Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Lustings.. Pray for Trax Necklace

Being a huge Instagram fan, I'm always finding something new to lust over.. something I'm currently really keen to get my hands on is one of these gorgeous necklaces made by Mrs Paulie.  The neclaces were created by the lovely lady and her son and the idea behind them is to raise funds for Trax, a young boy with Cystic Fibrosis.

Pray For Trax Necklace
Image Source: The Little Vikings

What do I love about these necklaces?  Well, first and foremost they are for a good cause.  Buying one raises money to help a child.  That's a good thing.  On top of that, they look cool.  They are unique.  They are appealing to adults and children.  They are also suitable for children to wear due to their magnetic lock.  What's not to like?
Image source: The Little Vikings

The problem I have is that these necklaces are hard to come by.  Mrs Paulie is based in Australia.  The necklaces are socked via her website and a small group of stockists.  The necklaces are in such demand they often sell out within hours.  As we're in a different time zone in the UK, I keep missing out!

I'm hoping, really hoping, that one day soon I'll be able to buy one or two of these necklaces.  Perhaps one for me and one for Ethan.  That would be lovely!

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