Wednesday 11 December 2013

Low expectations, great experiences?

I've come to a conclusion.  At first glance, it might seem a somewhat depressing, but very often, I feel the lower your expectations of something, the better the reality actually is!  Let me be clear, this isn't something I apply to everything, I love looking forward to a holiday or anticipating how wonderful a coffee and cake will taste, but often I feel if you don't expect much then you can enjoy more!

Let me apply that to today.  A few months ago, I received an email from a PR working for Andrex.  They were getting in touch to offer me a free spa day.  In return for nothing.  Not even a tweet or Instagrammed pic.  Of course, I jumped at the offer.  A spa day?  For free?  Some time away from normality?  Hell yes!  I didn't want to get too excited though.  Didn't want to get my hopes up as it were.  Why?  Well, things often fall through.  Especially when you have young children.  At this time of year, when the world is rife with colds and viruses, you never know if you are going to be able to commit to something!  It was entirely possible that one of the boys could be ill, or even my parents who were "booked" for babysitting duty.  Or I might be ill! Or the event might be cancelled.  In my experience as a blogger and a parent, you have to expect the unexpected, be flexible and above all, not hang all your hopes on something.

In the end, despite winter's best efforts to make everyone in the family ill, it all came together.  I got my time away from the school run.  I got to spend a lovely day with some fantastic ladies and best of all, I got to drink champers and have my back massaged in return for nothing.

As if it isn't enough that we wipe our backsides on their product, Andrex want nothing in return for my lovely day.  And you know what that gets them?  A big thumbs up from me, and, guess what!  A mention.  Hows about that then?  Well done Andrex, I think your soft PR approach is actually quite strong and suspect that it will go a very very long way ;-D


  1. It was a fab day. Good to finally meet you after seeing you so often on my insta feed. Glad you made it and got some time to un-wind.

  2. It was a great day! Lovely to meet such talented mummy bloggers that are super committed and passionate about what they do! Very inspiring ladies.....

  3. Well said Alex. Their approach definitely earnt some brownie points with me too.


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