Tuesday 27 August 2013

Trendy Tuesday - Salt City Emporium & Funky Giraffe

Where does the week go?  Every evening I think "I need to blog!" but I so rarely have the energy/time.  I am amazed at how other bloggers find the time.  I'm sure once Ethan starts school it'll be a bit easier to find the time.  At the moment my only chance is about 9pm, once the children are asleep and we've eaten.  It's hard to feel motivated!

Despite lacking in energy, I'm still loving dressing my boys.  Instagram is a constant source of inspiration for fashion, both for myself and the boys.  I love seeing what others are wearing and dressing their children in.  I follow loads of funky dressers and end up finding all these amazing companies who make really cutting edge clothing.  I recently discovered Salt City Emporium, an "Urban lifestyle brand for the modern family" founded by Jen and based in, yes, you guessed it, Salt Lake City, Utah.   I couldn't resist ordering a couple of items from them, despite having to get them shipped in from America.  It was totally worth it though.  I bought a pair of leggings for each of my boys.  I've got to be honest, it was hard to choose which designs to go for!  The leggings aren't cheap, especially when paying for international postage, but they are handmade items made from organic cotton, so you are getting something special.  I went for a mountain print for Felix and a chevron print for Ethan (I am so feeling chevron prints at the moment!).  You can follow Salt City Emporium on Instagram @saltcityemporium.

Another company I've ordered from recently is Funky Giraffe.  We're long standing fans of the dribble style bandanna bibs in our house.  I'd actually like to say I introduced them to all my friends.  I was certainly one of the first people to use them in our town when Ethan was a baby, all my friends asked about them and ended up buying loads and now almost all babies have them!! I've never bought any from Funky Giraffe before now though.  I'm impressed with theirs- the more you buy, the cheaper they are! Funky Giraffe also sell some clothing and little moccasin slippers which I really love.

So - that's our style for the week!  Over to you - have you discovered any new brands on Instagram?  Been inspired by something on Twitter?  What have your little ones been rocking?  Link up below!  Don't forget to comment here and visit the others who join in!


  1. We love Funky Giraffe. Ill have to have a nosey at Salt City Emporium - looks good!

  2. Love, I have been big into Chevrons for about a year now, Grayson's room is Rainbow Chevron. So I am in love, I have used FG bibs for 4 years now, Deacon has some of G's originals, I hadn't seen the Chevrons ones as haven't ordered any for Deacon yet but shall have to have those xx

  3. I looove those leggings so much, gorgeous. We have some FG bibs, but Alex is at the stage now where he hates to wear a bib and gets really cross :)


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