Thursday, 27 March 2014

Trendy Thursday - Little Bird by Jools

If you read my blog regularly, you'll know I love the retro look.  I grew up in the 80s and have fond memories of my childhood clothes - my Mum dressed my brother and I in hand me downs from my cousins who grew up in the 70s so when I think back to the clothes I love, many of them have that 70s vibe.

Jools Oliver's Mothercare range, Little Bird, is just that - reminiscent of childhood clothing past.  That's why it appeals so much to me.

I made a few purchases for Felix from the range recently.  Much of the current range has been reduced (hopefully because new stock will be released soon!) so I thought I'd share those today!

T Shirts from Little Bird by Jools from Mothercare
T Shirts from Little Bird by Jools at Mothercare

Little Bird by Jools Playsuit from Mothercare, vintage, retro, 1970s
Little Bird by Jools Playsuit from Mothercare
What do you think?  Cute or what!  I'm particularly excited about Felix wearing the playsuit.  I think it's going to be fantastic in the summer and autumn.  Or all year round with tights and a long sleeved vest!  I bought it in 12-18 months so it's a bit big just yet.

Have you grabbed any children's clothes bargains recently?

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