Friday, 19 December 2014

Mutiny Kids - an online kids style magazine

Have you heard about Mutiny Kids?  My lovely friend Sooby, of #standingbythewall fame and her friend Lili have created an amazing online magazine focusing on kids fashion, style and interiors.  It's a must read for those of you who love anything a bit funky and different.  If you ever need any inspiration it's the place to go!

Mutiny Kids have a very cool Instagram feed which is well worth a look and issue 1 of the mag is available here.  I'm very proud to have been involved with this issue, choosing some outfits for a "one item three ways" piece.  That was an experience in image editing, I can tell you, with my limited expertise and equipment!!

Go have a read.  I'm pretty sure it's the next big thing!

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