum of One is promising and to see what others are promising - I will be! Oh, and don't forget to comment below or tweet me so I know you're joining in!
Sunday, 29 January 2012
I've been racking my brains ever since I "overheard" Mammasaurus and ActuallyMummy discussing this on the Love All Blogs live chat... What can I join in with? There must be something!? Well, last night, I was faffing around on my laptop and found myself looking at videos of Ethan from late 2009 and I discovered a few gems. So, please, for your funny bone's delectation, let me introduce to you "Ethan and the garlic". I hope it may make you chuckle a bit.
ActuallyMummy is holding this week's SunFun so don't forget to head over there to see what everyone is linking up!
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Thanks for joining in!
Friday, 27 January 2012
MP3 Shuffle
1) Ascot Gavotte - from My Fair Lady. This is the song sung when they are.. well, at the Ascot Races.. Obviously really. My Fair Lady was the first musical I was taken to see, for my 7th birthday at the Bristol Hippodrome. I fell in love with musicals right there. To this day it remains my favourite musical. It's on my iPod these days because Ethan discovered it recently and he insists on listening to it on a regular basis.
2) Black Horse & The Cherry Tree - KT Tunstall - a good track, I think the first of hers I downloaded. Personally my favourite album of hers is her Christmas one!
3) Pretty Fly (for a white guy) - The Offspring. This song reminds me of being 17, young, silly, doing my A Levels, drinking too much, going out on a school night and snogging men in clubs who I never met again. Fun!
4) Morning Dreams - Ladyhawke. I'm glad this song came up. I've had Ladyhake's album for ages but for some reason never listened to it very much. This song popping up has reminded me to do that. A good tune.
5) Valerie - Mark Ronson & Amy Winehouse - it's just a classic really, isn't it. Though I do have The Zootons version as well.
There we go... I'll tag a few folks now, in case they want to join in!
Comment if you're joininng in! And thanks to Seasider for tagging me!
Stay at home, Mum?
When we're out, I'm fun, relaxed and I feel free. So free.
I love being a Mum. I don't want a life where I rush out to a job I hate, having to put Ethan in childcare. I'm happy to call myself a stay at home Mum. I just struggle with the stay at home aspect...
Thursday, 26 January 2012
I'll show you mine...
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
How to embarrass your child in 3 simple steps..
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Trendy Toddler Tuesday
Monday, 23 January 2012
This week baby I promise...
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Friday, 20 January 2012
My 2011 Highs and Lows Meme
Dawn of the HouseWifi..
Thursday, 19 January 2012
I'll show you mine... (new Meme)

Monday, 16 January 2012
Sick day..
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Sunday Snapshot - 88 miles an hour!
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Why I love Moccis (good customer service goes a long way!)
I've posted about Moccis before.. (here) . Since I discovered them I've had two pairs, Pete has had two pairs and so has Ethan. They are pricey, but we are usually able to make them last a year so I don't feel it's too much to spend on something you wear every day for a year or so. Plus, they really are the comfiest and safest slippers I've worn (if you've ever slipped up or downstairs in 'slippers' then you'll know what I mean about most types of slippers not being all that safe to wear!).
Thank you for your e-mail.
I’m so sorry to hear this! It is not supposed to happen, and I understand your concerns! If it would be OK with you, I would be really happy if you could send these back to us. This so that we can forward them to our factory in Sweden for them to inspect them and see what has gone wrong in production.
Would you be able to do that? Again, I’m so sorry as the quality should be equal on each and every Moccis!
Of course we will also send you a new pair of Moccis to replace these ones. Please let me know your size and choice of design, and the address where to send them, and I will arrange this ASAP.
I was extremely impressed to hear back from them so quickly, and a personal response as well, not a "thank you for your query we will respond to you in the next 24-48 hours" type reply. I was also very happy with the suggestion of a replacement, but also happy enough to send them my faulty pair. They are a business after all and no doubt want to eliminate the possibly of someone trying to blag freebies! I replied quickly saying I was happy to do as requested and posted off my faulty pair receiving a replacement the very next day. Not only a replacement, but I was able to choose a new design (in the months that had passed since my faulty pair had been ordered they had extended the selection of adult Moccis and I was told I could choose any design for my replacement pair!).
I really couldn't be more happy with the customer service at Moccis. Not only do I love their product, their excellent customer service has ensured my future business. Good business sence there Moccis!! There are lot of companies out there that would do well to take a leaf out of your book.. As a result I will continue to buy from you and recommend you to friends and family and anyone reading my blog! I think the only thing they could have done to improve my experience further would have been a freepost label/envelope sent out to me to send back my faulty pair in but that would only be an added bonus really, because let's be honest, they could have told me "tough luck, you've probably been skateboarding in them..." or something similar!!! It cost me less than £2 to send back the faulty pair and now I have brand new ones!
Well done Moccis. Thank you for keeping my feet and my heart warm (especially when it's -3 outside!).
You can buy Moccis here.
Friday, 13 January 2012
New Years Resolutions - looking back and looking forward..
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Mothers little helper
Interpret the title as you will. Today I applaud sellotape and scissors. Fixing what your little helper likes to break since... A long time anyway!
All hail the bodge job.