Friday, 18 November 2011

Holidays are coming, holidays are coming!

I'm sorry it's been so quiet in blog land this week. Ethan has had a cold and I've had a vomiting virus... We seem to be on the mend now!

I may be mad.. (don't answer that!) but I have undertaken the decision to make all of my Christmas cards this year. In previous years I have made a few, mainly for my closest friends and family, and used bought ones for everyone else. I'm hoping that this year as I'm starting in reasonably good time, I can make them over a few evenings and then get them out in early December.

What I wanted to do this year was involve Ethan's artwork in the cards. We have pages and pages of Ethan's doodles. I can't bring myself to throw them out, but equally, I can't keep all of them. So, I had the idea of using them in Christmas cards. What I've decided to do is to cut shapes out of the paper he's drawn on and stick those shapes onto cards. I'm using some Christmas cookie cutters to make the shapes! I've gone for a stocking and a Christmas tree... and I made a star stencil myself.

This is what we have so far!

What do you think?


  1. Excellent idea. Might steal it.

  2. By all means to Lise! After-all you have to do something with all the doodles!!


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