Friday, 8 December 2017

My Christmas outfit

Wow, it's the 8th December today; how can that be? My oldest friend has her birthday on the 15th of November and I always feel that once we've celebrated that, I start to focus more seriously on Christmas but this year I feel like I'm behind on everything.  Hope it's not just me...

I've got friends who've had all their Christmas shopping done since early September.  Not me I'm afraid.  I don't mind collecting up odd things throughout the year but I prefer doing it in November and December.  It adds to that festive feel I find!  My boys have made their lists, I've bought some items and other items I've planned where to buy them.  Plus, of course, Father Christmas is taking care of a few.. As I've got my head (pretty much) around gifts for others, I've found myself thinking about what I'd like to wear on the big day itself.  Everyone does Christmas Day their own way, but, for me, dressing up in something special (and new!) is pretty much essential.  This year, as I am working again, I also have a Christmas party to attend! I am most definitely on the search for a party outfit!

I shop online for clothes most of the time, mostly due to time constraints and the fact that our town doesn't have much in the way of decent clothing shops.  If you exclude the charity shops.  I love a good second hand bargain! I usually start off with a good google for the kind of thing I'm after and see what pops up.  Last night I found myself perusing Esprit.  When I'm looking for my Christmas Day outfit, I'm looking for something special.  A bit of luxury, a true party outfit. 

I definitely struck gold stumbling across Esprit.  It's hard to pick just one dress! But my budget dictates that I must.  A lot of the velvet dresses they stock appeal to me (there's something so festive about velvet!) but for my body shape I feel this lovely  is the one for me.  I love the simple black top half, it's unfussy and compliments the patterned skirt well.  The fact the dress actually looks like a separate skit and top is something different, I don't have something quite like this in my wardrobe (and as I own over 130 dresses that's quite an accomplishment).  The skirt has just the right amount of "shiny" about it and I love a bit of bronze.  It's still a very on trend colour but also one I feel is Christmassy.

esprit party dress 2 in 1

Of course, once you've chosen a dress, you have to accessorize, right?! Footwear at Christmas time has to have an element of practicality, I feel.  For one thing, it's chilly.   I'm not one for strappy high heels at the best of times.  I think these metallic ankle boots have the right combination of complimenting the dress, keeping feet toasty and looking a little bit different too.  I'm also not a fan of going for the most obvious choice.

I'm a tights girl.  I have almost as many pairs of tights as I do dresses.  Which is actually pretty logical, I think! This is the time of year for soft and cosy tights and I think these cotton tights would work perfectly with the dress and boots.  Keep my legs nice and warm!

esprit cotton tights

So, how about you?  Do you like to wear something special on Christmas Day or is it a pajama day for you and your family? Whatever you wear, however you spend it, I hope you enjoy it!

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