Thursday, 10 May 2012

Moccis Giveaway!

I've blogged about Moccis at least twice before.  If you've visited my blog before, I'm sure you know that!  The most recent occasion was here where I was writing about the excellent customer service I had experienced after having a faulty pair.

Four months on, I would like to happily report that my replacement pair of Moccis are going strong.  They are in excellent condition.  I wear them every single day, and as I'm a stay at home Mum, they get a lot of use!  I've just taken a few photos of them to show just how good they are looking.  See what you think!

The stitching is looking good.  No holes or tears.  The soles are still holding up.  They are comfy and warm still.  I couldn't be happier.

Now, I've been in regular contact with the lovely people at Moccis and I now have the chance to offer you, my lovely readers, the chance to win your own pair!!  You can choose whatever size and design you wish.. and there are plenty to choose from!  Personally, if I were buying a pair for Ethan at the moment, I'd be torn between the newest design, London Calling:

Bus Moccis

Or the cute and eye-catching Autumn Leaves - OK, it's not the current season, but I love it all the same!

Autumn Leaves

There are many styles to choose from, especially if you are choosing a baby or junior size.  There are fewer to choose from in the adult range but still something to suit most people, I would think!! Hubby always goes for Midnight Blues:

Midnight Blues

I would recommend you hop over to the Moccis site now and have a look... even if you don't win this competition, you might find yourself wanting a pair anyway!

If you want to check out Moccis on Facebook, head over here and if you wish to follow them on Twitter their handle is @MOCCISCOUK.

Now.. rules for this competition are simple, especially as I've enlisted the help of good old rafflecopter (my first time using this.. scared it's going to work correctly!!).  To enter, use the rafflecopter entry form to win points.  The only mandatory part is the first one - leaving a blog comment telling me which is your favourite design.  After that, it's up to you how many points you want to earn.. but obviously the more points, the more chance of winning!  The competition will run for one week (Thursday 10th May - Thursday 17th May) so that gives you a good amount of time to enter.  Once the time is up, I will let the winner know, then it's up to them to get back to me with which design and size they would like and their address to I can pass this information on to Moccis.

It's that simple!

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I like them all but London Calling are my fave!

    1. Yeah, it's a lovely design that one, and very topical with the Olympics!

  2. I like the Midnight Blues design :)

  3. My goodness, what a choice to make....and I'm not so good a decisions so I've thought long and hard and whittled it down to three, is that allowed??! Love for an Owl are fun and I'm loving all the owl designs I see around at the mo, Stony River cos I love the colours and finally I Love Candy because I do!

    1. Oh go on then, choose three ;-D Good choices!

  4. I always go for comfort when I'm at home, but my footwear isn't half as lovely as your Moccis.
    Just sorry I don't tweet or FB!

    1. That's ok! I can honestly say they are the comfiest slippers I've had, I've had 3 pairs now over the last 3 years and they have saved my neck on the stairs countless times - I always find other slippers makes me.. well.... slip up!!

  5. Replies
    1. Me too!! I think next time I'm going to go for Autumn leaves or the Mushroom design..

  6. Anything to do with London is a winner for me!! Lol x

  7. Oooo I love them! I love anything with owls, yours are lush! Oliver would love a pair of the London Calling ones, typical boy, anything with wheels is always a favourite! xxx

    1. You'll have a tricky decision if you win! Do you get a pair for yourself or for Oliver...hmmm! xx

    2. :) It always ends up being for Oliver, I would get Mother guilt otherwise! ;) xxx

  8. Stoney River :)

  9. I can't pick just one! In the baby designs I like Pengy Brr, Feeling Moosey, Over the Rainbow, Rock and Roll and Under your Bed. LOVE THEM!

    1. Ahhh, Feeling Moosey! Ethan had that design for his 1st pair! I love that design.. x

  10. oh there lovely! definately the london calling ones though, they all look so comfy x

  11. My favourite design is Stoney River and I wish they did Ice Dream in adult size!x

  12. this is a fab competition :) I'd never heard of these before and they look great and couldn't have become known at a better time. I need to get Emily some shoes but her feet are too small and narrow even though she is cruising. To have something like this on her feet would be great and they look like they'll offer more protection. The size I'd want is girls 6-12 months - 'So Lovely' 'Rock N'Roll' 'Funky Nature' 'Cool in Pink' 'Lilac Twilight' and 'Just Give Me a Kiss' are lovely. Actually they are all nice and I wouldn't mind which one I got for Emily (only preference they were more girly the boyish). xxxx

  13. is it UK only? I love the UK calling :)

    1. You know what Maria, I haven't checked that with them, but I will. But please enter anyway because if you are the lucky winner and they don't want to post to the US I'll happily post them on to you. Wouldnt want you to miss out! X

    2. We do ship worldwide, so no worries :)

      XX Ninni @ Moccis

  14. Good looking feet in good looking Moccis!

    Wish you've shot a pic of the sole, footprints in mocs are fantastic!

    Thanks for the pics and good luck to all contestants. Moccis is worth it!


  15. Oooooo Alex LOVE LOVE LOVE London calling, I am a size 5. Fingers crossed!

    1. It's a lovely design isn't it! Good luck! x

  16. I love the London Calling moccis and the Pengy Brr, but must admit they are all fab! x


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