Thursday, 12 December 2013

Trendy Thursday - Christmas clothes for baby!

Well, I warned you that we're getting our Christmas on in our household, and it's true.. well, for the boys and I, anyway!  I believe last week I mentioned that Festive Felix would be getting his turn in the spotlight?  He's certainly been rocking a seasonal selection in the last week!

There are so many cute Christmas outfits and North Pole infused pieces for children these days.  Really, we're spoilt for choice.  I don't think it's worth spending too much unless it's something like a hat or leg warmers that they might be able to wear for a few years on a row.  So.. I have tried to be restrained! Still, there are some real bargains out there and because they are so cute, it's hard to resist!

Primark is a good place for budget seasonal items.  It's a little harder if you have a baby boy I find but it's always worth a look, even if Primark is rather reminiscent of a jumble sale!  I found some leggings for Felix in the girls section.  No reason why they can't be worn by a boy, especially if they are only setting you back a couple of quid!  F&F clothing at Tesco also has an extensive range of seasonal wear this year.  I got an adorable fleece sleepsuit from them, red with a Nordic style print.

Polarn O Pyret have a beautiful new print this year called Nordic Nights.  I think it is absolutely beautiful.  I grabbed a sleepsuit in this print during their 20% off sleepwear & free postage deal the other week (I was also able to use my 10% off voucher - bargain!).   PO.P are fantastic for festive threads; their classic red and white stripes look Christmassy but can also be worn all year around.  They have some fun items like braces, bow ties, and my favourite, neck ruffle/collar.  OK, it's a bit silly, but it's also adorable!

Image source: Polarn O Pyret

eBay is another place I always check for a festive bargain.  I love leg warmers for the boys.  Ethan doesn't wear them much these days but they are still very handy to have around.  You never know when you might need an extra layer of warmth on your legs or arms and they tend to be one size fits all (though of course, the bigger you are, the smaller they will be on you!).  I recently bought Felix a pair with Christmas Trees on for a couple of quid on eBay.

Ruffle/Collar - Polarn O Pyret
Green vest - Ej Sikke Lej (this was Ethan's)
Red Fleece sleepsuit - Clothing at Tesco
Stripy Stocking - Polarn O Pyret
Robot print vest - Mini Rodini (Ethan's)
Tree print leg warmers - eBay

I might try to showcase something other than Christmas clothing next week, but I promise nothing ;-D

Join in with the Trendy Thursday linky!  Write up a children's fashion blog post, link up below, tweet me and visit others who join in!


  1. It's hard to resist isn't it? Your boys look so cute in all their festive clothes.

    1. Really hard... I'm rubbish at resisting!! Festive clothes just look extra cute..

  2. I love Christmas clothes. I've just brought the girls red dresses this year but now wondering if they need something else. So glad I met you & learnt about this fabulous linky :-)

    1. Red dresses - that's the classy way to go!! I bet they'll look adorable, Very happy to have met you as well :-) x

  3. Nice christmas clothes for baby. A theme oriented design is shown which is always in demand on the occasion of christmas. Natural designs are used in baby christmas cloth which connects the connect the occasion with the nature. Variety of colors need to be introduced to attract new people. novelty Christmas jumpers makes the environment funny and enjoyable.


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