Monday, 7 January 2013

Happy 2013!

Happy New Year all! I'm back.  I really, really needed a break from my blog over Christmas and the new year.  I love having a blog, but it can be hard work at time, and that's just it, I don't want it to feel like "work" or forced.  So, I'm back, somewhat refreshed.  Only somewhat, because how refreshed can a pregnant woman be?!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year?  Overall, we had a good time. Pete had to work a few days here and there which was a bit annoying, breaking up the holiday a bit and making it feel a bit funny.  We've been lucky the last few years and Pete has been able to take 2 weeks or so off (his birthday is 4th Jan so he usually stays off work til then).  It did make Christmas a bit odd because Pete had to go into work on Christmas Eve (not so bad), New Years Eve and then back to work properly on the 2nd... I know it could be far worse, but it put a slight dampener on things for us.  Overall though, it was a good time.  Ethan LOVED Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  I think he found it all a bit overwhelming, even though we didn't go crazy with presents.. but it's still so much, especially with a stocking as well!!  I think one of the funniest things was finding him in bed with his stocking on Christmas night covered in chocolates and marshmallows (or mashymoes as he calls them).  What a sticky mess.

On New Years Eve, we let Ethan stay up with us.  It wasn't a crazy night, just the three of us (and bump) watching TV and playing games.  At midnight our neighbours held a firework display which Ethan stayed up for - he ended up staying up until nearly 1am which amazed me (Pete fell asleep on the sofa!!) and he loved the fireworks.  He never really caught up on that missed sleep but it doesn't seem to have had an affect.

New Years Eve was exciting for another reason because we had our 20 weeks scan and found out the sex of baby 2!  If you've missed the news, we're expecting another boy! I must admit I was hoping for a girl so we'd get to experience both, but you get what you get and what we're getting (unless they're wrong, but it didn't look like that to me!) is another boy.  A little brother for Ethan.

Dress - bought from New Look in 2008 when I was last pregnant - not maternity, just a size up from normal!

I'm 21 + 2 now and hoping I've passed the half way mark.  I made it to 42 weeks with Ethan, so when everyone was saying to me at 19/20 weeks "Oooo, half way now!" I must admit I've been thinking... possibly not!!  I am very happy to report that over the last two days I HAVEN'T FELT SICK!!!!!  I don't know if that will last, but it's amazing!! A nasal spray from the doctors is allowing me to breath at night again so I'm able to sleep... that is helping a lot... and *shhhh* I think my energy levels are picking up a little.  I still have itchy huge uncomfortable boobs of doom, but we can't have everything, can we!

Today marks the start of getting back into the routine of every day life.  Ethan is back at preschool despite protesting and I am back blogging... Tomorrow marks the return of Trendy Tuesday so if you're reading today and you have a trendy child in your life, pop back tomorrow and link up a blog post showing off their style!!

I'm linking up today's post with Visible Monday, Sunday Style and Watch What I'm Wearing.


  1. LOVE your Christmas Day look gorgeous, and your family's holiday sounds like a lovely, peaceful interlude. It's been a while since I was pregnant (okay, 18 years!), but I remember the thrill and terror of it all as if it were of luck to you!

  2. I missed the news that it was a boy! Congrats!! :)
    You look amazing everyday but especially wonderful in your Christmas Dress. So glad you are back, even though I see you everyday on IG ;)

  3. Congrats on the baby news - he looks like a big boy! : > and you look gorgeous in your holiday dress. Thanks for linking up to Visible Monday.

  4. I love your dress!! Congratulations on another boy, i have 2 and it is so much fun :)

  5. You like divine! Beautiful mum, adorable family ... what a great start to a New Year!

  6. Happy New Year! I love your festive place!

  7. Congratulations on your blue bump! Just like me! xx

  8. yayyy hello and welcome little baby boy! Ethan is going to make the best big brother and how lovely, as they grow older they will be as thick as thieves! and you are looking gorgeous in your glam dress! seriously wonderful. hope you are feeling better now hun xxxx


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