Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Boo! Crash! Trendy Toddler Tuesday.

Welcome to Trendy Toddler Tuesday!  If you've not taken part before and you have some trendy children, why not join in today?  I'm always looking for new people to join in and it's such a fantastic way to get inspiration for children's clothing!

I thought I'd share some Halloween and Firework photos today.  Not the most exciting outfit wise, I'll admit, but I've not taken many photos of Ethan in cool outfits over the last week so it's the best I can do for now - will try to have something more "trendy" for next week!

Last Wednesday was Halloween and Ethan attended a party at a friends house with all his other little friends (all from our antenatal group - it's nice to be in touch still, 3 and a half years down the line!).  He had a fantastic time.  It was a lovely afternoon, no tears, no one fell out, no fighting over toys.  The children all had their faces painted.  Ethan wanted to be a scary dog, but the colours were limited, so please excuse my face painting skills, it looks a little strange!!  Plus, as always, he sweated bits of it off!!

For Halloween, Ethan wore a cute Bat costume I got from a charity shop in town.  It only cost me £1.25.  I didn't realise until I got it home that it was 18-24 months.  It just about fitted him though, it's fine for dressing up!  Ethan loved flapping his bat wings around.  Great fun!

This weekend just gone we visited my Uncle and Aunt in Dorset and whilst we were there we went to a firework display.  Ethan is somewhat obsessed with fireworks.  He doesn't like the hanging around though.  The display didn't start until 8pm (which is pretty normal for firework displays I find) and if it weren't for Angry Birds on Daddy's phone, I'm not sure what we would have done!  Once it started though, he was entranced.  Bangs don't seem to phase him at all.  It was so cute, he was making lovely "Ooooo" and "Wow!" noises and describing the fireworks as various different things like wiggly worms, or trees with stars on them.  Lovely.

Ethan's pair of Slugs & Snails tights came in very handy again for keeping him warm - he wore them under his trousers.  To keep him extra snug and to save his clothes from mud he wore an all in one suit from Hippychick.  I am loving this all in one.  It's waterproof, windproof and big enough to fit plenty of layers underneath.  Another great thing about it is how adjustable it is on the wrists, hood, waist and bottom of the legs.  I can see this fitting Ethan for a good while.  You can machine wash it as well!!

All in one - Hippychick
Hat - ebay
Scarf - H&M (similar)
Gloves - Christmas present from last year.

Did you do anything for Halloween and Bonfire night?  I hope you stayed warm!

Now for your part - it's easy to join in with Trendy Toddler Tuesday.  Simply write a blog post about what your child/ren have been wearing, include some photos and link up below!  There are a few rules:

1) Please display the TTT badge (available to the side) and link to my blog in your blog post.
2) Tweet me your link so I can RT and share!
3) Please comment on this blog post and visit others who've joined in and comment on theirs - share the love!

Thank you to all who join in!



  1. My girls are 8 and 11,can I still join in?!

    1. Yes!! Definitely! I'm actually thinking of dropping the toddler part of the title anyway, because my son is well over 3 and more of a preschooler than a toddler!

  2. Love little ethans Bat costume and his Hippychick all in one, its lovely and bright.Your firework pictures are ACE! x x

  3. Ethan looks real cute:)Fireworks are amazing!



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