Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Trendy Tuesday

I'm writing this at 10:30pm on Tuesday.. I think I'll just get this posted in time!  It's hard to find time to blog when both children are with me 24/7.  I don't think it's fair to get my laptop out and blog when they are awake.  Ethan didn't go to sleep until after 9pm tonight, hence this post being so late!

One of the best things about the children being home for the holidays is being able to dress them in lots of nice fun outfits.  No uniform - yay!  Three weeks from now Ethan will be in uniform 5 days a week.  Of course, Felix is only 11 weeks old, it'll be a while before he's subjected to that.

It occurred to me recently that I'll have to stop buying so many clothes for Ethan.  I've always bought a few years ahead and stock piled clothes, but now he's a school boy, he really isn't going to need as many, so I'm going to have to curb my habit!  Booo..

I thought I'd share a few outfits from the last week:

Scarf - Lidl
Top - Katvig via bebaboo.com
Leggings - Hjorn Hoarth via Funky Little People
Hightops - H&M

Top  left: Romper by 4 Funky Flavours via Monkey & Bo

Top right: Leggings by Indikidual via KyNa Boutique, socks Ted Baker

Bottom left: Poncho by Boys & Girls, shorts by Katvig, Converse hightops with Shwings

Bottom right: Felix wears a Brights & Stripes babygrow.  Bib & nappy via ebay.  Ethan wears a Smafolk top (bebaboo.com), Polarn O Pyret leggings and Moccis.

Do you like our new pushchair?  We've been sent it to review by Cosatto and we are LOVING it so far.  A full review will follow in a few weeks of course.  We need ample time to test it out!

What have your little folk been wearing this week?  Link up below, comment here, visit others who join in - let's see what all the little fashionistas have been rocking!


  1. Fab outfits and loving the Gromit! We've been Gromit hunting too this week. Can't believe your little man will be at school soon. It is a shame when they don't need so many clothes :(

    1. How many Gromits have you tracked down? We're really enjoying finding them. I can't believe it either. Where have those 4+ years gone?!

  2. I am sooo jealous of the pushchair, it is gorgeous. x

  3. Your boys are always so colourful. Let's hope the school uniform can be pepped up a bit!

  4. Love the outfits, the scarf is fab, I love kids in scarves, Grayson would just chew though so can't put them on him.
    I want those chevron leggings for Addy x


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