Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Trendy Tuesday - rocking out his own style

When it's a school day, clothes aren't so much fun.  They are more practical, more "I don't mind if this get's ruined".  I tend to dress Ethan in a school jumper/t shirt and cheap jeans/second hand tops.  I pick stuff up at the charity shop or he wears hand me downs from his cousin.  Wearing nice stuff to preschool just isn't really worth it.  As children go, Ethan isn't very messy, he doesn't really like to get his clothes too messy. Probably because he's spent his life hanging around with me and as a result he's learned to be neat and tidy.  Most of the time.  This probably explains the fact I've found him polishing the mirror in his bedroom lately.  Hmmmm...

Anyway.  What am I on about?  Well, as I was saying, school day clothes aren't as exciting or expressive or stylish as other days.  Often I choose outfits for other days of the week for Ethan, but I do like to offer him a few things to choose from.  Sometimes he chooses the whole outfit.

A few weeks ago I moved age 4 clothes into his wardrobe seeing as he's nearly 4 and has grown recently.  This has meant there are lots of new items for Ethan to wear.  Something he's been eager to wear is a funky purple top from H&M with one of their crazy prints on it.  I've been holding it back because it's age 4-6 and to be honest, too big for Ethan, but he kept getting it out of the wardrobe.  On Friday, I relented.  After all, he wants to wear it, what does it matter if it's a bit big?  He teamed it with a pair of Polarn O Pyret trousers (which despite being age 3 are still too big really!) and, best of all, his bow-tie   A bit of an unusual look but if Ethan was happy, that's all that mattered!  The bow-tie was made by my lovely friend and fellow blogger Lise.  You may know her, she writes over at How To Be A Domestic Disgrace.  You should check her blog out if you haven't before, she's most amusing!!

Top - H&M
Trousers - Polarn O Pyret (similar)

What have your little ones been wearing this week?  Do you let them choose what they wear?

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  1. Very creative! I love it when kids have a bit of input into their own outfits - they carry it off so well!

  2. Ahhh he looks so cute, i love the bow tie.
    I've started letting Seb have a bit of a say in what he wears, i think it helps them feel grown up! x

    1. Yes, you're right, I think it does. I know Ethan is extra proud on the days when he's helped put together his outfit! x

  3. Joseph is always getting himself dressed and sometimes I look at him and think 'oh my!' Lol but let him get on with it! Loving Ethan's bow tie! We have a few in our collection too x

    1. Haha!! I love the way your boys dress - they have serious style! I thought of them and you when posting about the bow tie! x

  4. School clothes should be comfortable for kids in order not to annoy them during school time. I really find kids wearing jumpers for boys and a dress for girls. Hi Ethan! You’re really gorgeous! I believe you will grow up to the good looking and wonderful person. So don’t be naughty! Have a nice day!

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