Friday, 27 January 2012

MP3 Shuffle

I was hanging around on Love All Blogs this morning whilst blogging myself when a blogger I'd not met before asked in the live chat whether anyone fancied taking part in a quick meme.  I thought, why not!  I've already posted today, but this one sounds like fun.  Seasider In The City heard about this on the Radio One breakfast show this morning.  It's a simple concept but surprisingly... surprising!  All you need to do is grab your mp3 player, stick it on shuffle and then tell everyone what you got!  I don't know about you, but I usually only have my iPod on shuffle anyway, it's far more fun.  I have quite eclectic tastes as well, so when I got in my car today and plugged the iPod in, I was intrigued to see what would come up.  This was the result:

1)  Ascot Gavotte - from My Fair Lady.  This is the song sung when they are.. well, at the Ascot Races.. Obviously really.  My Fair Lady was the first musical I was taken to see, for my 7th birthday at the Bristol Hippodrome.  I fell in love with musicals right there.  To this day it remains my favourite musical.  It's on my iPod these days because Ethan discovered it recently and he insists on listening to it on a regular basis.

2) Black Horse & The Cherry Tree - KT Tunstall - a good track, I think the first of hers I downloaded.  Personally my favourite album of hers is her Christmas one!

3) Pretty Fly (for a white guy) - The Offspring.  This song reminds me of being 17, young, silly, doing my A Levels, drinking too much, going out on a school night and snogging men in clubs who I never met again.  Fun!

4) Morning Dreams - Ladyhawke.  I'm glad this song came up.  I've had Ladyhake's album for ages but for some reason never listened to it very much.  This song popping up has reminded me to do that.  A good tune.

5) Valerie - Mark Ronson & Amy Winehouse - it's just a classic really, isn't it.  Though I do have The Zootons version as well.

There we go... I'll tag a few folks now, in case they want to join in!


Comment if you're joininng in! And thanks to Seasider for tagging me!


  1. Ooh don't think I know 1 or 4 I'll have to look them up. Love the rest though and have a bit of a crush on KT Tunstall.

    Thanks for joining in and I look forward to chatting more x

  2. Well, thank you again for tagging me, it was really fun! It could be a regular thing maybe.. I have a crazy amount of music on my ipod... I hear from AM this is going viral now! What have you started!?! x

  3. Your iPod has served you well, good choices. Offspring bring back so many memories of early 90s festivals. I really like Ladyhawke too. Have you ever seen the sitcom FM (the guy in the IT Crowd is in it)? It is so funny and each week they have a different musician / band appearing. There's a really funny episode featuring Ladyhawke. You can probably buy it on Amazon for about £3 now, highly recommended.

    Great to see a musical on there as well - O loves Sound of Music and Mary Poppins at the mo.


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