Thursday, 14 March 2013

Maternity Fashion & TIffany Rose - Oh, how things have changed!

When I was pregnant with my first son over four years ago, it created a new bond between my Mum and I. We've always been close but we've never been "best friends".  I wouldn't say we are now either...but my becoming a mum definitely brought us closer, and gave me a better understanding of her. We used to talk about all sorts when I was pregnant the first time around, and I was genuinely interested in what her pregnancies with my brother and I had been like so we talked about that quite often.

One thing I remember my Mum mentioning was the lack of maternity wear in the 1980s. In fact, it's not just my mum who has commented on this, I remember my mother in law saying the same.

Years ago, the whole fashion and clothing market was different. It was more common to make your own clothing (and that of your children) than today. Mainly to keep prices down! My mum used to make do with what she had in her wardrobe pre-pregnancy, and either adapted clothing she already owned or bought big baggy dresses.

I do remember her mentioning Mothercare (Mothercare opened its first shop in 1961 and started mail order business in 1962). She bought a couple of maternity items from them via mail order - including a rather "fetching" maternity swimming costume which she still has to this day!!

It has to be said though that maternity wear is still a relatively new concept in fashion terms. Even today it can be very hard to find maternity clothing on the High Street. Certainly my local high street doesn’t stock any maternity wear. I have to travel to my nearest city or order online.

Even when you do find a shop that stocks maternity clothing, the selection is generally small; two pairs of trousers styles to choose from, some vests, a shirt, a t shirt, a dress or two, a pack of bump bands and maybe a pair of tights in one or two colours - that seems to be what most shops stock. Understandable I suppose, pregnant women aren't the largest demographic in the country!!!

Luckily this gap in the market has been spotted and there are more and more maternity wear companies popping up all the time. They have seen this gap and recognised that, actually, women WOULD like a variety of clothing styles to choose from when pregnant and *gasp* they would actually like to feel stylish and fashionable as well as comfortable!

Nine - ten months isn't long in terms of a lifetime, it's true, but pregnancy is hard enough (as any pregnant woman will tell you) so why shouldn't you feel good about yourself for the duration?  It's not unusual when pregnant to find you need to attend an event which calls for a smart outfit. Perhaps a wedding, a christening or even a work event…

Luckily there are now companies out there who provide maternity clothing for such occasions and Tiffany Rose is one of them! Tiffany Rose stocks some of the most stunning and beautiful maternity dresses I have ever seen.

Amelia Dress - Tiffany Rose
I haven't had to attend any events during my current pregnancy but when I was pregnant the first  time, I had several including my brother’s graduation from Oxford University. I know I would have loved a Tiffany Rose dress for that occasion!! I think that if I were attending a similar event during this pregnancy I would choose the Amelia Dress - short (Windsor Blue). It is a truly timelessly stylish dress. I'm obviously not alone in thinking so, several celebrity Mum's have worn it including Dr Pixie McKenna and Julie Arshavin.

Obviously, not all women are going to feel that a wide choice of maternity clothing is absolutely necessary, but I believe there are a growing number of us who do - especially among the fashion and style blogging community!  Staying stylish during a pregnancy helps to maintain a feeling of "being you", at a time when so much is changing (not just physically!). Personally, I welcome all the new maternity clothing companies to the market - long may it continue! We deserve to feel and look good when pregnant!


  1. What a gorgeous dress - you're right there is just so much more choice now, Alice


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