Saturday 13 September 2014

Swing time! Having fun close to home.

Some weekends you just want to take it easy.  Of course, there's a limit to how "easy" your weekend can be with young children in tow.  Gone are long lazy lie-ins, drunken nights out, hangover Sundays, or, in our case, 48 hour The Sims marathons (yes, for real. Shush now).

Quite often we go out for the day.  We visit a National Trust property, go for walks, a picnic.  Those sorts of things.. but sometimes we just want to hang out at home and then pop out to a park for a bit.  That's exactly what we did last Saturday.

We took ourselves for a coffee and after that took a small drive to a playground near my parents house (where we were going to stay that night) and spent 45 minutes mucking around on climbing frames and having a long swing-a-thon.

Despite the fact it might seem a bit boring and run of the mill, we actually had a really enjoyable tome and managed to take a fun family photo of all of us on the swings - no mean feat with just the camera on my Nexus and no one to take the photo.  I had to get the boys swinging then run around in front to position the phone, start the timer and jump on a swing myself.  It came out well though!

Do you just keep it simple sometimes?  Linking up with Coombe Mill for #CountryKids.

1 comment:

  1. It s the everyday family fun like this that you will look back on fondly. Great to capture and thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.


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