Friday 11 September 2015

Funky Kid Friday - changes afoot!

I have exciting news my lovelies!  It has been more than apparent that I have been struggling with hosting FKF in recent times.. because I suck at blogging/being a blogger/life has been getting in the way.  The super lovely Hannah who writes over at Make, Do and Push contacted me and asked if I'd be interested in having a co-host and I bit her text finger off!

Sooooo... as from now, Hannah and I will host Funky Kid Friday TOGETHER! Yay!  I for one am very excited about this.  I'm happy to have some "new blood" involved, as it were, I'm happy because I like Hannah and her blog.  I love her style, ethos.  There are a lot of similarities between us (love of non gender specific kids clothes, home birth, hypno birthing) so I think we'll do a great job.  It'll take a bit of pressure off me which is just as well because IT LOOKS LIKE WE'LL BE MOVING HOUSE IN UNDER TWO WEEKS OH HELL!!!!

I'm hosting this week, Hannah will host next week and so on.  Other than having two hosts, it'll be the same as ever.  Link up your new, and old, if you wish, kids fashion posts.  Please do visit others who join in.  Comment here, comment there, comment everywhere!  Spread the word.  Tweet us so we can RT your links.  Link back to whoever is hosting that week in your post (please do do this, it's a big part of it) and then get excited, because it might be your post that gets picked as our favorite from that week!

That very neatly brings me on to my top pick from last week.  I adored all 4 from last week but the item of clothing I most loved was Addison's Gardner & The Gang dress.  A brand who I've known about for a while now and do like, but for some reason have never bought.  Addy looking so cool has made me think I really need to rectify that!  If you want to read again, pop over here to Kara's lovely blog.

Now.  On to this week.  The linky is below.  As I'm a bit snowed (clothed) under this week (I've got to sort out a pile of clothing that needs to be sold that is now taller than me!) I'm just going to link a post of mine from earlier in the week below.  Please link up your own, and.. you know the drill!

Next week we'll be over to Make Do & Push to link up!

Happy Friday!


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