Thursday, 11 September 2014

Trendy Thursday - Socks, socks, glorious socks!

I do like a nice pair of feature socks.  Is that a thing?  You know, like a feature wall.  Check out my feature socks!

What am I on about you're wondering.. Well, right now I'm really loving socks worn pulled up (you know, geek stylee, the opposite to how you would have worn them at school in the '90s) and preferably with a cute design on them.

I'm really in love with Bebedepino socks, they are total awesomeness.  The best place to buy them is via Gnome and Post, they stock quite a few of the designs available (and watch your credit card, they stock loads of other cool brands!).

Bebedepino socks, Marmalade Sky Baby

Another place I discovered is The Bamboo Design.  They stock a few pairs of adorable socks.  Ethan has a pair with snow clouds and lightening on.  Felix has "little drummer boy" socks.  I particularly like the drummer boy pair.  The biggest problem I have is taking a photo of him wearing them!!

The Bamboo Company

The Bamboo Company

The Bamboo Company

He's always on the move.  Not very helpful for someone who blogs about kids fashion!   Anyway, despite the photos not being the best, hopefully you can see just how cute these socks are!

Is it just me pulling my boys' socks up?  Have you got any especially cute pairs you like to put your children in?  Why not share your kids fashion posts below.  Just don't forget to comment here and on a few others who join in and to link to my blog (or display my badge). Thank you!


  1. Can definitely emphatically with the difficulty of taking pictures of toddlers, the damn things never stay still :) cute socks!

  2. Cute socks and I also agree - they never stay still for pics! xx

  3. I love knee high socks on kids - both boys and girls and those cloud ones are just the cutest ever!

  4. Hurray for learning how to comment. Love all those socks. Knee highs are the best. I wear them all the time in summer too. 😃

  5. Your son is gorgeous and those socks rock! Thanks for linking up to #fashionfriday x

  6. Cuteness, I have never thought about socks pulled up but I am loving the look, reminds me of knee socks when I was a kid.
    I am loving the neon Raglan tee, beaut

    1. It's an amazing tee, isn't it! Kenzie Jaws if you ever check her stuff out, I love it! Yeah, socks pulled up remind me of being little as well! x


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