Monday, 13 August 2012

A total haul - Magpie Monday

Last Thursday whilst my parents had Ethan, I spent a very productive hour popping in and out of Clevedon's charity shops and I got so lucky.  I've been buzzing ever since!

First up, the Holly Hedge charity shop had these cute home-made record bowls.  I know you can make these yourself in the microwave, but they were only 50p so I thought they were well worth it.  I'm going to use them to display jewellery in at my Stella & Dot trunk shows.  What do you think:

Next up was St Peters Hospice.  I'm not a huge fan of them... they charge far too much and our local branch has a sale rail at the moment!! I've heard of 20p or 50p bins at charity shops, or even a £1 rail.  But to actually have a charity shop with a "sale" err.. no, that's all wrong! Anyway, I still check out what they have, just in case!  This time I grabbed a few few books at 50p each and a brand new designer t shirt for a 0-6 month old for £2 which I'm going to give to my friend when she has her baby.

Antoni & Alison top & "Colours" book by the Meg & Mog writer!

Ethan has taken a liking to Miffy books & he loves The Snowman
Break was the next charity shop I ventured into.  Again I got lucky.  After a good nose around I found a Superdry dress and a Fat Face skirt.  Together they set me back £6.50 which I think was a fair price - both would have been a lot more expensive originally and to be honest I don't think they've been worn.

Feeling very pleased with myself I started making my way home... trouble was, my route took me past one last shop, Changing Lives.  It was minutes away from closing for the day, but I dashed in.   I'm glad I did.  What I took home with me for the bargain price of £2.50!

Yup! A pair of Nine West shoes.  My size, pretty comfy and in great condition.  Yippee!!

I'm linking up with Lizzie for Magpie Monday.


  1. I love Jan Pienkowski's stuff. My mum's still got my Haunted House pop-up book by him (K's not getting her hands on it til she can be trusted not to pull it to pieces!)
    Great shoes too, they look like new.

    1. Oh wow, that books sounds amazing!

      They are in great condition, such a bargain those shoes!

  2. Oh my!! Those shoes are lush. Perfect for the Autumn.

    You did get lucky (I've seen those record bowls at craft fairs for lots of money)

    1. I know! They are going to go with so many outfits...

      Yes, I've seen those bowls going for far more in boutique shops as well.. x

  3. Ohhh, I wished there was great charity shops in Sweden too! Either they are expensive or cheap and filled with crap. The shoes is fab and your son have great taste, Miffy is the best!

    1. Awwww, thank you! Some of the ones over here are too expensive as well, but we're not short of them in the UK!

  4. Very nice haul. I love MIffy!!!


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