Monday, 23 January 2012

This week baby I promise...

Good Monday all! Today I'm going to join in with Mum of One's meme "This week baby I promise..." The idea is that we make a promise to our baby or child each week and then link up over at Mum of One's blog. The link is above, or you can grab her button which I have added to my blog (over on the right, the cute teddy bear button).

There are lots of things I'm sure I could improve on as a Mum, so I should have lots of material for this meme. This week it's something simple though.

This week baby I promise... not to chase you around asking for kisses from you so often! I love your kisses Ethan, they are so beautiful and each one I cherish so much. If I could steal them from my lips and pop them into a box to keep forever I would. As it is I try to hold onto them in my mind for as long as I can. However, as I know how beauftiful they are, I should know that they are at their most beautiful when given freely by you, not when demanded by Mummy. I love you. You love me. When you come up to me unexpectedly and kiss me my heart melts. I will try my hardest not to force them from you because I know there will come a day when you will only offer a kiss when it's demanded of you (oh, those awkward teenage years!).

As always, let me know if you are joining in as well and I'll drop by your blog to see what you are promising!


  1. Lovely pic and FAB earrings! That is such a lovely promise and you're so right. When they surprise you it is just heart-breaking isn't it. Will link you up on the list so hopefully the others may pop over too later x

  2. AAh that's a lovely promise and a gorgeous picture! Have a lovely week!

  3. Thanks for popping by ladies! Ethan has given me two kisses of his own accord this morning so I'm quite content at the moment!

  4. Oh, that's a tough one to keep but you're quite right, the spontaneous ones are the best.

  5. Yeah! I'll probably be chasing him around in a few days.. but I've managed it today and reaped the rewards of surprise kisses instead, which has been lovely :)

  6. Oh, thank you r.e. the earrings! I made them. Massive buttons stuck onto earring backings from a craft shop. I get compliments on them all the time! Keep meaning to make a few pairs to sell...

  7. A lovely promise Alex I really think that paragraph you've written is so sweet. And btw i love the earrings too! :)


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