Have you seen my new feature? Once a week I'm going to write about brands/cool feeds/crafty folks that I've found on Instagram. I'm calling it Instaspiration and it will be published on Saturdays (I think that's the time of week people have a bit of time for some inspiration!). I love stumbling across new brands, especially small start up businesses, work at home Mum's, UK businesses etc. Instagram is the perfect place for this.
A brand I love on Instagram is Ryder L. I've been following them for a while and have wanted to make a purchase for ages. Something I've noticed about Ryder L is that they have a very defined style and a particularly good range of accesories, especially hats!
In the end it was a hat I decided to purchase. Ethan really likes a cap for Spring/Summer. They come in very handy for school as well. We can never have too many hats, it's good to have a few at home, one in the car, one for school etc. Ryder L have the coolest range of snap back caps I've seen. It was hard to choose which one to go for but in the end I chose the one with DUDE on the back - my boys are often described as dudes when I post pics of them on IG!
I was hoping to be able to share a photo of Ethan wearing the cap but unfortunately the post person decided to deliver my parcel to the wrong address - goodness knows where! As a result it's ended up back at Ryder L HQ. They are very kindly sending it straight back out to us, but how odd!!
Luckily there are loads of gorgeous pictures from the Ryder L shop for me to share.
Something else very exciting - Ryder L are holding a Brand Enthusiast search on IG at the moment. If you have stylish kids you might want to enter. Details are on IG but it's running for a few more days so go check it out!
Over to you guys now - got a kids fashion post? Link up below! Please link to me in your blog posts and tweet me your links so I can RT!
Have a lovey Friday :-) xx
Great idea for a feature as you are so active on IG :) nice to lern about new brands!