Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Kensington Uggs - my new "go to" boots

I won't deny I like Ugg boots.  I know lots of people hate them, think they are chunky, unattractive and impractical   Each to their own - though I do suspect many people who hold that opinion are basing it on a) fake Uggs they've seen on people, the ones that tend to go baggy and make people scuff along the floor when they walk and b) have never worn a (genuine) pair.  They are just so comfy.

I bought my first pair of Uggs (short classic in a tan colour) when we were on honeymoon in America.  I knew I'd be able to get them for a good price there due to the exchange rate (there's no denying that Uggs are pricey).  I bought them in Macys in San Francisco.  They travelled through 9 different states with us and then came back on the plane, keeping my feet lovely and snugg.  I still have them now and still wear them.  I have looked after them very well and they are still in good condition.  I don't think I could ever part with them due to where they came from and where they've been....

Whilst I love my classic Uggs, it has to be said that they don't fair well in the rain.  I don't wear them in the rain at all.  If it even looks like it might rain, I won't put them on.  Even though they don't go in the rain at all, I still keep them protected with sheepskin protector.  Just in case!  However, I've always lusted after a pair of Ugg like boots that would keep my feet toasty but that I wouldn't have to worry about (so much) in the rain... I then discovered the Kensington Uggs on  Now, these are leather boots, not suede and as such, won't go sopping wet in the rain.  I don't suppose you could call them "waterproof" exactly.  They are leather and we all know leather can stain and be affected by water, buuuuuuuuuuuuut they are infinitely more practical that classic suede Uggs.  You can even polish them if you want to make them repel water!

Glasses - Gok @ Specsavers
Earrings - Room.31
Cardigan - New Look (old)
Dress - ASOS Maternity
Necklace & Ring - New Look (old)
Navy tights - H&M Maternity
Kensington Uggs -

I'd read online that you should by the size up from your normal size, but I didn't because in my experience  when you wear Uggs, the wool inside gets flattened down over time, moulding to your feet and if you buy the next size up, within a couple of weeks you could have a saggy wobbly pair of boots.  I'm glad I stuck with this choice because when they arrived on Monday and I slipped them on, they were perfect.  They went on like a dream, I didn't have to yank and pull to get them on.  They are firmer and hold their shape better than classic Uggs due to the leather being stronger.  I've already worn them out in the rain and they coped well.  I think you'll be seeing a lot of these boots on my blog from now on!!

I couldn't be happier with my new boots!!  I have to say I'm very happy with the customer service I received from Cloggs as well, I've used them quite a few times over the last few years and I've always been pleased.  My packages come quickly, everything is well packaged.  Most of all though, they have great prices.  Their Ugg boots are often a good £20-£25 cheaper than on other sites and they have free postage which helps.

I'm linking up today with Transatlantic Blonde, The Pleated Poppy and Everybody Everywhere.  Thank you for reading! x

***All opinions expressed in this blog post are my own. very kindly offered me 40% off my new boots in exchange for a feature on my blog***


  1. LOVE the stripes, love your style and awesome boots!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I'm still loving them a few months on!

  3. I LOVE the striped dress...........and the whole layered look!!!

  4. What do you use to protect the Uggs Kensington boots? I just got some and want to make they stay nice for as long as I can. :)

    1. Hi Jen! Well, they are leather so I think the best thing is to buy some polish in a matching colour which you can treat them with from time to time. Polish usually has some natural water resistance built in to it.. I haven't done this yet. I've worn my boots out in the rain but they've not received a massive soaking, just got a bit wet. Usually I dry them off pretty quickly but there have been a few occasions where they've got wet and I've not been able to do that and they still look great. These are much more practical than suede boots that's for sure! x

  5. Those are more practical than suede UGGS. However, I would like it if they were completely waterproof. I don't like getting leather shoes or leather boots wet. It makes them deteriorate faster plus you can't wear them again until they're dry and that doesn't happen quickly.

  6. Hi, I just bought Kenningston boots, my first pair of Uggs. I was getting tired of getting cold feet and after an hour of walking my feet were killing me so I decided to go for warm and comfort and I love my boots. I had 1/2 can left from my other leather boots of mink oil spray, so I sprayed one coat until I emptied the aerosol can. I then bought mink oil in a can you apply a thin layer with a cloth and wait till it is completely dry (or use a hair dryer) and then apply another thin layer. I live in Canada so wanted to be sure I had a few coats. You should be good for several months then you may need to reapply once if they get really wet from snow/rain. Mink oil conditions and waterproofs leather but it does not work on suede. If you wore your boots last year just make sure they are clean first and then you can apply the mink oil at any time. I find the round tin can works best it is a little messy and a little more work than to just spraying it all over but it works better to waterproof your boots.

  7. They look pretty comfortable, and warm. Personally, I would have chosen an even darker color.


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