Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Grubbies Dungarees & Little Titans tights - the perfect combination! Get 15% off!

I'm very fond of dungarees.  For me, they are intrinsic with childhood.  I remember adoring my dungarees and pinafore dresses as a child.  Now, as a parent, I love to have similar clothes to put my boys in!

It's hard to pinpoint exactly what it is about dungarees, but they just seem to be happy-making.  I don't know whether it's because they are comfortable and lend themselves to play.  Whilst they are a little more tricky to deal with when it comes to nappy changes and visits to the loo, it's nice (for child and parent!) not to be pulling up baggy trousers all day, or have a constant builders bum when playing on the floor.  You are spared these joys with dungarees!

We were very kindly sent a pair of Grubbies dungarees for the both boys and a pair of Little Titans tights to wear with them.  Why tights?  Well, if you read my blog often, you'll know I'm more than happy to put my boys in tights.  Why?  Well, they are warm, comfy and fun to look at!  The Grubbies we were sent are called "Riders" which are a knee/calf length cut so tights are the perfect combination with them in the Winter/Spring months.  That's the idea really - getting more wear out of your clothes!  Perfect for the Summer months, paddling in the sea, running in the sand.  Great for the Winter with cosy tights and wellies, puddle splashing!!

What do we think of them?  Well, Ethan LOVES his.  So much so, it's all he wants to wear at the weekends now.  Twice he has now asked me "Can I wear the exact same thing tomorrow?  I want to wear my dungarees again!".  He has NEVER asked me this before. So, when I say he loves them, I REALLY mean it.  I asked him why.  He told me they are fun, he likes walking around with his hands inside them (??!!) and that they are cosy.  So, there you have it!  Big thumbs up from the 4 year old.

What about Felix?  Well, he's only 9 months old, so he can't really vocalise his feelings on the matter, but he certainly hasn't kicked up a fuss at being put in them.  They are holding up well to his constant crawling.  They are soft and not restrictive which is great.  They also look as cute as can be!  They don't have poppers for nappy changes, but all in all, it's not too much hassle.

Grubbies Dungarees
Little Titans Tights

The tights.  Well, I always knew I was going to love these.  I really do though.  They just look SO cool.  Especially Felix's ones.  Love the way they look like they have little socks on!  Also, Ethan loves that they both have a similar pair.  The knee patches are a cool and practical idea.

I have to say the tights really are fantastic quality.  They are warm and thick but especially so around the feet.  They also have rubber grips on the feet to prevent slipping which is very helpful with a 9 month old who stands up all the time and is learning to walk.

Little Titans

We really are in love with these brands!

Grubbies Riders retail at £38 and are available in sizes from 6 months to 4 years.  You can keep up to date with the latest from them by following their twitter account @GrubbiesUK and visit their Facebook page.

Little Titans tights retail at £15.99 and are available in sizes 0-1 years, 1-2 years and 2-3 years (though 2-3 years fit Ethan who is 5 this year and 101 cm tall).  You can tweet them @LittleTitans and like their Facebook page here.

Most importantly, you can get 15% off both brands at the moment by using the code GRUBBYTITANS15.  The same code works on both sites.


  1. Aaahh love matching outfits. Tights are great too x

    1. I try not to be too matchy matchy, but there won't be long they allow me to do it for, what with Ethan being 5 this year. They do look so cute! x


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