Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Spring Maternity Fashion

OK, OK, I know, it's only February, it's still flipping cold and it's not spring.. but the sun has got me feeling a little spring like, so I've been embracing it!

I am 27, nearly 28 weeks pregnant now and getting more and more fed up with maternity clothing.  All my maternity jeans are annoying me now so I'm in skirts/dresses/leggings ALL THE TIME.  Which is fine, but I don't have that many dresses that fit.  Just a few maternity ones.  It's getting to that stage in the pregnancy now where despite being at my biggest (well, obviously I'll be getting bigger, but you know what I mean) and most at need of maternity clothing, it doesn't feel like it's worth buying any more.  I don't know.. I will have to buy some more tights I think because I'm wearing my current ones so much they are getting baggy and I can't hack wearing my normal ones, they make me feel nauseas   I think I need a couple of pairs of new leggings as well, maybe a 3/4 length pair for when it gets a little warmer (remember that heatwave we had last March - what if we have another one of those!) and maybe a coloured pair.. Other than that, I think I'll be trying to make do with what I've got.  That does mean I'll have less to post style wise though, so if I go a bit quiet,  it's only because I don't want to bore you with the same tops/dresses each week!

Yesterday I riffled through my wardrobe and decided to try on one of my pre-pregnancy dresses just in case it fitted.  It did!  Not only that, I think it looked pretty good, and it made me feel spring like, just like I wanted.  I teamed it with my gorgeous bright Stella & Dot scarf (you can buy Stella & Dot via me if you like, just ask!), my denim jacket and my comfy clarks flats.  It felt so nice to bust out some colour and pattern.  My goodness, I'm really missing my regular wardrobe!

Beret - H&M
Sunglasses - TKMaxx
Scarf - Stella & Dot - contact me if you wish to buy!
Jacket - New Look - last summer
Dress - Top Shop (quite old)
Tights - H&M Mama
Shoes - Clarks

Not long now...

Pregnancy wise, I'm feeling the strain.  I am in pain all day and night, it never eases. My hips/pelvis are achy and walking is becoming hard.  I'm not sleeping well... moan moan!  I discovered a horrible varicose vein at the back of my left leg last week which nearly brought me to tears.  I love dresses that are above the knee and can't bare the thought of not being able to get my legs out in the summer, so I'm really hoping that it'll get better once I've given birth.  It should do.  In the meantime, I'm looking for compression tights to help me out... they are £20 a pop though!! Combined with my desperate need for a new bra (my boobs are such an awkward size due to small back/large cupsize) I am going to be bankrupt before this baby gets here...

The nesting is kicking in big time.  I'm itching to get baby's room all sorted out but I can't until we move the sofa out of there.  Don't know when that will be.  I just want to get the sofa out, cot up, chest of draws in, get rid of the old chest of draws, put all the baby clothes away and then get on with the fun stuff - prettyfying the room!! I've got some beautiful artwork and decals to go up.  I need to get some bunting and more shelves... I WANT TO NEST PROPERLY!!

Are you pregnant?  How are you coping? Are you staying stylish?  Let me know!

This post will be linked up with Transatlantic Blonde, The Pleated Poppy, Watch What I'm Wearing, Kiwi Women's Style, Sunday Style @ Plane Pretty and Visible Monday with Pati from Not Dead Yet Fashion.


  1. You look great!

    I've just started a new blog hop for all things pregnancy and new baby and would absolutely love for you to link up - Alice @ Mums Make Lists xxx

  2. Ah, I feel your pain. I'm 27 weeks (and 42 years old!) and am just entering the uncomfortable stage. My maternity jeans are too uncomfortable so I am living in dresses or leggings with tunics. I got a hair cut the other day to make myself feel more chic, and I am making an effort every day to dress up and put on makeup - hopefully that impulse will last! Like you, I am realising I need to embrace phase two of the maternity wardrobe cycle and buy a few more larger pair of pants. You look super sweet in your frock and yay that you can wear a pre-pregnancy dress! Hang in there :)

  3. That dress is definitely cute! I'm looking forward to warmer weather arriving so I can ditch the maternity pants and find some maxi dresses that are way more comfortable!

  4. adorable, I hope im still cute and fashionable when preggers one day!
    Coffee Beans and Bobby Pins

  5. Hi Alex!! Thanks for your nice comment!! Oh us pregnancy can be quiet uncomfortable. I always have the worst insomnia!!! And yes everything hurts all the time. This will be my last baby and I'm goingto have to say I won't really miss this pregnancy stuff:)

  6. Looking great! H&M is fab for maternity clothes. Thanks for linking up please grab the badge/link and comment and you are good to go!
    ✰Transatlantic Blonde✰

  7. I love this dress on you! And I also love that our generation of pregnant women are starting to embrace fashion instead of hiding behind it. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!
    Nikki at

  8. ah wow! you look amazing! the spring dress works well for now too with all the lovely layers. hope you're doing well

  9. That dress is adorable! There are so many cute maternity clothes that still work for the non-pregnant... you may get more use out of maternity clothes after all.I have purchased several maternity tops, because the extra fabric for the belly on the expecting translates into flowing nicely over my wide hips and large bum.

  10. what a perfect dress for being pregnant! I bet it's adorable not-pregnant too. I love your use of color!

    The House of Shoes

  11. Sorry for your not feeling so great! YOu do look terrific here in this cheery dress and scarf. Thanks so much for linking up!

  12. Oh, Alex, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so poorly! Let's meet halfway in New York for a pregnant ladies spa weekend, OK? ;) I love all your colors and patterns together. Although you're not feeling your best, you certainly are looking fab! I am still having all day nausea. Hoping that will fade very soon. In the meantime, I have my darling/energetic/back-sassing toddler to keep up with! ~Sarah

  13. Just because you are expecting doesn't mean you don't have to look stylish. Spring is a wonderful time for maternity clothes. Lots of bright colours, cool fabrics and fun fashion are out there for you to choose from. Of course you don't have to trail around the shops trying to find them, you can actually find cheap maternity clothing online for a colourful and fun Spring capsule wardrobe that will take you right through to sunny Summer.

  14. I love all these colors together, you look fantastic! Almost makes me want to get pregnant again, haha. Thanks for linking up :)

  15. You look absolutely cool and great with that maternity clothes. I wish i can be that glamourous and stylish even with my baby bump. I am 5 months pregnant and i admit, i'm having a hard time finding the right and stylish clothes for me as i have gained weight.


  16. Thank you for all the comments lovelies, I'm so sorry I've not got round to replying to everyone but I do appreciate your comments. Sometimes blogging gets too much when you're pregnant! x


Thank you for leaving me a comment! I appreciate every one!