Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Hot hot hot... bikini under a dress - what I wore Wednesday..

It's hot here.. did you not know?  Of course you did.. it was the main focus of my Trendy Toddler Tuesday.

It's not easy dressing in this weather.  Yes, I know it's far hotter in other places, but it's always such a humid heat in the UK.  Running around after Ethan (and pushing the buggy laden with shopping up and down hills) makes me so sweaty.  When I get home all I want to do is go into the garden with nothing more than a bikini on.  I'm not about to scare the neighbours though, so I through on a dress to make it a more decent look.  I also have to makes sure whatever I sling on I'm not too precious about because all Ethan wants to do in this heat is spray the hosepipe around the garden.. and mostly at me!  There's no ban here at present, so thankfully we can do this.  Don't worry though, I don't let him do it for too long.

So.  This is what I was rocking in the sun yesterday afternoon.  My bikini, a short dress and my big summer hat.  I'm sorry the photo is cheesy as hell!

Hat - Clothing @ Tesco
Dress - New Look
Bikini - Bravissimo

The hat is new - got it a couple of weeks ago, the dress I've mentioned before, had it a while from New Look and my bikini is about 4 years old... olllllllld... but because I've got heafty boobs, I have to buy expensive bikini's that set me back about £50-60 so they need to last a while!

What's your hot weather style? Are you struggling in the heat? Does your toddler insist on spraying you with a hose?  I'm linking this post up with Transatlantic Blonde.


  1. Good summer outfit! I tend to go with little dresses, flats and sunglasses when it's sunny.

    1. Oh yes, sunglasses, I couldn't be without mine!

      It occurred to me the other day. Am I too old to wear short dresses/skirts? Is my upper leg area baggy and unattractive? I'm starting to get concerned..

  2. Aww, you look adorable!! I love your big hat! I also love that cute room you're posing in. =)

    Typically, in the summertime, I go for dresses and sandals because they're nice and breezy. But if I'm going to be chasing after the kids, I wear shorts and a tee. And if we're lounging around the backyard, I'll wear my swimsuit, but trust me, NOBODY wants to see me in my swimsuit! lol

    1. Awww. Thank you!

      I love the shorts and T combo as well, got some nice denim ones. Also 3/4 length jeans/jeggings can be good!

      I bet you look fine in your swimsuit! X

  3. I sat in my backyard in shorts and a 32DD bikini top--- I'm a 34G now so um yea anytime I moved that wasn't so good lol!

    1. Hehe oh dear! Mine have always been big 30-32F (went to a J cup when pregnant!). X

  4. heeeeeeeey mama, looking good! I'm happy to see the weather is heating up xx

    1. Why thank you :) it's cooled down again today.. hope it improves again soon! X

  5. Very nice and beautiful:)I love it:)

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