Sunday, 28 July 2013

Joy & Joe Wrap Sling Review

When I had Ethan I was too overwhelmed to really give babywearing a proper chance, but this time around, like with cloth nappies, I wanted to try it out and make more of an effort.  Shortly after having Felix I was asked if I would like to review a wrap sling from Joy & Joe.  This was the type of babywearing I was most scared to try - wraps look so daunting.  Yes, they are just one piece of material, but the whole idea of figuring out how to wrap?  It seemed too hard.. and would it really support Felix and my back?  I had to give it a go, to push myself to try something I was scared to try.

Our Joy & Joe wrap arrived really quickly, I chose a nice bright green.  The wraps are available in a whole host of colours, ones with patterned panels are available as well.  From a style perspective, I decided a plain colour would go with the widest variety of outfits - haha, I know, sad... It might not seem important, but I do wear a lot of patterned clothes and I didn't want to be put off babywearing for fear of clashing!!  I do realise that's a trivial point, but it was honestly a consideration for me.  I did at least choose a bold colour, and one I knew hubby would be happy to wear as well.

Once the wrap arrived, I must admit the wrap sat on my living room table for a while.  I wanted to use it, but I was so tired and overwhelmed by dealing with two children I just didn't get round to it.  Eventually, I just had to bite the bullet and give it a go.  The wrap comes with a detailed booklet which gives step by step instructions including photos showing you how to use the wrap.  Maybe it's just me, but I found these a little tricky to follow, but it's OK because Joy & Joe have provided some very useful and easy to follow instruction videos on YouTube.  I would really recommend watching these before using a wrap.  Once I'd watched these a couple of times it gave me the confidence to try it out.

I think it's taken me a few goes to really get the hang of the wrap.  It takes a little while to get a feel of it, how it's comfortable for you and how it best suits your baby.  Of course there are a few different ways of wearing your baby in a wrap which is why they are so versatile though I've only used a basic front carry so far.

I was pleasantly surprised by how comfortable and supportive the wrap is.  I really didn't expect this, I didn't see how one piece of frankly stretchy material could be supportive, but it really is if you tie it properly.  Felix was comfy as well and fell asleep happily.
Now I've got the hang of it, I'm using this wrap quite often, mostly around the house for now.  Felix loves to be close to me (or Daddy) and it's lovely to have him close.  I really enjoy the chance for some skin to skin contact.  As it's been so hot lately he's often in the wrap with just a nappy on and I've only had a vest on top so there's lots of skin to skin contact which baby's love.  I adore being able to smell his gorgeous baby smell so close to me.  It's also a fantastic way for me to be with Ethan but also have Felix close.  I can imagine if I were still breastfeeding how useful it would be as well.  It's nice to have another option when it comes to settling your baby, almost without fail Felix becomes calm and sleeps when he's in the wrap.

Joy & Joe wraps retail from £19.99 which I think is a bargain for such a versatile and supportive wrap.  We love ours and I know I'll continue to use it.

**I was provided with a wrap for the purpose of review but no payment has been received and all views expressed are my own**


  1. I so wish I'd given this a try - I think it would have really helped with breastfeeding and colic.

    So glad everything is going well - thanks so much for sharing at the Friday Baby Shower, Alice @ Mums Make Lists x

    1. I really think babywearing helps hugely with these kinds of things. It's so useful to be able to have them close but your hands free as well! x


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