Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Trendy Toddler Tuesday

Today for the first time we are joining in with Trendy Toddler Tuesday, a meme which is hosted by Little M over at Mummy's Busy World, a lovely blog I discovered last week.

One of the things I love most about being a Mummy is all the wonderful clothes available for children and babies. I do think to find something different you need to look a little harder, but most shops do have a few more unusual items. My favourite shops in the UK for childrens clothes are H&M, Next and John Lewis, but I am also a fan of finding independant shops that stock a lot of the Scandinavian brands I love. There's also Their Nibs, a UK company who have a very vintage feel and stock the most beautiful Gruffalo PJs.

Anywhoo, onto Trendy Toddler Tuesday. As soon as I heard about this, I knew it would be a good meme for us to join in with! It's a simple idea, all you have to do is post a pic of your toddler in their trendy garb and link up with Little M. If you want to join in I have attached a button to my blog or you can just find them via this blog post.

Here's my pic of Ethan for this week. This is a bit of a random styling, dictated by warmth, comfort (AKA playability) and pattern. I'm sorry it's not a better picture but it's almost impossible to get Ethan to stay still.

In the above Ethan wears;

Shoes: Converse (slightly battered)
Legwarmers: One stripy huggalug and one elk print huggalug
Trousers: Katvig
Top: Plastisock "Peace" print top.

So, dear readers, what are your thoughts on this crazy get up? We like to mix it up in this house! Pattern, colour, it all gets mixed in! If you are joining in with this meme, please let me know and I'll come and see what your little fashion plates are rocking!


  1. I'm all for the vintage style myself, and looks like they have a fab sale on. One thing that really annoys me about kids clothes is when you see something you quite fancy for yourself and they dont make it in your size...grrr!...

  2. Oh! I know.. that really gets me as well! I'd love to be able to wear some of the stuff available for children, esp. the scandi stuff...

  3. I totally dig it. This little dude is totally confident and I love the mixing and matching. Do you let him chose his clothes? I'm especially fond of the socks over the trousers...brilliant!

  4. Thanks Maria! I have started giving him a lot of control over what he wears, and in fact this outfit was totally chosen by him! I started by letting him choose his top, but now he chooses most of what he wears every day, even shoes and coats! (we do get some strange combinations now!). I love what you dress your son in, his headphones hat is so funky!

  5. Love this outfit. Such a stylish little boy. I like how you ix & match his outfits. And Converse are a must for any little boy (my two have quite a few pairs, the more battered the better)

  6. LOVE converse since they are so versatile! Blondie Boy wore his with a tux at my sister's wedding and with his Halloween costume!

  7. Oh, Ethan lives in his Converse! In fact, I think he wore them at my friends wedding last year!
    KyNa Boutique - thanks!

  8. Your welcome. Intrigued to see next weeks outfut :)


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