Monday, 12 September 2011

The Post Man always knocks...many times!

So, the other day I wrote about the trials and tribulations of shopping with a toddler in tow. I was mainly talking about grocery shopping because it goes without saying really that if essential food shopping is stressful for you and boring for your mini-me then clothes shopping is even more so.

The answer of course is shopping online! I am a total ebay addict and am always searching out a bargain on there (and selling things to pay for my addiction!). I don't just use ebay though, in fact I've listed a few of my faveourate sites to the right of my blog posts. If I'm shopping for me though, it's normally ebay.

Today the postie brought me some lovely items. Ethan was in need of a rain coat and waterproof trousers, so I ordered some from Bebaboo last week and they arrived today. I'm very pleased with them as is Ethan who insisted on trying on his coat straight away:

The most exciting thing was recieving a lovely freebie in our parcel, a really unexpected surprise - yay! A gorgeous free top in Ethan's size. The rainwear and the top are all by Smafolk who I really love for their bright and bold prints and excellent quality. I love getting happy parcels like this :)

The other package we recieved today was a bit of an impulse ebay purchase. I was feeling a bit Christmassy last week and started to think about where we're going to place the Christmas tree this year. We always have a real tree and last year we had it up on the dining table, out of the reach of a certain little man. This year however, we use the dining table every day as Ethan now eats there for all of his meals.. So there is no way I can pop a 5 foot tree up there! It's going to have to go on the floor. I think that he'll be pretty well behaved around it (I hope!) seeing as it'll be his 3rd Christmas and he'll be 2 and a half. However, accidents happen and I'm not neive. I decided it'd be a good idea to put some oilcloth material down on the floor underneath the tree. But you can't just shove any old thing under there and not care can you? After a search on ebay I decided to plump for some red and white polka dot material. It's festive but you could also use it at other times of the year! I found some cut in a circular shape which I think will look best under the tree. I'm now stupidly excited about how cute it's going to look...

I'm about to head off to bed now, but I thought I'd let you know that I am no longer peroxide blonde, this evening I've gone purple and blue - whoop! I feel autumnal!


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