Tuesday 24 March 2015

Win with Wall Pops!

We love wall stickers in our household.  For us it started quite a long time ago now.  About 8 or 9 years ago I think.  Back then it was really hard to find wall stickers in the UK.  I fact, I don't think you could.  I remember importing some from America where they are known as decals.

These days it's much easier to get wall stickers/decals in the UK and the choice is amazing.  There are endless styles, patterns, types.  I love that you can get chalkboard wall stickers now.  Such a fun idea.

Wall Pops are a company selling wall stickers over here and they have a fantastic selection.  My favorite picks are the chalkboard stickers and the Jonathan Adler range.  It'd be hard not to find something you like!

Wall Pops have kindly agreed to give one of my readers £40 to spend with them!  Want to be in with a chance?  Complete the rafflecopter below and it could be you!

Good luck! The winner will be announced shortly after the giveaway ends on the 1st of April.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Open internationally? I'm in the United States and would like to participate

    1. Hi - sorry, this one is UK only I'm afraid. Thanks for your interest though!

  2. i liked on facebook charlene smith x


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