Friday, 22 November 2013

Little Grippers Socks - Review & Giveaway

Baby socks.  They are a pain in the bum, aren't they?  They are anywhere but where they are supposed to be, which, in case you weren't sure, is ON THEIR FEET!! You'd be forgiven for thinking it was in their mouth... or under the sofa.  Or on the floor... anywhere really.  We all know that if you dare to put socks on your baby, they will, with a few deft movements, have removed it and turfed it aside.  Or decided to chew on it.  Socks just don't stay on.

Felix is my second child and I am well versed in the game of "hunt the sock" having played it for many years with Ethan.  With Ethan, I employed the use of sock ons.  You may have heard of them.  A funny little thing you place over your child's socked foot in an effort to keep the socks on.  They more or less did the trick with Ethan but I always felt they looked darn ugly.  So, I ended up not using them for aesthetic reasons.

Felix is a sock remover of epic proportions.  Far worse than Ethan.  He can get a sock off before you've even started putting the other one on.  I used Sock Ons with him and even they didn't work.  Which I was kind of glad about due to their butt ugliness...  I was pretty much at a loss.  With the exception of all in one suits or using tights, I didn't know what to do to keep his feet warm and winter was fast approaching.  When I was asked if I would like to try out Little Grippers, a range of socks designed to be almost impossible to remove by small hands (or feet) I nearly broke my laptop typing out my reply email - YES!!

Our socks arrived a couple of weeks ago, and I've got to admit I was sceptical.  On first inspection, they look like any other sock.  I felt the inside of the sock and I could feel a rubbery effect at the top of the sock. Hmmmm, I thought.  Well, if you don't try, you'll never know!! I popped them straight on him and then left in kicking around on the living room floor.  They'll be off in moments, I thought.

I looked over at Felix after a few minutes and was shocked.  They were still on!! They showed no sign of rolling down.  There had been no sock movement AT ALL.  Felix, on the other hand, was a good few meters away from where I'd left him, so I knew he'd been moving around.

The socks remained on for the rest of the day.  They really truly DID NOT BUDGE. Every day he's had them on since he has not once got close to getting them off.  They really don't move!

So - how do they stay on?  Well, Little Grippers use a thin layer of natural silicon on the inside of the cuff of the socks.  It's 100% natural, hypo allergenic and breathable so it doesn't irritate skin (I can confirm this - Felix has very sensitive skin and these haven't bothered him and only leave minimal pressure marks on the skin which fade very quickly).  Little Grippers state that the silicon lasts the lifetime of the garment, it can be washed and tumble-dried as it renews itself after every wash and doesn't loose effectiveness.

You can buy Little Grippers via their website, or at selected independent retailers. They have a range of plain baby socks for £3.50, patterned socks for £5 and they even stock a school range in black, navy, white and grey starting at age 3-6 up to 14+ years. Over the knee school socks are £5. Baby socks start at age 0-6 months.

Like the sound of all this?  Well, one luck reader will get the chance to try out Little Grippers for themselves for free!!! If you enter via the Rafflecopter below, you might win a Little Grippers gift box which contains new A/W winter patterned socks!  If you are the lucky winner, I will contact you after the giveaway ends and you can tell me what size you require!


The giveaway is live for one week from today!  Good luck!


  1. I once found 3 different Rory socks in the park that he'd previously lost there lost on 3 different occasions. Somebody had lined them all up on a fence post.

  2. They look awesome, I'm currently using baby legs over his socks in an attempt to keep them on but he still pulls them off. It's the best car game ever!

  3. We've managed not to lose any yet, but my daughter's only a few months old so I'm sure it's just a matter of time!

  4. everywhere shops, families houses, beach etc

  5. Grandma's house, park, shops. I had a bird of prey flight experience day and has to bring my son with me because no one could baby sit, he even managed to lose one while we were stroking owls, luckily the lady who runs it has grey hounds who accompanied us and found it again lol.

  6. I haven't lost any.....they ran away or escaped out of the washing machine!

  7. I took my great-niece to the doctors one day and came home minus 1 sock. Did get it back though lol

  8. Losing Sox all the time with my 13 month old learning to walk. Usually find them in the Casey toes

  9. Great idea :-)
    I think somewhere in the supermarket, but who knows...

  10. Definitely a good idea, Jake is always pulling his socks off when they start to fall off!


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