Tuesday, 5 April 2011

And so another long gap in my blog posts! Every now and then, life just gets super busy and I can't summon up the energy. Or is it just that sometimes everyday life just affects you more than normal? Who knows.

We've been busy with lots of different things recently. Pete's being doing loads of garden improvements, some new fence panels, painting the summer house, flower beds. We've added to our 'herb garden'. I've just been out and planted some lettuce plants in amongst the flowers (it's really funny having lettuce growing in random places!). It's looking lovely out there, if wet.

Ethan is budding like a spring flower at the moment. I know, cheesy, but it's true. His language is growing by almost 4/5 words a day. It's got to the point now where I couldn't list every word/phrase he says now. Sometimes I just can't fathom how I could even have a tiny part in how he is growing and learning. I do feel proud of both of us though. He is generally such a happy boy and brings joy to so many people.

Every day when we step out of the house he brings a smile to so many people. I feel blessed by his presence.

I ought to talk about my targets for this year and how I'm getting on. With regards to crochet, I'm still trying but it's difficult. I've still yet to make a successful swatch. I have started up a stitch and bitch group though with a couple of my antenatal friends which is encouraging me to keep going. It's a nice chance to have a gossip, do a bit of crochet and be impressed by the amazing items my friends make!

In terms of clothing, I've bought myself a new coat, a beautiful Boden coat. Despite weeks and weeks of looking on ebay, I wasn't able to track down a bargain - at least not in my size. I had to buy direct from Boden, but managed to get 10% off and free postage which shaved off a bit. Still cost me £80 though! It's come out of my personal budget for the month. I like this budgeting lark. It really makes you think about making a purchase, about if you really want it! I've bought far less this year so far than I have in previous years.

Ethan has had a few new bits bought for him. I've bought this beautiful buggy cushion liner from Elodie Details http://www.elodiedetails.com/webshop2/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=86&products_id=376 they were selling it with 20% off for returning customers so I couldn't resist the bargain. It's getting mild enough now to take off Ethan's buggy snuggle so I think this will make his buggy funky and comfy for the summer.

We had a lovely weekend (just gone) visiting my uncle, aunt and cousins in Dorset (Jim, Jess, Joe and Jake AKA The J's). Loads of fun was had, walking to durdle door - Ethan got soaked playing in the sea and had his first ice cream. On Sunday we went to Swanage where Ethan got a close look at some steam trains, we had a lovely walk along the prom and ate some lovely chips in the salty sea air. Ethan was entranced by the J's 6 week old kitten, Smoky, he spent much of the weekend shouting Cat! Smoky! and fallowing him around.

I'm having a delayed mothers day next Sunday which I'm looking forward to as we weren't really able to celebrate it when we were away.

Well, that's me up to speed for now I think!

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