Friday, 5 February 2016

Funky Kid Friday

Hey guys! Sorry it's late.. it is still Friday though....  so it's Funky Kid! Today is the day to join us with your kids fashion posts.  Link them up below.  We have a few simple guidelines:

- Link up your kids fashion post/s below
- Comment on the hosts and at least one other post
- Display our badge (see sidebar)
- Tag us on Twitter - I'm @medicatedfollow and Hannah is @mamamakedopush. We will retweet your posts. Don't forget to use the tags #funkykidfriday and #FKF as well!
- The linky opens on Fridays and is live until the following Monday.

Thank you to Hannah for hosting last week.  As always some amazing link ups.  I particularly loved the star print body suits being rocked by Toby & Gabe!

Now it's over to you guys - link up below and don't forget to tweet us!

Happy Friday! X

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