Sunday, 29 January 2012


Weehooo! It's Sunday! Time for the new meme being shared between ActuallyMummy and Mammasaurus.  Quite simply, it's called Sunday Funny or SunFun for short.  All we bloggers have to do is link up with something funny, a video, a photo, a blog post from the past, something our child has said.  Whatever, as long as it's funny!

I've been racking my brains ever since I "overheard" Mammasaurus and ActuallyMummy discussing this on the Love All Blogs live chat... What can I join in with?  There must be something!?  Well, last night, I was faffing around on my laptop and found myself looking at videos of Ethan from late 2009 and I discovered a few gems.  So, please, for your funny bone's delectation, let me introduce to you "Ethan and the garlic".  I hope it may make you chuckle a bit.

ActuallyMummy is holding this week's SunFun so don't forget to head over there to see what everyone is linking up!

Sunday Funny


  1. I'm longing to know what Ethan did with the garlic but when I press play it says 'Video temporarily unavailable'.

  2. Sorry all, there does appear to be a fault with the video. I will sort it out tonight!!

  3. OK, I uploaded the video again, it should work now! Don't know what happened before... maybe google removed it for some reason! It worked when I tested it last night!

  4. Really? It works for me... gah, this is so annoying! I'll try uploading it to youtube... check back later!


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