September. One of my favorite months. Of course, it is the month that sees the return to school and the end of the summer but I often find that weather in September is lovely. Days are often quite warm and sunny but there is the added benefit of slightly snugglier nights in and dewy morning mists with autumnal fragrances in the air. Autumn, that season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.
Leaving June and July far behind, it's the time of year where layers are extremely useful. It's not quite time to bring out the winter coat, it's not cold enough. But the winds can bite and the rains come down all year round!! I find with my boys it works well if they wear a fleece and then we carry a fold up mac or thin raincoat which can be used on top.
A brand I think do this very well are Joules. Their fleeces are warm and very soft. Soft being key with my boys and many children I think! No one likes scratchy clothing! The Joules clothing range includes a variety of coats and jackets ranging from thinner fold up rain macs. These are great for popping over thick jumpers or fleeces but also easy to carry around. I like to keep pack up macs in our car for emergencies! I also keep one for myself in our buggy shopping bag. You never know! It's true that you can pick up cheaper rain macs but I can vouch for the quality in these, something you appreciate when the rains start to fall and the wind blows. The elastic is tight enough and the zips are tough. I've been caught out before in cheap macs and ended up wet and freezing!
I don't just think about coats in Autumn, I take a good look our wellies, check they still fit and, most importantly, check they are watertight! Another thing I've learnt to check from experience. Puddles aren't quite so much fun when you can actually feel them! Over the years we've had various brands of wellies but my favorites have to be Hunter and Joules (again!). We all currently have Hunter but Ethan just grew out of his Joules mustache print wellies (can't wait for Felix to fit them!) and I just had to replace my pheasant print ones are a few years hard use! I rate both brands for wellies, they are hard wearing, warm and have chunky soles with good grip. Very useful when chasing a two year old around a muddy wood!
What are your essentials for Autumn? Anything you can't do without? I'd love to know!
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