Wednesday, 12 December 2012

17 weeks - time for a festive tee shirt

Howdy folks!

I'm 17+3 today and feeling it.... tiredness still not eased off... my restless leg syndrome has ramped up a gear, I still have a blocked nose most of the day and sleep sitting up.  It's wonderful, I'm really glowing.  NOT.  I just keep thinking about the 20 week scan.  It'll be lovely to reach that "half way point", to know what we're having and hopefully to get a tiny bit more energy!

Although I'm not feeling physically my best, I'm trying hard to keep upbeat.  It helps that Christmas is round the corner, so I'm keeping everything festive.  This includes the annual "bringing out" of my festive tee shirt from Cath Kidston.  I've had it for a few years now, 4 I think, and it comes out every year in the run up to the big day!!  I love this tee shirt, it always makes me smile, and quite often other people as well when they spot it!

I'm afraid my photos are a bit rubbish this week, I took a few when I was in the loo at my local coffee haunt.   yeah, I'm so classy!!  So, my apologies for that!!

Hat - M&Co
Coat - Red Herring Maternity
Tee shirt - Cath Kidston (old)
Jeans - Topshop Maternity (2009)
Kensington Uggs -
Jewellery - Stella & Dot (you can buy via me, stylist I.D. 145279)

My jeans are from my previous pregnancy and I'm still very fond of them. "Pippa" skinny maternity jeans from Topshop. They really are a "true" skinny, a lovely fit. Loved them last time, glad I have them to wear again!! Also really really thankful I bought this hat a few months back because it barely gets above freezing at the moment and it's so handy. Between the faux fur collar on my coat and this hat, I don't need to wear a scarf. I do love my scarves, but sometimes it's easier not to have to worry about grabbing one before leaving on the school run!!

I just want to take this opportunity to say a bit thank you to everyone who reads, comments and follows my blog. It's been about a year since I started to make a huge effort with it and it's paid off. I'm not one of the biggest blogs out there, but I've carved out a nice little niche for myself which I'm happy with. So, thank you for helping making that happen. I hope I can keep at it in the new year!! In the meantime, I feel I need a break from all things blog, so with Christmas coming up, I hope you won't mind if I take 2-3 weeks off... There's a chance I might feel like I have a quick blog post I want to type up in that time, but just at the moment, the blog is starting to feel a bit like a chore. I know I need a break. Normal service will resume in the new year, when I will be over 20 weeks and hopefully feel refreshed and ready to start again!! Don't abandon me forever and have a lovely lovely Christmas and New Year!!

Linking up with The Pleated Poppy and and Transatlantic Blonde today.


  1. I love festive tees AND THAT HAT!

    1. Thank you! I look forward to wearing it each year. The hat is just fantastic for the cold :)

  2. Thank you for taking the time to share this


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