Monday, 2 March 2015

I let my son dress me! #styledbymykid

Did you read about the lady who let her toddler dress her a few weeks ago?  One of my friends pointed the story out to me and it got me really excited.

I'm always picking what my boys wear.  Now Ethan is a bit older he sometimes asks to pick his own clothes, or I ask him what colours or clothes he feels like wearing, but very often he's still happy for me to pick.  Felix doesn't really mind one way or the other yet.

I thought it would be fun to switch roles for a few days so over half term a couple of weeks ago I let Ethan choose my outfits for five days and I shared them on Instagram with the tag #styledbymykid and #styledbyethan.

Ethan enjoyed getting to pick what I'd be wearing.  I asked him to pick the night before because mornings can be a bit manic and that way we had time to have a proper look through my wardrobes and draws.

At first I think he found it a bit overwhelming, having so much to choose from and not normally being faced with such choice!  After a few days he was really getting into it though and this morning he asked if he can dress me again at the weekend!

Styled By My Kid

I enjoyed not having to think about what to wear for a few days.  It was a bit unnerving not knowing what I'd be put in. Generally speaking though, he did an excellent job and every photo I shared received a positive response!

Styled By My Kid

I'd recommend giving it a go - we found it to be a fun bonding experience, a good way to spend a bit of time together!  It was good to be able to talk about what type of clothes were suitable for different circumstances and weather conditions etc.

Linking up with Style Me Sunday, Mummy's Got Style and Rachel The Hat.


  1. I love it Alex, Ethan is a budding stylist!

  2. He did really well. I wouldn't have known you weren't dressing yourself from these outfits if you hadn't said. He's obviously got a good eye!

  3. What fun! I saw the story, too. But I think I am too much of a chicken to give it a go! Your little guy did a great job! Thanks for inviting me to Funky Kid Friday. I will have to join the link up!


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