Wednesday, 24 October 2012

What I Wore Wednesday - New (old) boots

On Friday Ethan and I were in Nailsea visiting my parents and decided to trawl through all the charity shops there.  We found some fantastic bargains, but I think the best find was a pair of Wrangler boots for £4.99.  Suede and in excellent condition.  I had to snap them up!  They have a heel but are actually very comfortable to wear.  I wore them all afternoon on Sunday and they remained comfortable.

Dress - MOST by Smafolk via
Necklace - Olivia Bib Necklace by Stella & Dot
Cardigan - New Look (last year)
Belt - New Look (old)
Leggings - Asda
Boots - Wrangler via charity shop

I really do love this dress.  It looks like a sack unless you wear a belt, but with a belt I love it.  The print on it is sooooo cute.  I think it worked really well with my new (old) boots.  I do think it needs a statement necklace thought!  I think this outfit is quite smart for a Sunday doing nothing much, but it was all very comfortable, so I was happy :)

As you can tell from my photos, I was "haunted" by Ethan the helpful ghost.  Bit freaky isn't it!  Must be because Halloween is around the corner.

Have you snagged yourself any good second hand bargains lately?  I couldn't do without charity shops these days - about the only place I can afford to shop!!

Linking up today with Transatlantic Blonde and The Pleated Poppy for WIWW.


  1. I love the print on this dress, Alex. It coordinates so nicely with your blog background print!!! And there's that darling little man again! ~Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah - it does, well spotted!! :) x

  2. You look beautiful Alex and you're right that dress is super pretty! I have won myself some fab ebay buys lately (boots for £4!) , but unfortunately the chazza shops have not been fruitful lately... slim pickings!
    And Ethan the friendly ghost looks so cute he adds a wonderful halloween esque edge to the piccies heehee! xx

    1. Thank you lovely :)

      Yay for ebay bargains - shame about charity ones. I find it goes in waves like that. I've not been so lucky on ebay lately, but then that'll probably pick up again soon!


  3. You have so may pairs of boots, not jealous no not at all. Lovely outfit as always.


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