Sunday, 8 January 2012

Sunday Snapshot

I'm very quiet blog wise at the moment.. my apologies. Christmas was manic and I'm only just now starting to get back into the swing of things. I got a new phone recently so to make blogging easier I've signed up to tumblr, so now have a blog there. That doesn't mean the end of this one. The tumblr one will be for outfit photos, things I see out and about, quick random thoughts etc. This one I will keep for longer posts and ramblings. You can find the tumblr one at

Back to the snapshot. Although it is still a long way off no doubt (despite the appearance of Daffodils!) today it felt a bit like Spring was in the air. Pete and Ethan got out into the garden, spent some time clearing and cutting (Pete) and kicking (Ethan).

Looking forward to some sunshine now...

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